open sea

Chapter 866 Tools

Chapter 866 Tools
There were 43 pages of manuscripts in the wooden box that Fu Geer gave to Chen Mu. Chen Mu couldn’t recognize Leonardo’s name alone. He only felt that these images with messy handwriting and exquisite drawings appeared in his hands. He finally realized who the owner of this manuscript was after seeing the familiar portrait of the golden section.

Da Vinci.

Three masters of the Renaissance, Leonardo di Piero da Vinci.

In fact, the full name was given by the ignorant Sailu Gong who asked someone to ask Fu Geer. All he knows about this name is Da Vinci, Da Vinci and "The Last Man". Dinner" and "Mona Lisa".

Chen Mu skimmed through the 43 pages of the manuscript, ordered someone to wake up Xu Wei who was hungover last night, and took his soldiers, Zhao Shizhen and the sketch to Beiyang Medical Academy.

The person he wants to meet is Chen Shigong, a first-class doctor.

"This... This is the skull. The arm has been cut open. The texture lines are obvious, but there is more flesh than usual. These paintings taken by the commander-in-chief were obtained from Westerners?"

The 43 pages of sketches are all about dissection, from the skull and abdominal cavity to the muscles, bones and even the fetus. Of course, there are also a few drawings that are extremely grotesque. They are obviously human leg bones but have animal nails. Chen Shigong saw these From the very first moment of sketching, one realizes that the people who painted these pictures were in the same company—the artist undoubtedly dissected cadavers, and dissected a lot.

"Unimaginable artwork, isn't it?" Chen Mu excitedly raised his hand and rubbed the tip of his nose with the back of his hand, and said to Chen Shigong: "I didn't realize before that when I was looking for anatomical examples in the medical school, if the best The painter draws these pictures and records the situation at every moment, how helpful it will be to the future study of medical students!"

Chen Shigong, who was concentrating on the drawing, suddenly raised his head to look at Chen Mu, and then nodded his head twice quickly in succession, then buried his head in looking at the thick stack of drawings, and said while watching: "Some places are not clear enough, these It would be great if the painting was clearer, Westerners treat people like this? It’s brilliant.”

To be honest, these drawings are not well preserved. First, the preservation time is too long, which changes the color of the paper, and it is inevitable that there are marks after people touched it; on the other hand, the artist himself does not pay much attention to these paintings. Chen Mu read the large-scale descriptions on the painting, and many of them had nothing to do with the painting itself, but more like remembering something.

Of the 43 pages of sketches, there are only less than ten pages that are really clean and clear at a glance.

"I'm afraid it's not for healing. As far as I know, the person who drew these things is a painter." Chen Mu also had a half-knowledge about these things, and said with a smile: "This should be used by him to understand the proportions of the human body in hopes of improving his painting skills." manuscripts—but I think you can use them to save lives."

Chen Shigong repeated the action of raising his head suddenly, and said, "Do you want to continue the dissection?"

The two months after the Battle of the White Horse River were like a nightmare for Chen Shigong and the doctors who participated in the autopsy. There was deep fear hidden in the eyes of the military doctor.

When others fear them, they fear themselves.

For a long time after that, there was no meat in the cafeteria of the medical academy. These doctors hated meat, especially salted fish with a slight taste, and they vomited as soon as they saw it.

They sorted out a lot of precious written materials and sent them back to the country with the Beiyang Phase II heavy ship, but no one thought of drawing pictures. In this era, doing these things is already enough to break through the limit of human endurance. Draw it?

"I thought about painting at the time, but I feel that my behavior is too heretical now, not to mention that there are no painters, but it seems to be okay now."

Chen Shigong nodded slowly, and said: "These sketches look much more exquisite than Wu Jian's "Ou Xifan's Five Viscera Picture" in the Song Dynasty. This one is different, like a rubbing, the dirty image has the legacy of "Cunzhen Huan Zhongtu"!"

Ou Xifan was an uprising general in the Southern Song Dynasty and was hunted down by the government. Wu Jian ordered doctors and painters to dissect him with 55 people, and the painter made "Ou Xifan's Five Viscera Map".

The first anatomical illustration in history is "Inner Territory Map" drawn by Yan Zhenren, a Taoist priest of the Five Dynasties. Combining the two academics of medicine and Taoism, it pioneered anatomical drawing, and later books often refer to his work.

Later in the Song Dynasty, local governments often dispatched doctors and painters to dissect law-breakers when they were executed in the city, and then county officials and county magistrates with considerable cultural background compiled books and became popular in the world, such as "Inner Territory Map" The wrong places with Taoist fantasies were corrected in this era.

As for the "Cunzhen Huanzhong Picture" mentioned by Chen Shigong, it is also from the Song Dynasty. It is the work of the famous doctor Yang Jie, and it is more exquisite than the previous pictures.

The development of any science and technology is not achieved overnight, from the "Lingshu" in the "Huangdi Neijing", to Wang Mang's imperial physician, Shangfang and Qiaotu in the Han Dynasty who cut and peeled it together, measured the five internal organs, guided the veins with bamboo sticks, and knew the beginning and end. Clouds can heal diseases. ', from the "Inner Territory Map" by Yan Zhenzi, a Taoist priest during the wars of the Five Dynasties, to the "Cunzhen Map" by doctors in the Song Dynasty, and the Mongolian veterinarian who specialized in treating livestock trauma in the Yuan Dynasty, the surgery of the Ming Dynasty stood on the basis of bloody or fallacious , or new disciplines formed on incomprehensible foundations.

These processes are like the keys that Chen Mu wants to search for, which can open doors leading to the future.

"Marshal, Dr. Chen, Mr. Xu is here."

Before the official of the Medical Academy finished speaking, Chen Mu had already wrinkled his nose, and the strong smell of alcohol rushed into his nose, and a drunken figure flashed outside the door.

Xu Wei changed his clothes, but he obviously hadn't slept enough. His hair was loose and he didn't wear a scarf. The old man is here to compose a poem for the Beiyang butcher?"

Chen Shigong's face was not very good-looking.

Chen Mu didn't care, pointed at Xu Wei and said with a smile, "You will become a member of the Beiyang Butcher, look at these paintings."

Chen Mu originally thought that Xu Wei, who was specialized in painting, should be astonished to see these exotic drawings of different styles. In fact, Xu Wei did raise his eyebrows when he saw the drawings. Frowning, he waved his hands and said, "No way!"

The old lunatic fiddled with the manuscripts, picked out a few manuscripts that had nothing to do with anatomy, raised his hand and patted: "These are paintings, and the others are not paintings. Extremely, if the general likes these bones, this old man will have a copy of Li Daizhao's "Skeleton Illusion", if the butcher's house likes these tools, then hire another painter!"

Chen Mu smiled, and Xu Wei got to the point: "Yes, these are tools, I need you to make me some tools."

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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