open sea

Chapter 665

Chapter 665
"Has my mother allowed me to make a new military uniform?"

Undoubtedly, Chen Mu was invited into the back room of the palace again. This room, which looked like a combat staff room, was brightly lit and had actually become the emperor's study room.

On the table are the Four Books and Five Classics and several boxes of tomes brought by the eunuch from the Library Pavilion, and inside there is a large book, which is the Yongle Canon.

Behind the secret door was a pair of hangers brought by Nanyang Wei Chen's House, and the little emperor's yellow round-neck robe with twelve chapter patterns was placed on it. Er, who was happily wearing the uniform of the Beiyang Army, threw the little Wushayi Shanguan aside, got up and complained: "Hmph, this room is too small, you can't even hang a big map! "

Chen Mu looked down, the table in front of the little emperor was messy.

The "University" and "Shangshu" were placed upside down, but the "Tongjian" was stacked and placed on the mat on the floor. In the middle of the table case, several battle reports over the years were spread out, and only the familiar handwriting on the head was exposed under the table. It was written by Zhao Shizhen for the history of the battle in Lu Song. On the top is the history of Li Chengliang's attack on Wang Gao in Liaodong Town the year before last.

On the wall directly facing the table case, the map roll was pulled out, and the geographical map of Liaodong and Jianzhou was drawn using the drawing method taught by the Xuanfu Jiangwu Hall. Next to the table case, there was a pair of charcoal sketches. , with dark or light ink marks marking the marching route.

Chen Mu didn't respond to the little emperor's complaint, but just reminded him in a low voice: "Your Majesty, you are out of ink."


The little emperor was taking his favorite "Siamese servant" from the hand of the eunuch Wang An. He stretched out his hand halfway and heard Chen Mu's words. He even stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. With an ink mark on the back of his hand, he smirked twice, waved his hand boldly and said: "It's okay, I will eat again after you leave later."

"You came just in time. I have something to ask you for advice later, but don't be in a hurry." Wanli sat back at the table with the cat in his mouth, motioned for Chen Mu to sit opposite him, ordered Wang An to bring refreshments, and asked eagerly Said: "What did the queen mother say, but I didn't think so at all before!"

"The empress dowager ordered the ministers to supervise the manufacture of military uniforms and armor for your majesty. The main reason is that the ministers said that the emperor wants to control the military power. Maybe the empress dowager herself does not have much opinion on this matter, but the empress dowager also asked the ministers to convey a word to your majesty."

Chen Mu knew in his heart how much the little emperor wanted to be in charge of the government, and said: "The queen mother said: the emperor can go to the court or be in charge of the government, but the elders have to be consulted on major national affairs."

"Ask the old man?"

The little emperor's expression bloomed in a very vivid state, and finally almost met his eyes, and then he put his hands together suddenly, applauded and laughed: "I will definitely ask the teacher about everything!"

"Ah... two more years, two years!"

Shen Yin said this several times, the little emperor stretched his waist and complained again, as if he was suffocated, he said: "Chen Qing, do you know that I have worked very hard these few days!"

"I get up before dawn and go to court, and I don't go down until noon. Before I rest for a long time, I have to start reading. I read "Great Learning" ten times a day, and then read "Shangshu" ten times. "Great Learning" is okay. I used to read "Shangshu" and my stomach was empty until noon, but now I start reading at noon, and it will be dark after reading "Shangshu"!"

"After dinner, I have to read "Tongjian" again, and read the stories of the rise and fall of the previous dynasty. I don't have time to read the battle reports, let alone go to the Yumajian Caolanchang to ride a horse and shoot guns!"

"I can only find some comfort in these little servant girls every day in my spare time." When Wanli said this, his little hands slowly wrapped the cat's fur, tenderly like an adult, and he sighed for a long time before raising his head again and said: "I heard that there are merchants from Huizhou who have offered sea ships to the Eastern Military Government. Have you got enough ships for the expedition?"

Chen Mu nodded and said: "Yes, there is not much difference, and the food, wages and supplies are sufficient. I originally planned to set sail in mid-November, but His Majesty is going to hold a grand parade in Dagu right now, so the date of departure depends on when His Majesty will be available." It's time."

"If you have time, if you have time, it is a big event for the Eastern Army to set sail. I don't have to study for at least three days. This is a big event!"

The unlucky boy's eyes lit up as he said that, and said: "At that time, can I still board the boat to see, can I ride a horse on the Tianjin school grounds? I heard that you have cannons, can I also fire a few cannons? "

Where is the emperor!
What if you fell overboard in a boat?What if you fall off your horse?What do you do if you fired a cannon?
Chen Mu felt that there was an oversized shit bowl about to hit him on the head, and he had to dodge everything he said.

"This, I'm afraid the old man will have to make up his mind at that time."

The little emperor held up the dung basin firmly and threw it again: "But the teacher has recently met his father's funeral. Can the teacher still participate in such a grand ceremony? I'm afraid I can't come up with an idea!"

"Then it's up to the Queen Mother to make the decision."

"No, it's okay if I don't ride a horse and set off cannons? The queen mother always provokes the relationship between me and King Lu. We have a blind date, and she always says that King Lu will succeed me. Hmph, my younger brother will never want to drive me away. It's all her idea." The little emperor was full of confidence, and finally asked in a low voice: "Then let me go to the head office of the ship, this grand parade of the navy, should I just let me watch it at Dagukou? That's not possible!"

"The ship is named after my year name. Why don't you let me go up and take a look? Dayue fired guns and cannons again, which disturbed my mother and empress. Wang, when the time comes, you will also board the boat and watch us by my side, nothing will go wrong!"

The relationship between the little emperor and King Lu is really good, and his younger brother is not forgotten in this kind of thing, but the little king Lu is only nine years old, what can he understand?It is obvious that Chen Mu is used as a baby daddy.

"If His Majesty agrees to board the ship himself, and if His Majesty wants to bring King Lu, it's really not up to the minister to decide. I'm afraid we still have to ask the Queen Mother."

Little Wanli waved his hand a little irritably, and said: "Forget it, if you don't allow this or that, then we'll talk about it when the time comes. Anyway, Jing Haibo's preparations won't change when he goes back. I'll ask others."

"By the way, there is one more thing, it is military, you have to explain to me."

Wanli turned around sullenly, looked around on the table, clapped a battle report and asked Chen Mu: "Nanyang, Dongyang, Xiyang, Beiyang, how many real girls are under your command?"

Chen Mu was confused.

"Jurchen soldiers? This minister didn't count, there are Jurchen soldiers under the command of Li Rubai, Li Ruzhang, and Ma Gui, about [-]?"

"Three thousand."

Wanli nodded slowly, and then asked: "Then why Liaodong Li Zongbing can't kill all the Jurchen soldiers who are chaotic and chaotic, but when they arrive at Jinghaibo, they become soldiers with strict orders?"

"Your Majesty, this is different. The Jurchen soldiers I recruited are all poor hunters between the black mountains and the white waters. Even if the whole tribe is recruited, the whole tribe is only a family with dozens of people. Like the chiefs of the tribe, There is no one under his command; Liaodong Li Zongbing has many chiefs with soldiers and generals in their hands, rebellious, sudden surrender and rebellion, this has always been the problem of Ming Dynasty."

"The minister thinks that the main problem is that the imperial court cannot regard Jianzhou as one of its own people. People do not care about the number of people but the unevenness. If one favors the other, it will naturally cause the various ministries to rebel. However, the imperial court cannot do without a large-scale war of conquest. I will treat it as my confidant, otherwise no one can tell whether it is a wolf who has been lured into the house, and there have been many such stories in the past dynasties."

"However, America, which is overseas, is one of the possible solutions to this problem. Perhaps in the future, the imperial court can move Jurchen and Mongolia to Armorica on a large scale, as a fence for the imperial court, where the natural conflict between them and the imperial court will disappear. It's easier to integrate."

Wanli nodded slowly, as if he understood something.

(End of this chapter)

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