open sea

Chapter 831

Chapter 831
King Philip, who was far away in Madrid, could never have imagined that the Mingxi trade he had been thinking about would be carried out in this way on the border of Mingxi in the New World.

His people actually sell grain in the New World, the richest country in Europe, the Spaniards actually sell grain in the New World, and they are still led by the powerful Duke Alva.

This is so embarrassing.

But it does benefit them.

It was not Alva who was the first to sell grain on the pole, but the plantation owner of the West Country on the border as soon as the news came out.

The land of the New World is undergoing rapid changes due to policies all the time.

On the west side of the border, following the order of the Eastern Military Government, each village gathered the local scattered natives and formed a set of self-government systems centered on village captains, as a continuation of the local system of the Ming Dynasty.

Except for the village captains of 240 villages on the border who are concurrently serving as small banner officers, the village captains of inland villages are all concurrently served by a banner officer. Each village executes orders from the military government, and their autonomy is lower than that of native villages. But it also has the habit of adopting the clan form as the most basic unit.

Since the natural resources and population resources of each village are different, this requires Beiyang military officers to allocate resources in the areas under their jurisdiction. Villages with more aboriginal people must give human resources to villages lacking native tribes. There are mineral resources and food resources.

Accompanied by fast horses running on the official road, according to the order of the Japanese military government, post stations called four-mile roads were set up one after another in each village, and a four-mile-long dirt road was built on the edge of the village by manpower, and a capacity building was set up in each village. Chinese language schools and medical clinics of different heights, and formulate the obligations that immigrants need to shoulder.

Taxation and corvee.

For example, driving a donkey cart and pushing a cart, each village drives a cart for four miles, and then transfers it to the next village. At first, this corvee was only implemented in the two villages on both sides of the official road, and later, after the roads were first built in various places, all villages had to implement it. For this corvee, 20 people were assigned to undertake the task, and in return, other people in the village plowed the land for them while they performed corvee work.

Some villages were the first to use the system of hiring corvée, using a fixed amount of commission or food to hire immigrants or wandering aborigines who could not farm the land to do this, and the commission or food was shared equally by the entire village.

Some villages asked the military government to divert their routes because they were located on high slopes and it was difficult to walk. One or more villages provided commissions to one or more villages that could transport them.

The easy roads were naturally selected in this way, and finally became the four main roads transporting from the west coast of Mexico to the eastern border.

This can reduce the pressure on the military government to transport goods to the border. Of course, not all goods need to be transported by force. Some merchants close to the county government will choose to hire labor to buy donkey carts in the county government to transport them by themselves.

Under Chen Mu's instruction, the Dongyang Military Mansion opened the first sewing factory in Changsheng County, employing more than [-] female workers to engage in weaving work, mainly weaving cotton bags of a certain size from the cotton shipped with the ship. There is a cotton rope on the exquisitely crafted cotton bag, which can be used to tie it tightly, and the words "grain bag half stone" are printed in ink on the finished cloth bag.

These native women workers all have experience in sewing cotton armor for the Spaniards in the past, and now it is easy to sew cotton bags with cotton cloth.

White cotton cloth is ready-made in China, all that is needed is cutting and sewing, and two to three hundred bags can be produced a day, and the most skilled female workers can even make seven bags a day, which is fast and good.

Bundles of white cotton bags were then transported to the border by officials from the Commerce Bureau of the Eastern Military Government—for sale to the Spaniards.

This is very interesting. No one in the entire New World is under such great pressure as the plantation owners on the east side of the border. They don't think that the Ming Dynasty people who look like ordinary people on the opposite side are ordinary people.

The arrows they hunted would even fly to their plantation from time to time, and a man named Big Thorn ran into the plantation with a bow in his hand, looking for their feathered arrows with a fearless and friendly smile.

The plantation owners who domineering in front of the slaves can only launch slave labor to search for it, and then return the feather arrow... Not every Spaniard is so easy-going, but the border is really not safe.

Every plantation owner can swear that they are not afraid of the immigrant watchtowers of the Ming Dynasty standing on the hills or flat ground, let alone the watchtowers carrying muskets or moving at every turn that can throw hundreds of flying stones. Entering his plantation, the tiger squats and hooded immigrants.

They are far more afraid than this horror.

Among the urban legends belonging to the frontier of New Spain, there is nothing more striking than a majestic baron brandishing a whip the day before to frighten Ming Dynasty immigrants who went to his plantation to look for a lost turkey, and later at the banquet He triumphantly proclaimed his great achievements.

If it wasn't for the nobles who attended the banquet to discover that there were more than a dozen well-equipped mercenaries in his plantation, people would really think that he was not afraid.

A week passed peacefully, and just when the news spread on the border, making everyone think that people in the Ming Dynasty were not as scary as Chen Mu, someone sneaked into the heavily guarded village one night.

That night, the baron, his family and the mercenaries hired by a lot of money slept more deeply than usual for some reason. When they woke up, everyone had a splitting headache and didn't hear anything.

The infiltrator did not kill anyone, but all 720 slave laborers in his plantation disappeared, along with the weapons and armor of 60 mercenaries, the grain in the warehouse, and all the livestock on the plantation, including more than [-] animals. The turkey, nine horses, twelve donkeys, the baron's and baroness's jewels worth two thousand seven hundred silver pieces all disappeared without a trace.

The baroness who was supposed to be sleeping on the bed woke up in the empty stables. The baron himself was still sleeping on the bed, but there was a turkey whose head was chopped off beside his pillow, and there was a 300-year-old turkey hanging on the wall. Portraits of ancestors who were knighted in previous wars were smeared with chicken shit.

It is said that the baron, who had many lower body diseases when he woke up, was so frightened that he peed on the bed, and the plantation owner next to him found that there were 27 more idle female slave laborers suffering from Spanish disease in his plantation in the same morning .

It is said that the people who sneaked into the manor were some people in green cloaks, they came and went, took everything away, asked who had an affair with the plantation owner far away from the manor, and then sent them to another plantation far away Leave food not far away, and others will disappear.

Few feared more than the planters on the frontier, and the fear made them all insecure, and almost all planters had heard of the green cloaks in the dense woods near them.

At this time, they heard that the Mingxi border opened the trade of grain, silk, satin and porcelain, and white cloth bags?

They have only one answer.

food?Sell!White cloth bag?purchase!

What if I don’t need it after buying it?leave it alone.

Hanging at the gate of the plantation to ward off evil spirits!

(End of this chapter)

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