open sea

Chapter 731

Chapter 731
The accuracy of the newly-made Shenwei mechanism arrow has exceeded General Mang's expectations for the rocket.

Holding a binoculars, Shao Tingda saw eleven rockets spewing black powder and burning thick black and white smoke into the enemy's formation, and happily said to the left relatives: "Damn, the new rockets are so useful! Next, I want to write a letter to Carpenter Guan."

The guard looked bewildered and asked, "What to write?"

"Just write that when casting rocket shells, words will be cast on the outside, just cast, cast whatever you want, and the world will be peaceful?"

The rockets scurrying around and the dense Spanish phalanx are a perfect match made in heaven.

In a very short time, 36 rockets flew in the direction of Herrera, blowing up the dense and firm formation and almost scattered it.

But they did not disperse. Even though less than half of the soldiers in the two phalanxes could still hold their weapons and stand, after three rounds of rocket fire, more and more soldiers who were frightened by the explosion of the arrows and crawled to the ground stood up and looked at each other. Are there any wounds on the body.

Holding the red cross flag of New Spain, Herrera looked at the high helmet that was blown in two not far away with lingering fear, and looked around the army formation on horseback. Then he looked up at the Ming army slowly approaching in the formation. The military musician ordered: "Blow the bugle and call back the cavalry, we are in trouble."

Compared to the terrifying momentum of the rockets, the accuracy seemed a bit ridiculous. Most of the rockets landed on the deserted grass, and only three rockets actually landed in the phalanx, causing huge casualties to the soldiers of the mixed-blood legion.

Some of the other rockets were pushed into the soil by the gunpowder thrust when they hit the ground, and some were farther away. Unless the iron pellets exploded inside hit the Spaniard's face directly, most of the iron pellets were blocked by the armor.

The bugle sounded on the battlefield, and Herrera reined in the reins, and asked the accompanying monk who was holding a long pole and a huge cross: "Master, the enemy seems to be flanking us. Can we win?"

The chief chaplain holding a cross in one hand and a Bible in the other was old. He was praying when the regiment commander asked him a question, and he didn't immediately answer his superior.

After bowing his head and reciting a few verses silently, he slowly put the Bible back into his pocket, drew out the slender steel sword at his waist with his right hand, kissed the blade hastily, and then raised his head and said, "There are many enemies. Based on the experience of battle, the cavalry may not be able to hear the military music when they are far away from us, but God will definitely respond to the devout believers!"

"It's not time for monks to draw their swords, so you should keep an eye on this treasure."

Herrera pointed to the tall cross with a smile, handed over the banner to the subordinates, raised his arms on the horseback and waved the command scepter and shouted: "The artillery moved nine hundred feet to the east, and the infantry moved to the northern column of the artillery in an orderly manner." formation."

In the Renaissance era, the common image in the military portraits handed down by European nobles is wearing plate armor and holding a stick in his hand, which is the commanding staff.

Scepters can be long or short, and the length is related to their military traditions. Usually, the length of the commanding scepter is three feet, which is equal to the distance between the soldiers in the phalanx.

Herrera and his German sergeant major from Habsburg Austria also had command scepters, and that scepter was even more delicate, with a gold-plated square root watch at the end of the scepter.

The formation calculation guide published in Jiajing 42 by the Italian military engineer Genoromo Setagno can help the sergeant major quickly calculate the arrangement of the various arms of the phalanx with mathematics.

Herrera finished speaking, and then said to the standard bearer: "Take a few people to pretend to be frightened by this kind of weapon, and run to inform the three companies in the west forest. They attack from behind and we can still win the fight!"

After giving the order, the legion commander steered the steed and walked slowly towards the predetermined location, while raising his voice to boost the morale of his subordinate soldiers, saying: "Everyone will be flanked in this battle. The key to the victory or defeat is who The fighting spirit is stronger—it must be the brave Spaniard!"

Mixed-race cavalry carrying various noble flags ran west and north from the army formation. They were the herald cavalry of the Herrera Legion. Since they were all new nobles, no one could recognize what family their flags represented. .

Although Spain may be the most defending feudal country in Europe during the Renaissance, it doesn't pay much attention to knights from top to bottom. Contrary to France, they pay more attention to light cavalry.

The Spanish Hussars are not called Hussars, they are called 'Genetes', the meaning of genitals comes from the shape of their Moorish shields.

Although they bear a not-so-honorable name, they are capable of galloping across the battlefield to handle the most dangerous tasks. In an instant, they crossed the pursuit battlefield littered with corpses for miles, and issued an order to return to defense to the five chasing companies ahead.

There was no need to convey the news of the appearance of the Ming army in the rear. When the roar of rockets sounded behind him, the commander of the company in front already knew that the main general was under attack. This company continued to fight the Indians with the help of light and heavy cavalry.

During the pursuit, the army formation assigned by the White Horse Chief continued to meet from the rear. The formation of the mixed-blood company dispersed and gathered, gathered and dispersed in a short period of time. Many soldiers died, but still did not see the troops from the north who should have appeared earlier. The Bernal Legion Company appeared.

The two companies at the forefront have persisted for a long time, and less than half of them are still alive, but they can only stick to the military formation. With the phalanx, they can kill several times or even ten times the number of enemies, but without the phalanx, the number is far less than They will be quickly eaten alive by the aborigines who gather in the enemy army.

The most dazzling ones in the battle are still the knights who ruled the European war for hundreds of years. The Spanish cavalry spontaneously divided into four squads during the battle. About ten of each team wore the plate armor with the peak forging ability, and the armor was tall and strong. Andalusian horses wielding maces and rapiers across the battlefield.

Behind them followed forty or fifty light cavalry in cotton armor, only wearing iron greaves below the thighs and above the ankles. These light cavalry equipped with strange round shields and holding spears or rapiers were not weak in terms of killing efficiency. Compared with the knights in front, even Mercedes-Benz charged faster.

There are almost no disadvantages except that it is easier to be shot over by feather arrows.

They broke up the army formations flooded in by the Indians again and again, and each time they broke up, the musketeers who had already retreated behind the spearmen poured lead pellets into the broken army formation, turning over a crowd of people.

Farther to the north, Chief White Horse watched more than half of the half-breed legion slowly retreat ahead. Before he had the chance to reorganize and heaved a sigh of relief, his hunters reported that the four Spanish companies in the north were crossing the river.

On the west side of the battlefield, a Spanish cavalryman who crashed into the forest ran quickly among the tropical trees, looking for the three companies that set out to ambush the Ming army in the morning.

When the first hundred households of the Ming army strode into the maximum range of the muskets of Herrera's third company, the thirteen Spanish knights five miles away led the light cavalry and two infantry phalanxes and turned their heads to slow them down. Approach slowly.

The gunfire of the Spanish mixed race is blooming at this time!

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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