open sea

Chapter 842 Bald Head

Chapter 842 Bald Head
Chen Mu's view of the world is radical, because he knows very well that diplomacy is not equal to negotiation, diplomacy and war are interrelated.

He was like this when he was in Beiyang. He even asked the Beiyang interpreter to recite a sentence repeatedly: diplomacy is backed by force, seeks national interests, and uses force by non-violent means.

Later, this sentence was taken by the North and South Lecture Hall and Lecture Academy, and every student in the foreign affairs department had to recite this sentence in the first class.

This is a trend of thought. The formation of a trend of thought is that small changes in things converge into a river. When the river surges, it becomes a trend of thought, just like in today's Ming Dynasty. In the past, people envied officials and businessmen most, but most people Suffering from making ends meet, but enviously envious.

It's different now. People find that those who change their destiny have their life trajectories connected to the sea.

Everyone will selectively ignore those unreturned people who were buried in the belly of the fish, and everyone will stare at those wealthy people who have gone to sea with tens of thousands of dollars. speak the words.

"Strange, how come so many people's names have three points of water in the yellow book registration in the past two years?"

This kind of ideological trend flooding in Ming Dynasty is radical and high-spirited, injecting new vitality into the aging old empire, just like the gentry and common people in Quanzhou saw visitors from Europe for the first time, this giant picked up the innocence that had been forgotten to the corner , Like a baby opening its eyes, looking at everything in front of it curiously-stretching out its hand.

In the entire world, there are only two countries that can possess such a temperament, one is Ming and the other is Spain.

It's just that compared to Daming who looks at the world like a child, Spain looks more like an adult.

The scorching summer in Madrid has come to an end. Days of rain have made the narrow and dark road even more difficult to navigate. The carriages along the creaking road still dare not run fast after leaving the city. They swayed slowly all morning before finally stopping at Escoria. In front of the side entrance of the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo.

The horses snorted irritably, and the loud sound like the sound of a cannon in the distance made them a little uneasy. Two Spanish guards in black robes guarding the side door stepped forward to open the door. The man in black velvet had a well-groomed beard and looked up. Glancing at the tall towers under construction in the distance, he sighed softly, "It's so cold and boring here."

The guards saluted the man, whom they called 'Friar'.

His name was Mario Vazquez, and he was a powerful minister in the Spanish court. He served as the private secretary of King Philip and also served as a private priest.

Responsibilities are similar to those of the Shaofu Shangshuling in the Qin and Han Dynasties, responsible for sorting out and processing the kingdom's documents.Right after he got out of the car, two servants unloaded two boxes of official documents from the car. They selected letters from various places that needed to be handed over to the king during the [-] kilometers on the road from Madrid to the monastery.

The monastery is indeed too cool. The construction of this monastery started 15 years ago. While maintaining the royal power, Emperor Charles V told Philip to do two things. One is to continue to fight against the heretics, and the other is to repair the seat. A majestic mausoleum belonging to the Spanish royal family, but at the moment the complex is even more majestic than Charles had requested.

They found this place that was neither too cold nor too hot, and not too far from the new capital Madrid. For this reason, Philip went to the granite mountain called 'Pile of Slag' to select stone materials and craftsmen, and acted as a supervisor to select materials.

The engineer is Juan of Toledo, named Juan Bautista, a disciple of Michelangelo, who designed this huge building complex composed of gray granite. In the plan, it is not only a monastery, but also a palace and a mausoleum. , church, library, charity hall, seminary, school eight in one.

But at present, it is only the lair of Philip, who was degraded by the outside world as the spider king, and it houses the bones of many saints. The king mingles among the monks to avoid endless court meetings.

Through the long corridor, Vazquez saw the king he served, and several dwarfs who were court jesters accompanied His Royal Highness before offering the relics of the twelve disciples.

Philip still had a gloomy face. Maybe he didn't mean to be gloomy, but his fair complexion tended to look gloomy when his face was expressionless. What's more, he was wearing a black hooded cloak, and his whole face seemed to be immersed in the darkness, making it difficult to see clearly. in the fog.

But no matter how clever the disguise is, Vazquez can still recognize his king at a glance, not because of his handsomeness, although Philip is indeed very handsome, but more importantly, the ever-moving hairline and smooth forehead. Can't hide.

"Your Majesty should spend more time in the sun. The court physician believes that it is good for the body."

Philip took off his cloak hat, waved away the dwarves around him, looked up at the dark blue rainy sky, and said in a bad mood: "The sun hasn't shown up for many days, and the court doctor still thinks that baldness is good for hair loss. You See my lost hair grow back?"

Vazquez looked at the shiny bald head and raised his eyebrows, his face still showed the reservedness of a Spanish nobleman without even the slightest fluctuation. He raised his hand and said, "At least in this way, no one can see whether His Highness's hair has fallen out, Your Highness, Even if it's cloudy in Madrid, the Mediterranean sun always shines on you."

Philip had been troubled lately, the gout had crippled him, his unavoidable staggering gait, his hair loss was even more disturbing, and worst of all, his wish to raise a super little human had failed.

He likes villains and thinks they are very interesting. From Madrid to monasteries, the Spanish court has raised hundreds of dwarfs, and even wants to make super villains like breeding horses.

But a dwarf plus a dwarf, the result is a normal person, the kind that can grow up, which is really boring.

Philip was even a little suspicious of his villain's adultery with the monks of the monastery.

"You'd better tell me some good news this time." At least for now, Philip, whose dream of becoming a biologist has been shattered, is not happy: "Otherwise, don't tell me."

Vazquez thought for a while, and said: "The governor of the Netherlands, the Duke of Parma, sent a letter saying that he has reconciled with the South, and now he only needs to deal with the silent William of Orange. This is good news, but at the same time, the Duke of Parma hopes that His Royal Highness will not order All the troops are on alert, which will arouse the vigilance of neighboring countries and lead to new wars."

After all, Vazquez added another sentence: "The Duke hopes that the palace will allocate enough military salaries. The soldiers in the Netherlands have already been owed seven months' salary."

Philip curled his lips, looked at his secretary-general and sighed, expressing his meaning very clearly: Is this considered good news?
"I'm going to die if I don't have any money to spend. Could it be that they can't, can't..." Philip frowned and pouted, turning his hands around in front of him, and finally said: "We can raise a little money on that land by ourselves." money?"

Vazquez only hopes that the king can be more sober. Is there any good news for Spain these days?
It's just that the degree of badness varies from high to low.

Seeing that he didn't speak, Philip took a deep breath, and after clearing his mind, he asked, "No? This kind of news is considered good news, and there is nothing else?"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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