open sea

Chapter 617 Lima

Chapter 617 Lima
South Asia Melica, Peru, Lima.

45 years ago, the Spanish pirate Francisco Pizarro led a fleet to invade. In a message to the Inca King Atahualpa, he said: "Please tell your monarch to welcome him. As for when to come and how he will come, as he pleases. No matter how he comes, I will receive him as a friend and a brother. I beg him to come quickly, because I am eager to see him. He will not be hurt or hurt. insult."

What happened next?

During the meeting, Francisco Pizarro captured the Inca king by surprise attack and extorted a ransom of a house of gold and two houses of silver.

The real problem with things came when the Incas actually handed over a house of gold and two houses of silver.

After extorting a large amount of treasure, Francisco Pizarro perfidiously hanged him. In the months before the death of the Inca king, the Spaniards called in reinforcements from Panama. The real war began after the death of King Atahualpa. But at that time, the Incas were unable to recover, and the huge empire was declared dead.

Today, the Spaniards set up a governorship in Lima to govern all the surrounding lands. Although they still retain the title of Sapa Inca, Sapa has been just a puppet of the Spaniards since then.

In the port of Lima, three large ships that are different from Western-style large ships are slowly setting sail. On the black and red hull of the main body, there is a mark like a fish eye on the left and right sides. The three open ships are docked at the port. Compared with the Spanish warships, they are not big, and even armed merchant ships are bigger than them. With two masts and hard sails on the ship, it slowly rises to a relatively low position and slowly sets sail to the northwest.

The three lucky boats are prepared by Tang Juan for the envoys of the Ming Dynasty. The escort fleet consists of two large Galen and four small Galen. This fleet has an unrivaled deterrent force at sea.

Jesuit missionary José de Acosta was covered in a priestly robe with a look of expression. He took a deep look at the fleet of exotic styles that was drifting away. leave slowly.

"Go back to work, you dirty Mitas! The party is over!"

A procession of Indians, male and female, stripped of their robes and ankles tied with ropes, left the port led by a Spanish soldier and four half-Incas in mail shirts. There are not many Incas in the port, but there are more Spaniards and Portuguese here, and even Italians and French who come here to make a living.

In this city that symbolizes the source of European wealth, there are no Englishmen.

The conflict between Queen Elizabeth of England and King Philip has intensified, and the English will only hide at sea and plan attacks on their fleets again and again, just like the stillborn plan to attack the Ming fleet in the Viceroyalty of Peru.

"It's been a rough time, isn't it?"

Father Acosta looked at the soldiers escorting the Inca slaves with disgust, and whispered to the monks beside him.

Half an hour ago, a small number of Incas were dressed in extravagant fabrics and joined the send-off team of Ming envoys, because at the banquet in Lima, the flamboyant Ming people rudely said that they were tired of Xiyi For this reason, they not only prepared two chiefs who did not need to implement the Mita system to accompany the wine, but also selected a group of slaves to wash and put on clothes, just to get rid of these rude Ming people.

The Mita system is a corvee system tailored by the Spaniards for the Indians under the rule. In each village, except for the chief’s children and the sick and disabled, all adult men must implement it, and four months of compulsory corvee will be performed at a ratio of one out of seven each year. , engaged in labor assigned by the colonists.

Most of them are sent to mines, planting gardens, paving roads and building houses, and moving goods are also necessary.

In this era, from the suffering experienced by this land, the blood flowing out is silver, the dismembered flesh and blood is gold, and huge wealth is added to the trade circulating in the world. All countries in the world are affected by this wealth, not to mention the Spaniards. .

Wise monks have realized that their ideology is being challenged. During the time when the Salamanca school, which took an ethical and moral stance on the conquest of Indians, emerged and reached its peak, the Jesuits had replaced the Dominicans as the first Catholic church. A sect, political crisis and religious crisis broke out at the same time.

The conscience of the Spaniards is torturing themselves: Is the war just?Should Indians be compensated?

Especially at the beginning of this year, all the strongholds they set up along the coast of Mexico were wiped out by the Indians in North America. The priests couldn't help but ask themselves: Has the means of evangelization failed?

There are also war factions in Spain and the Viceroyalty of Peru who are fighting against the unfair treaty with the Ming Dynasty. They are trying to instigate a complete war of conquest against the Ming Kingdom at all levels to offset their frustration and crisis.

The consequences of the Battle of Guam for the Spaniards were too tragic. A large number of troops assembled in a small combat area and fought intensively and intensely. Up to [-] Spaniards joined the war, but almost every colonial family in the Viceroyalty of Peru lost one or more relatives.

More than [-] orphans who lost their fathers wandered idly in every corner of every city, making every inch of land seem so shocking.

Perhaps the nobles living in Madrid did not have to see such a situation, allowing them to sign a peace treaty with the Ming Dynasty, but in the Viceroyalty of Peru where the war was carried out, the aggressive Spanish conquistadors were not so easy to forget the shame brought to them by the war.

People have fallen into the extremes brought about by great setbacks. Among the people in the same country, there are actually two factions clearly drawn.

On the one hand, the whole country is preparing for a new war from the king down to the people. In the letters sent back from the country across the ocean, the Lord's forest was cut down and used to build the huge fleet to the east for the king's expedition.

On the other hand, the Salamanca School, which centers on ethics, morality, natural law and human rights, ushered in a new spring. Since the Battle of Guam, more and more monks agree with their theory that all human beings have A common essence, they also all share common rights, such as the right to liberty.

It is even argued that the 'people' itself is the medium of divine sovereignty, and that power flows to the king only under various circumstances. When the king is unjust, the 'people' can defy or even overthrow him.

The West does not have Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, and naturally it does not have the soul of democracy that is rooted in the blood of East Asia to fight against tyranny.

But at this moment, a different kind of democracy is growing wildly on this land like weeds, and one day it will become a raging fire that devours everything.

Father Acosta is a member of this school, and he whispered to his companions: "Let's go, the general meeting of the monks is about to begin."

 There should be horses in North America. Father Jose de Acosta, an eyewitness in Peru, said: There are horses in many places in America, and they grow very well.They are comparable to the best species in Spain. They can not only race and perform, but can also walk long distances and do rough work.

  This is contrary to the statement in the book "Guns, Germs and Steel" that the American horses were brought by the colonists, and the North American Indians ride small streaky horses, which are similar to the painted streaky horses left by the Tang Dynasty, not Andalus The kind of horse in West Asia.

  However, this is contrary to common sense, so it is not used in the book.

(End of this chapter)

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