open sea

Chapter 805 Wild

Chapter 805 Wild
Chen Mu was tricked by himself.

He originally thought that while the Ming army was developing the fertile land in North Asia, he could not let the Spaniards idle and let them clean up Portugal, but he did not expect that in the end Acosta would tell him the news of the King of Portugal's conquest of Morocco with a smile, and the most important thing. Philip is also the heir to the Portuguese king.

From the monk's smile, Chen Mu could feel that Philip would not let go of this opportunity, and that the King of Portugal might not be able to go back in person.

He could feel that the peace talks and the proposed co-governance were all Philip's tricks to stabilize the situation in the New World.

This juncture is critical for Spain.

Although Portugal is small, its navigation technology and shipbuilding industry are not bad. If the West Country can annex Portugal, a mature shipbuilding industry can help Spain build warships faster.

The destruction of the Armada, when did the British-Spanish sea battle take place?

In my impression, it was 1588, ten years later.

The friction between Spain and England has begun to gradually escalate now. The English pirates who met with Shao Tingda rely on a few small gunboats to enter the back garden of the Spaniards like no one.

The staff of the Eastern Military Government is analyzing the starting point of Spain's decision-making in a half-baked way.

A group of people stared at the map of Europe they got from the Spaniards, and finally Xu Wei came to the conclusion: "The Westerners are very smart in making decisions. As long as they don't steal their money, the commander-in-chief can get what he wants at this time." everything you want."

The "smart" Xu Wei mentioned actually meant that he would not continue spending time with the Ming army in the New World.

Spain fought on multiple fronts, regardless of whether it was the bordering France or the enclave of the Netherlands, they were all in one pot, and there was also a strategy of launching troops against Portugal.

Not to mention Xu Wei, any insightful person in the Chinese Empire from Qin to Ming will have a special starting point when watching European countries-how to unify Europe.

So he took Europe as a whole for granted, and the four wars between France, the Netherlands, Portugal, and Ming were the problems Spain was facing.

Xu Wei tapped the table map with the folding fan in his palm: "If you lose one game to Daming, the trade negotiations will be concluded, and the guns and guns will flow in, then it is possible to win the other three games; if you want to win one game against Daming, regardless of whether you win or lose, you must lose the other three games."

Although this conclusion is not rigorous at all, they have not even seen any Europa army except Spain, Portugal and Britain, but they all agree with it-the Ming army in the New World mobilizes people to cross the sea, with fewer troops and limited supplies, but they are unanimous It is believed that the Ming army is much stronger than others.

Chen Mu also agreed, and he said: "Although we are not fighting with the best troops in the Western Kingdom, even if they call in the elite, we may not win so easily, and they must be more uncomfortable."

In this era, no one understands this feeling better than the people of the Ming Dynasty. At this time, the 70 troops of the Ming Dynasty may not be enough, but it is even more difficult to mobilize [-] troops to go to sea.

Even the Dongyang military government has the ability to mobilize troops to go to sea independently of the garrison, money and grain system. If the middle school and Mongolia go to war, it is impossible to mobilize tens of thousands of troops to go to sea.

"The situation in the Western Kingdom looks like Daming!"

Xu Wei raised his finger and pointed to the direction of Osman on the map, and said: "In the year of Longqing, we just negotiated peace with Mongolia, and there are still heavy troops on the border."

"But it's much more serious than the most difficult time of Ming Dynasty." Xu Wei said and put his hands on France's position again: "Three propagandas and six consolations are counterproductive, and the imperial court launched a crusade."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Wei pointed to England again and said, "The Japanese pirates jumped on the beam and robbed and looted."

When he moved his hand to the Netherlands, Xu Wei really didn't know what to do, so he muttered in a low voice: "The merchants in the southeastern provinces, who are sitting on [-]% of the tax, are in trouble, and the army of the country can't control it?"

Chen Mu looked sideways at him, the metaphor of the old lunatic is quite good.

To be honest, if the Ming Dynasty had to meet the internal and external environment that Spain was experiencing at this time, it might not be able to survive. By the same token, Spain could not survive.

Chen Mu believes that the reason why the huge Spain can survive is the trade between gold and silver in the New World and Europe.

Just as Chen Mu was still immersed in the fantasy brought about by Xu Wei's remarks, Xu Wei had already folded his hands very seriously and said: "Marshal, I think that co-government has small benefits for me and great benefits for the Western Kingdom, so I can't agree easily."

"Oh? How do you say that?"

"The land of a hundred miles in the Western Kingdom is not yet governable. It only knows how to mine mountains and mines. The people are impoverished and still resort to war. However, the country's dynasty may not send talents overseas, but it can rule a hundred miles..." Xu Wei made a difficult move with a folding fan Thinking: "I'm afraid there are as many as you want."

"A place is like the Westerners. The people only let the people live and die, and the rest are labored for the mines. There is almost no tax to be collected. Once it is governed by our officials, there is no need for labor. One year rests and recuperates, and the next year can be prosperous. According to the harvest of the fields here, the households of the same class may receive more taxes than those in the country, but it is very disadvantageous to share them with the West."

Chen Mu laughed when he heard this. This is not simply the difference between the big Ming Dynasty and the small European countries. It is not that one is better and the other is bad. A problem can involve all aspects and is fundamentally different.

The divided European countries pay more attention to war, because it is related to survival. The princes and nobles live together with the people, and have a strong tradition of self-government. Compared with the unified China, there are fewer constraints and less governance. The people only need to live. As for how to live , there are not too many rules in the system.

Kings are like big landowners, reluctantly formulating some laws and regulations. The tenants grow as much as they like, as long as the land rent can be paid, they care more about supporting the small landowners who take care of their homes. Not only can they protect their own land, but also Grab the land of other landlords.

European tenants are free range.

Emperors are different, they never think of themselves as landlords, they always think of themselves as everyone's father.

To shape one's own country is to shape one's own family, and to shape one's own people is to shape one's own children and grandchildren. Through the imperial examination, fathers of all dynasties have selected better sons to manage other children and grandchildren.

Especially in the Ming Dynasty, some sons who grew up very fast also established a strict restraint system for their fathers. If you fail to do a good job, your sons will accuse you of not being a good father.

But the stink of thinking that I am my father is also inherited. The imperial court officials also think that they are the father of everyone in the local area. The consideration of family excellence is to govern the local area, how many acres of land are reclaimed, how much tax is collected, and whether there are any bad things in the jurisdiction. Grandson, whether the bad grandson was photographed to death or not became a performance appraisal.

The people of the Ming Dynasty were all domesticated.

Xu Wei is still very moral about domesticated wild animals, but Chen Mu is a wild one.

Marshal Dongyang laughed and looked at Xu Wei with horror, and everyone listened to him: "We just need to manage our own land well. When did I say that we will send officials to govern the land that we jointly rule?"

"Co-governance, we go there to dig people, dig mines, dig wood, and just dig everything we can, and don't worry about anything else."

(End of this chapter)

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