open sea

Chapter 827 Money Law

Chapter 827 Money Law
Long-legged bears are just a microcosm of Changsheng County. People praise bravery and encourage hard work, which deeply affects everyone living here.

This kind of change even made Hai Rui feel strange, he kept praising everyone he met, saying that the people in this Asian state are hardworking and hardworking, they are really the best people.

It's even so good that the old man can't understand it. If it's two taels a month, it's enough to make people motivated.But don't worry about the various industries that are always victorious. What is in circulation is not silver, but only in the name of Tongbao. It is banknotes, which collapsed after only twenty years of circulation in the Ming Dynasty.

As soon as Chen Mu sent troops to the front line, Mr. Hai was about to get angry with Chen Mu.

"Chen Shuai's mine field in Asia is a good medicine for peace and security, but this money law, I know His Majesty has given Chen Shuai full power to manage Asia, isn't it for the emperor's Ming to rule the world, why only look at the small profits in front of me?"

Hai Rui pointed it out, what he wanted to talk about was Qian Fa.

In the yamen of the military mansion, several soldiers and adjutants were terrified when they saw Hai Rui enter the yamen, and when he opened his mouth, they wanted to find a place to hide and not listen... How many people in the world can tell Shuai Chen like that?
This made the handsome lose face?What if they were silenced because they heard and saw this?
A few days ago, Changsheng County sent the thirteen Banner Army soldiers who had been bribed when the sea-going ship arrived, to be killed in a row along the coast.

Chen Mu, who was the person involved, waved to his subordinates cheerfully, and said, "Go down first, Lord Hai, please sit down."

After the furious Hai Rui sat down, Chen Mu asked, "Hai Gong thinks there is something wrong with Qian Fa, what's the problem?"

"Why did my banknotes collapse? It stemmed from unprepared gold and silver, excessive issuance, this is robbery, bartering with paper."

Hai Rui said: "When I first came here, I saw the Wanli Tongbao issued by the military government, and I was very happy. Today I visited the military warehouse, but I was told that there was only 5 taels of silver in deposit. Now it has issued 400. In October and October, additional Tongbao will be issued to Jincheng, Majiagang, Panama and other places, and the Banknote Printing Bureau of the Military Government will issue an additional 5000 million, which is more than ten times more than the reserve fund."

"If things go on like this, there will be a day when Tong Bao collapses. How will Chen Shuai end up then?"

Hai Rui took a deep breath, stretched out his thin hands in front of him, and said, "Chen Shuai can treat people from other lands as pigs and dogs, but shouldn't the Beiyang Banner Army and immigrant people be the same?"

Changsheng County is trying to replace silver taels with Tongbao banknotes. One of the reasons is that there is too little silver in hand, and the court did not prepare more silver taels for him, so that it is difficult for him to pay wages to the people.

"Hai Gong, Chen issued Tongbao in Changsheng, using credit, the credit of the imperial court's Dongyang military government, controlling prices, and the people are willing to use Tongbao." Chen Mu said seriously: "I didn't treat the soldiers and the people as pigs and dogs. The same is true for the common people here, I just encourage the soldiers to exchange their salaries for Tong Bao, which does not affect their use here."

Chen Mu rolled his hands and said, "Which banner army in Beiyang doesn't have ten or twenty taels of silver in their hands, isn't it tiring to carry it on their body? They need to be able to exchange Tong Bao for silver at the military mansion at any time."

"It can be changed now."

Hai Rui nodded and said, "Now the soldiers exchange their salaries in the past for Tongbao. The military mansion has silver, so it can be exchanged. What about the future? The salary is paid every month. Is it true that Chen Shuai will send the military salary to the ship in the future? Once Yazhou If there is no need for silver, the imperial court will stop the transfer of silver."

"If Tong Bao collapses at that time, what will the military government exchange for Tong Bao? If they can't get silver, what will happen to these well-trained soldiers?"

This is terrifying to Hai Rui. The Beiyang Banner Army is a elite army that the imperial court spent a lot of money and energy to train. Their generals and officers have all received the best military education, and their Banner Army has undergone excellent discipline training. , if the morale of this army is gone, who can stop it?

How much will it cost to stop it?
"Don't, don't, Duke Hai, you're thinking too far. The Dongyang Military Mansion also prepares gold and silver, not the 5 taels. The Military Mansion has silver mines."

What silver mine do you have? Silver mine!
Hai Rui asked, "Where's the silver mine?"

"Tasco, it's in the northeast. It wasn't distributed to the common people. There used to be more than [-] riders stationed there. The [-] banner troops just drove over the day before yesterday. A mine officer was set up to supervise the mining of silver in the mine."

As he said that, Chen Mu looked at his thumb and added as usual: "There is also Potosi in Peru, isn't that all my reserve?"

Hai Rui:? ? ?
what do you say?

"Old Man Taxco knows that the output of the silver mine there is not high." The old man shook his head stubbornly, and said, "Peru also has the Potosi silver mine, which belongs to Xiyi. What's more, you have never mentioned this silver mine in the treaty."

Hai Rui looked at the treaty as soon as he arrived. He felt that the treaty was okay, but it was just okay. Basically, he couldn't see Chen Mu's lion-mouthed enthusiasm. The only people who invaded the original land of the Westerners were Panama and the west of Mexico City. Elsewhere it was very restrained.

It seems that after reaching a high position, Chen Mu also looks like a normal person.

The land north of Mexico City was not managed by the Westerners in the past. It is reasonable for Da Ming to take that, regardless of the Westerner's business. As for this side, there was a war between the two sides, and they lost. If they did not take the whole territory, they would have given it to seven Save face.

"Oh, it turns out that Lord Hai thought the Potosi silver mine belonged to the Spaniards."

How fresh is it?

Chen Mu cupped his hands with a smile, and said boldly: "To be honest, the Spaniards are also my reserves."

Hai Rui, who was sitting across from Chen Mu, almost walked away when he heard this. It would be hard for any normal person to bear Chen Mu's crazy talk, treating Spaniards as reserves?
But the anger was only for a moment. Seeing Chen Mu's serious expression after his smile gradually faded, Hai Rui thought of something, and asked patiently, "Maybe it's because I'm getting old. Can Chen Shuai explain in detail?"

"I think about the axiom of the sea. As we all know, there are gold, silver, and copper that are valuable and abundant in this world. The largest and heaviest thing in Asia is silver. This is also one of the main purposes of the Eastern Army's going to sea."

"After the victory, Chen and the Westerners already knew during the treaty negotiations that what the Westerners value most is the gold and silver mines. For these things, they will try their best to continue the war. Maybe they will still lose in the end, but they will Delaying our army for several years will cost a lot and consume a lot, and the best soldiers and strong generals may die in the disaster of war."

Chen Mu spread his hands and said, "Ordinary people can't live in peace."

"Of course, the most important thing is that before these [-] people came, Chen didn't have the confidence to win the war. At the same time, even if he won, he would be dragged into another war. The countries of Europe are eyeing Asia. , sooner or later we will meet him and the others.”

"Without Westerners, maybe next year or the year after that, not only will we have to face Westerners, but we will also attack others. Who knows if they will shake hands and make peace?"

Hai Rui became a little impatient when he heard this, everyone understands the truth, and he also felt that Chen Mu was right in not winning Yinshan: "But what about the reserve?"

Chen Mu narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Between Ming and Xi, all transactions must use Tongbao. When I buy from him, I have to use Spanish silver dollars. When he buys mine, I exchange silver for Tongbao before trading. We will open a silver exchange market at the border. Let them trade with a lot of Tongbao."

Hai Rui was confused. Since the Ming Dynasty also used Spanish silver dollars to buy goods from Western countries, why talk about using Tongbao for all transactions?Wouldn't it be enough to trade directly with silver?

Chen Mu saw the old man's doubts, and said with a smile: "First of all, what Daming sells is processed products. We sell silk, floral cloth, bird guns, artillery, large casting utensils, and sugar, cigarettes, tea, and porcelain. We don’t need to buy processed products from Western countries, only raw materials are enough, we get more silver in the transaction, and they get less silver dollars.”

"Secondly... have you heard, it is written in the treaty that half of the silver produced by the Potosi Silver Mine will be minted by us."

"Wanli Tongbao will expand westward, and through the hands of the local people, it will become the currency of the land including the co-government, that is, the entire Asia. In the future, it will go to Alan and Spain. They will all use our currency."

Chen Mu always believed that he was right, the Potosi silver mine and the Spaniards were his reserves.

Chen Mu said solemnly: "The only problem is to prevent counterfeit money!"

(End of this chapter)

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