open sea

Chapter 837 Gratitude

Chapter 837 Gratitude
Jincheng County is a blessed place, as is Yacheng, which sits on Majiagang, but it’s colder, the days go by quickly, and people age very quickly. The county magistrate here is Zhao Yongxian, and the commander-in-chief is Majin.

The previous wars in the south seemed to have nothing to do with them. Majiagang was at its best time during the war in Jincheng County. The rare warmth of the year returned here, and the land and sea trade exchanges in all directions were prosperous.

But the prosperity came and went quickly.

As October approached, the four-month trading period ended. A sudden blizzard blocked the trade routes. When the heavy snow fell, it would not stop. The day and night were no longer distinct, and the howling cold wind occupied everyone's ears. , every night there is the creaking sound of huge trees in the jungle being crushed by snow.

People living here are used to the sudden loud noise in this long silence.

A caravan of the Yanian people had no time to leave with a full load of goods, and sailed back to Majia Harbor overnight before the sea was frozen to ask for a night.

One side supports one side of people. In Majiagang, where the temperature varies greatly, people’s buildings are very different from those in the Central Plains. Years of snowstorms and ice edges have almost crushed all the houses built in the early years, and on the ruins of houses that are constantly being destroyed Construction on the new house started again.

Today, the foundations of most houses in Majiagang are three feet above the ground, and the houses are three feet higher. Some old houses have huge T-shaped chimneys, which were the work of last year. A second-story attic reinforced with beams and columns was added, and the attic has doors leading to the outside.

Most of the old houses repaired in the early years of the county were concentrated near the port. Some flag soldiers were reluctant to destroy them, so they were ordered by Ma Jin to build large windows. If the doors were blocked by ice and snow, at least they could get out through the windows.

The native merchants who had taken refuge were well taken care of. They were all registered citizens of Yacheng County, and belonged to the tribal alliance that used to be the Bull Demon King and is now the Bull Auspicious. A group of more than [-] people shared a courtyard with seven reindeer and six white dogs. house for them to shelter in winter.

Majin led people to bring them a lot of soju, frozen meat, thick quilts and fur blankets. In order not to waste educational resources, he also sent a team of Jurchen soldiers to live with them and learn Chinese together.

Most of the Jurchen soldiers and Korean soldiers were assigned to the Majiagang Qianhusuo and Shidao Qianhusuo under Ma Jinbiao, because they were more able to tolerate the cold and were more accustomed to the fishing and hunting-based production methods here.

More bannermen and hunters are ready to leave. The bannermen have to carry enough food to start winter training. Before the weather is too cold, they will conduct training for one to three months, including marching, survival and extreme conditions. Maintain combat power and maintain ordnance.

This is the request that Ma Jin made when he took office as the commander-in-chief of Yacheng. He was preparing for the expedition to the east.

As for the large number of hunters, they should have set off a long time ago. They got into the hunting houses in the planned hunting grounds to capture minks, foxes and even larger beasts. However, there is still a final process that has not been completed before they set off. Meet Zhao Yongxian, the county magistrate.

But Zhao Yongxian hadn't come back yet, so they could only wait until one month after the beginning of winter, even if the county magistrate hadn't returned by then, they had to set off, otherwise the snow would have turned to ice, the coast had been frozen, and the hunting house would be closed. Good to go.

Emperor Wanli saw the letter from Majin and Magui, and granted their request. Datong still kept the Ma family's mansion, but moved his two families to Majiagang.

In the blizzard, Ma Jin, wrapped in thick fox fur, often leaned on his war sword and stood by the trestle bridge where large icy edges had formed, waiting for the return of the lucky boat accompanied by his sons Ma Chengzhi and Ma Chengen.

They wore gloves made of bison leather from the military uniform factory, and soap boots made of the same bison leather, but with different craftsmanship.

The uppers of the gloves and boots are nitrated cowhide, which is very soft. There is also a layer of rabbit fur inside the gloves and boots, which is very warm. The soles of the boots are tanned leather made by Jincheng Leather Garden. There is also an interlayer of iron nails in the leather to prevent slipping. , The workmanship is excellent and the cost is high.

Ma Jin waited for a full eight days, and the mud along the coast that connected to the sea was frozen, and there was still no news of the ship coming. He felt that his county magistrate might be dead.

As a result, the sound of reindeer bells came from outside the city, and a group of aborigines wrapped in extremely thick fur coats were riding on dog sleds or deer sledges, surrounded by a fat man in a green robe embroidered with egret patch, walking in the snow. He walked towards the magistrate's yamen with a deep foot and a shallow foot.

Ma Jin listened to him and said: "The commander-in-chief asked Zhao to be the prefect of Yacheng, and Wu Zidao and Zou Erzhan were not allowed to do it. Does Ma Shuai know why?"

The fat man patted the ball-like blue official gown that was covered with a fur coat: "Because I'm the fattest among the five magistrates, and I won't die from the cold!"

Stepping into the official hall, the flag soldiers had already set the fireplace on fire. Several flag soldiers slapped Zhao Yongxian and his followers, smashing the ice edges on the robes, and the official robes were taken off. Zhao Yongxian introduced to Ma Jin : "This is the whalers of the northern coastal tribe. Their tribe has gone five hundred miles further north than where you landed."

Zhao Yongxian said these words with pride on his chilblained face, and said: "They hunt whales and white bears for a living. This year I went to a far away place to investigate the situation of Chinese literature schools along the coast in summer. The young people in Yanian I can already say a few words in Chinese."

Ma Jin can ignore Zhao Yongxian's self-mockery, but at this moment he must criticize, saying: "The county magistrate shouldn't go so far, even if he must go, first, he must be punctual, and second, he must be notified. The hunter is still waiting for the magistrate to dispatch him this year." prey."

"Oh, I know this, but when I came back, the boat was frozen on the road. I had to go back to their tribe to borrow deer, dogs, and these guards, and then I came back. My boat and boatman are still in their tribe. Well, keep teaching Chinese.”

Zhao Yongxian said to himself: "In terms of the vastness of the land, the five counties are equal, but our city is the one that can control and distribute the most land in the five counties, and it also has the most registered people. Even if the counties add [-] immigrants, it is no different. City, does Ma Shuai know why this is?"

"Because of tradition, Ma Shuai communicated with them and let them learn our traditions. This time I went to the north to do the same thing. There are hundreds of tribes hunting whales and bears in the far north, as few as a dozen people There are more than a hundred people, every year when the sea water thaws, they will hunt whales, and to thank the whales for keeping them alive, they will perform a ceremony for each whale, this year is different.”

Zhao Yongxian squeezed out a smile on his frozen face, spread his arms and said, "I teach them to worship heaven and earth, and to be grateful to the Son of Heaven."

Ma Jin frowned. People are grateful to the whales for keeping them alive.
It's just that he can't say that.

Seeing Zhao Yongxian said: "From this year onwards, every year in the future, grains, meat and vegetables will be shipped to the north in summer, in exchange for ambergris, walrus ivory, fish skins and animal skins. In the future, clothes, cotton Sent away, they are better off alive."

(End of this chapter)

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