open sea

Chapter 850

Chapter 850
In the Forbidden City, a young figure in a robe with twelve chapter patterns walked out of the Wenhua Hall with a yellow glazed tile roof, stretched out his arms and stretched out his long waist.

Only halfway through the free movements, just as the teachers who taught the emperor in the Jingyan ceremony came out of the hall, Wanli quickly restrained his posture, and saluted the ministers upright, and they all saluted one after another before leaving.

The little emperor opened his hands, his movements stopped in the air, and found that he had no desire to stretch, so he simply waved his sleeves and walked forward with his hands behind his back.

"I have to lecture on the scriptures in the afternoon. It's not too late. Bring me the Spanish boy and order the food supervisor to send me the food to the military room. The military supervisors of various places have sent back the news. We will eat there at noon today."

As he said that, little Wanli stopped and turned to look at Wang An. He reached out and touched the eunuch's waist. He took out a gold-encrusted jade pocket watch, opened the cover, and glanced at it. The twelve earthly branches were written on the dial with overseas blue gemstones. Throw it away, and turn around.

It seems that the watch made by Qianhusuo in Xiangshan can fly back into the thick belt by itself... In fact, it really flew back by itself.

"There is still an hour, we must hurry up."

Wang An, with his pocket watch behind him, held his whisk and gave the left and right a look. Immediately, the two separated one to lead the horse and the other to explain the meal. Lu Siqing should have an opinion."

"My people pay taxes on rice and grain to the public, and soldiers from all over the country have worked hard to transfer them to the capital, and asked them to make such dirty things. Does Guanglu Temple have any opinions?"

"He has no objection." The little emperor didn't even turn his head back, and with his hands behind his back, his two short legs were pounding quickly under his robe with twelve chapter patterns, and he seemed to speak without thinking: "I know the food is ready, let People told him, I sympathize with the hard work of Guanglu Temple, and I will reward them with the food that can only be eaten by me, so that Guangluxun will eat all of them for me, and there will be no leftovers!"

The chief official of Guanglu Temple is called Guanglu Temple Qing, but maybe it is because some inheritance was broken during the Song and Yuan Dynasty. Jokes like using Zhuge Liang's eight formations to meet the enemy happen from time to time.

In terms of verbal titles, it is even more obvious. Some important official positions use the titles of Jiuqing in the past. For example, the respectful title of Minister of the Ministry of War is Da Sima, and Guanglu Temple Minister is naturally Guangluxun.

The emperor's meals were always prepared by Guanglu Temple. Although the emperor loved to eat sweets and occasionally broke into the dessert room to take his brother to eat and take, the main meals were all prepared by Guanglu Temple.

This is the tradition, even the two emperors Jiajing and Longqing who were born as vassal kings are no exception.

It wasn't until Beiyang really integrated into the Ming court after Chen Mu left, and its various departments directly faced the court, and the Beiyang Academy of Medical Sciences presented a recipe to the emperor.

This recipe comes from the food supply of the Banner Army of all ages from Beiyang. In Li Shizhen’s research, the physical condition of the Northern and Southern Banner Army is much better than that of other troops in the world. Finally, it is found that this is due to the unique combination of recipes and Train properly.

Cheng Dawei, who was eager to please the imperial court, presented this recipe to the palace, and then the emperor ate the Beiyang military rations. This was not inferior to the Wanli Emperor, who ate meals from the state-owned canteen Guanglu Temple since he was a child. It opened the door to a new world.

It turns the folk food in this world actually so delicious?
After that, the little emperor entered the gluttonous mode for a period of time. When he thought that his father and grandfather ate food from Guanglu Temple all day long, he was extremely distressed, and vowed to eat all the delicacies in the world.

But in the end, he chose the chef from the Beiyang Canteen to work outside the palace until the eunuch of the Shangshan Supervisor, and then the eunuch of the Shangshan Supervisor made it in the palace.

Not long after, the eunuch brought in the Spanish servant that Emperor Wanli was talking about. Needless to say, it was a gray-haired black-spotted horse with Andalusian blood, but the name was not so accurate. The mane had oblique bangs with obvious Mongolian blood. , but with the same powerful physique.

Along with the Spanish servants, several military horses were brought along, all of which were excellent bred from Qiongzhou horse farm. The emperor and the eunuch climbed on the horses and galloped all the way to Qianqing Palace.

The temperament of the emperor will change the temperament of the Forbidden City to a large extent. Emperor Jiajing turned the Forbidden City into a Taoist temple, and Emperor Wanli, who was deeply influenced by the military, turned the east side of the Forbidden City into a large military camp. The open space outside the Imperial Horse Prison was built with trenches, with three floors inside and three floors outside.

Fill it after planing, plan again after filling it.

Arriving at the Qianqing Palace, today’s Wanli blatantly hangs the plaque of the military room outside the ear room, smashes the middle layer of the hidden wall, eats and reads in the ear room, and the main hall of the Qianqing Palace is only responsible for the use of a toilet except for sleeping. up.

Neither the Queen Mother nor the ministers had a better solution, because there was a traitor among the civil servants and military ministers—this traitor single-handedly created a huge change in the empire, and handed over part of the power that originally belonged to the civil servants and military ministers to the monarchy.

Everything started from the emperor owning his own property, which can be traced back to the beginning of the Longqing year, but the Longqing emperor did not spend money, and saved it for the Wanli emperor who was running towards the Shangwu Avenue. This man can spend money Master.

If you want to do something yourself, you don't need to go through the account department at all, just withdraw the domestic currency and do it.

The Siyang Military Mansion is such a big sweet pastry, and the Six Departments took advantage of Chen Mu's departure to fight for it, so the emperor directly sent eunuchs in brocade clothes to take the power into his own hands.

Outside the ear room of the Qianqing Palace, two big Han generals holding pumpkins stood in front of the door, and beside them was a lightly armed eunuch standing beside them. The eunuch had a pistol hanging from his waist, but there was no gunpowder for the gunpowder.

The gunpowder hangs on the waist of the big Han general beside him.

The eunuch of the Shangshan Supervisor had already brought people to wait outside with food boxes.

Entering the military room, the interior furnishings are still the same pile of things that were brought from Chen Mu Nanyang Weigang's house. Of course, Wanli has not been without achievements in the way of snatching in recent years-Qi Jiguang's armor and Ma Fang's knife have also joined Wanli's Among luxury collections.

There are two tiger squatting cannons in the corner of the room, but the table in the middle has been removed, and now there is a model of the Wanli ship, with the deck as a table and the poop as a bookshelf.

The little emperor sat upright in front of the ship, took a few envelopes from the stern, took out the documents from them, turned the sail on the mast, clamped the official documents in the envelopes one by one on the batten, rolled up his sleeves and lifted the deck. Empty, place two blank sheets of paper and draw a pen from the porthole on the lower floor to set it up on the right hand side.

After making preparations, he raised his eyes and looked at the official documents of the military supervisors in various places on the sail, and said to Wang An: "Serve the food, turn the first sail this way, you can't see clearly from far away... Did the capital city ask someone to serve it? Zhang Jing, don’t die outside.”

 Good morning, recommend a friend a new book "The First Idler of the Song Dynasty", if you like it, take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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