open sea

Chapter 606 Package

Chapter 606 Package
The caravel ship with its bow facing the flying shark's bow is called Silverfish, and the one behind it is called Lina, and they are armed merchant ships funded by two noble explorers. Their mission is to protect St. Carter who is anchored farther away. Linna Clark sailing ship.

It was a merchant ship belonging to the Portuguese royal family, preparing military resources for the kingdom's African conquest. Because the commercial goods were not fully purchased from the port, it temporarily stopped in Mogadishu.

At the moment they saw the flying shark, several officers on board weighed the pros and cons in a very short time, and decided to snatch this huge and beautiful merchant ship. With only a few changes, this ship from the Ming Dynasty Enough to arm twenty guns, to carry forty sailors and seventy troops.

Recently, there have been rumors in the country that His Royal Highness the King seems to be preparing to go to war against the Moroccans and conquer the most powerful enemy in West Africa in one fell swoop. At that time, this ship will come in handy.

As for whether the looting of Ming ships will affect the relationship between Portugal and the Ming country, and whether it will make the Eastern General Chen Mu angry, it is not within their scope of consideration-no one will be angry because of a merchant ship, let alone them. He is fully sure that no one on this open ship will be let go.

It would be a fight that didn't exist - if it was really a merchant ship.

The captain of the Silverfish gave orders to the sailors who were about to jump, and several wooden barrels filled with grease were pushed out and laid flat on the deck.

The experienced sailor held a short spear and a sailor's ax stood beside the musketeer on the ship's side, and a few hooks were swung out in a circle by the strong Portuguese sailor. The red cross on the big sail bows its head and prays.

The moment the flying shark raised its sails, all the sailors on the caravel were ready to pursue.

Doubtless what is a merchant ship hoisting its sails for but to flee?
The Franco cannon on the ship's side failed to penetrate the thick ship's plank, even the bronze cannon. This made the captain of the Yinyu look at the flying shark with more eyes, but the cannonball that managed to penetrate the ship's plank seemed to be He was thrown away after breaking the plank of the ship, which made him very puzzled-what was put behind the side of the ship to bounce the shells away?

There was another burst of matchlock guns. Normally, the merchant ship should surrender at this time, because the caravel ship is also very fast, and they have always been full of sails. At this moment, they are flanking back and forth... No, there is no flanking back and forth, Although the Flying Shark Ship is different from their bulky sails, which are slowly pulled up from the bottom up, so the speed increases slowly, but at this time it seems that the speed is comparable to that of the Caravel Ship.

They failed to intercept the bright ship that turned around, and even the bright ship that came later turned the left side of the ship towards their warship. In a blink of an eye, the distance between the two sides was less than a hundred meters, and the Yinyu sprinted with full sail, but was still gradually lost by the bright ship. After catching up, the captain saw that the portholes of the open ship were opened, revealing several dark muzzles.

"Tricked, this is a warship!"

There were only three cannons on the side of the Flying Shark Hundred Households, but they were fired by the pirates, not to mention that the pirate gunners could not fire the cannons at the same time as Yang Ce, even if they fired at the same time, it would be useless. Sanzi, the sound of the cannon sounded, the flames burst out, and the iron nail fragments and projectiles sprayed out the fan surface thirty steps to the left of the ship, as if they were cute.

The most irritating thing was that Yang Ce heard the gunner on the side of the firing cannon yelling loudly, "Mother, you pretended to be the wrong gun!"

Yang Ce's cannon didn't hit the target, and the five-jin shell passed through the sea and hit the bow of the enemy's ship in an instant. A sailor in a beige shirt who was rushing to carry the shell rushed to the path that the shell must pass, caught the shell with his head, and his head shattered into red in the blink of an eye. Bai, the cannonball hit the adjutant next to the captain of the Silver Fish unabated, blasting through the breastplate with tremendous force, causing the body to fly backwards, hitting the side of the ship heavily, and the breastplate on the back was cracked hideously by bones and shells .

Flesh and blood wet the deck.

This cannon really frightened the captain of the Yinyu, the shell was only one person away from him, but the situation didn't even allow him to hide, because the distance between the two sailboats was rapidly approaching, and the open ship didn't have the slightest thought of turning around. Quickly ran to the rudder to command: "The enemy ship has guns, but they can't aim properly, turn left with full rudder!"

There was only one fight, and even though they were frightened by the shells fired by Yang Ce, the experienced noble officers could still see that the gunners on the ship were just a mob—was anyone shooting shotguns at a distance of [-] meters?
Three cannons were fired one after another, only one shot landed on the ship, and the other shot missed at a distance of [-] meters. Even though their deceitful strategy seized the opportunity earlier, Captain Yinyu still firmly believed that he would win under the glory of the Lord. : "When this ship is taken down, I will throw everyone into the sea to feed the fish!"

The helmsman took command immediately, the rudder made an overwhelmed squeaking sound, the brigantine sailed for a ride, and the Silver Fish quickly yawed to the left in order to avoid the seemingly intentional impact of the flying shark. Then, the loaded Buddha on the starboard side Langji and matchlock guns fired back at the fast approaching flying sharks one after another.

Yang Ce's side was no exception. The belligerent pirates hid behind the ship's side until the battle began. At this time, each of them held up their guns, matchlocks or flintlocks to aim and shoot at the enemy ship. The rough sea made the firearms ineffective. Good, but the small and intensive firepower of both sides is shocking.

The flying shark with its huge crane wings and sails looks like a butterfly on the sea. With one against two, it makes gunfire smoke intermittently on both sides of the ship, and there are even feathered arrows and fire arrows in the middle.

The flying shark didn't want to hit the silver fish. Except for the gunner on the port side led by Yang Ce, the rest of the control was in the hands of the flesh-faced Sun Liu. His target was the Lina chasing from the right.

As the first Hoklo leader to join Lin Feng's command, Sun Liu had followed Lin Feng through sea and land battles, and he had his own set of mature naval battle theories. Army, Sun Liu is also one of the best, so he knows that the situation is not as favorable as they are at this moment.

The single-side artillery of the two enemy ships is only three or four, and the caliber is not too large. In the battle, the deterrent power is huge, but it has no ability to determine the outcome of the battle. It can only be used as a means to reduce the opponent's sailors. It depends on the boarding battle.

The boarding battle is precisely the weakness of the Baihu. They only have fifty or sixty sailors who can fight, while the enemy's two warships have eighty or ninety, and the armor and armor of these pirates must be no better than the opponent. Once they fall into a hand-to-hand battle Stalemate, they must lose.

Sun Liu wanted to take advantage of the boat to get rid of the enemy's trailing Lina first, and the others, don't care if they hit the Yinyu or something else - don't worry about it!
"He turned? Good! Go over there, point your butt towards the enemy ship behind, let it eat shit!"

The Flying Shark and the Silver Fish were parallel one after the other, faintly surpassing the Silver Fish by a bow, and the Lina that followed was powerless, and was hung behind dozens of steps apart. The guns moved toward the bow, hoping to aid the Silverfish in battle.

Sun Liu greeted his thin younger brother loudly, and the sharp-billed, monkey-cheeked Sun Jiu gave a strange laugh, took the guns on the ship's side and handed them to the left and right, and ran quickly to the stern cabin.

But for a moment, a piece of the sea chart on the waterline at the stern was tilted, and the kerosene was poured out, floating on the sea surface with the flying shark moving forward, and the Lina followed closely. A thin, shirtless figure stood at the stern of the enemy ship and threw a torch into the sea.

Seeing the raging fire, seeing the storm swell, it traveled through dozens of steps in a moment, and wrapped the Lina tightly inside!

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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