open sea

Chapter 871

Chapter 871
Chen Mu doesn't care about false fame, or he doesn't need to care about false fame.

Just like the Spanish conquest of Aztec, Philip did not give himself the title of Aztec emperor. His governor chose to support a puppet to succeed to the throne-how could a self-proclaimed superior conqueror think of the conquered title?

Chen Mu's thoughts are not that extreme. He doesn't think that Spain or the Aztecs are superior or inferior. Anyway, the level of civilization and the wealth of the people are a bit lower than that of Daming.

What he cares more about is the role that Ming will play in the geopolitics on both sides of the Atlantic.

The army in Changsheng County, which had been silent for a long time, was dispatched frequently at the end of November in the sixth year of Wanli. First, the townships in the county posted notices to the subordinate villages. .

Every male who is willing to go north will bring his own food, but the military government will give Jincheng a waist knife, a Jinghai uniform, and a one-time payment of [-] to Tongbao.

After enlisting, they will be assigned by the banner army of the leading team, ten people per team, and two hard bows with four strings, two strong crossbows with four strings, one matchlock bird gun, thirty feathered arrows, thirty crossbow bolts, and lead pellets. Thirty gunpowder cartridges and measuring tools for measuring land.

Cheng Dawei, who was sheltering from the cold in Jincheng, did not expect that he would still receive an order from Chen Mu when he came here to do business. The Wanli Mathematics Prize winner, who smelled business opportunities, opened two factories in Jincheng. One hired a large number of aboriginal men and women to make for him. The ink thread rolled hemp rope cart is used to measure the land.

In Cheng Dawei's words, no one knows how big Asia is, and there will be many places to measure in the future!
The other factory is still idle at the moment. Originally, he wanted to get permission from Wu Zhongxing to open a gunpowder workshop, but several gunpowder workshops and nitrate workshops in Jincheng were dominated by Magui's Governor's Mansion, and merchants were not allowed to participate. , he can only settle for second best.

The second industry that Cheng Dawei is eyeing is iron making. This place in Asia relies on mountains and water. At present, regardless of whether it is fur tanning, blankets, weaving or manufacturing, it is close to saturation. Similar to it is timber. Businesses such as mining, quarrying, and gold and silver are all businesses. When the demand first arises, it can be controlled by the military bureaus related to the military government, or those Fujian merchants who have close ties to Beiyang.

It is not a big investment industry. A few large workshops similar to workshops can saturate the market, and it only takes half a year to wait for a Beijing transport ship to pay back.

This made it difficult for Huizhou merchants or immigrant merchants to operate the manufacturing industry. They could only be shippers who bought low and sold high.

Shippers can make a ton of money too, but who wouldn't see the potential here?The aborigines in Panama and Changsheng still have some iron artifacts, but the aboriginal tribes further north can hardly see iron artifacts.

Because there is no iron ore.

The market is huge. Cheng Dawei’s other factory is an iron workshop. He has hired [-] workers and contacted another [-] aborigines in the county. Bring him a large amount of iron ingots, and the ship can start working immediately when it lands.

They don't make any difficult things, just ordinary iron farm tools and utensils. The reason why they don't buy from their own country and choose to build here is not because the labor here is cheap.

Even if there is no money for labor, the shipping fee for the ship to carry the goods has to be included, but such an initial investment is worthwhile. Cheng Dawei does not believe that there will be no iron ore on such a vast land. He needs to cultivate a group of blacksmiths who are loyal to him from scratch. To cope with future market changes.

If the assembled immigration expedition team above is not considered an army, then the transfer of the Beiyang Army has attracted the attention of immigrants.

From November to November, Changsheng County was preparing for the New Year's Eve everywhere, but the military government issued an order at this time to mobilize [-] Beiyang Banner troops to be transferred from Panama to Changsheng Port under the leadership of Yuan Zizhang, a member of the Second Army Division. , Then the dispatch order was sent by land to the front-line garrison, and the local guerrilla general Fu Yuan allocated the garrison's food and salary, waiting for the next military order.

At the Yamen of the Military Mansion of Changsheng County, Yang Tingxiang, who was wearing a graduation military uniform from the lecture hall and a tiger-head breastplate, held his helmet in his arms, and walked into the second floor of the military mansion under the guidance of his servants. Chen Mu had been waiting for him here for a long time.

"Marshal, the humble job is here."

Chen Mu, who was wearing a single robe, turned his head and his eyes lit up. Although Yang Tingxiang was born in the martial arts hall, he usually wears official uniforms when he enters and exits the military mansion.

"How is the life of the immigrant people in Asia, okay?" Chen Mu reached for the chair in the room and said, "Sit."

"On the whole, it's okay. The immigrant people get along very well with the aborigines. Maybe it was because the Western barbarians suppressed slavery before. Now the aborigines are very satisfied with the Ming Dynasty's laws. They don't need any help and alms. The people who have been enslaved are the most Knowing who to thank, they just need a job, a job that gets paid."

"Give it to you, but those who practice the way don't accept it, and give it to you quickly, and beggars will disdain it. They are all hardworking, but a little foolish."

Yang Tingxiang sighed as he said this. During this period of time, he has been active in various villages, trying to compile the history and living habits of the aboriginal people, but he has gained very little. Everything for them is carried out according to the arrangements of the Spaniards. Those arrangements are extremely simple. Almost nothing to record.

But when he tried to dig into the past, people seemed to only remember the tragedies that happened after the arrival of the Spaniards in their souls. Besides, even the oldest elders of each tribe didn't know what their lives were like before the invasion. what it looks like.

On the contrary, the further north, for example, the Zhengtu Department of Jincheng or further north, people still maintain their ancient habits and are not disturbed by the outside world.

"Whoever has his spine broken by something he has never seen before, and those who have the will to resist will be killed, and who will lose their culture and learning opportunities for decades with fear, will become stupid and naive. Living like that is worse than death. Not their fault."

Chen Mu waved his hands and didn't care about this, saying: "Our culture will reinvigorate them. It only takes two generations, and all this will undergo earth-shaking changes."

"Xiaozhi is planning to go to Jincheng to stay for a while. I don't know why the commander-in-chief called Xiaozhi here this time? I heard that the military mansion paid for the general's headquarters to add [-] troops to the front line. What did the Westerners do?"

"That's not an extra soldier for General Fu, just let him take care of it temporarily, go to Jincheng? You don't need to go to Jincheng, you can go directly to Mexico City."

As Chen Mu pushed out the envelope from the table, he said to Yang Tingxiang: "I guess Spain already knows the news that we have increased our troops to the border, and their envoys should be coming to Changsheng County non-stop. After the meeting with them, you will be tomorrow." The governor of the Western Commonwealth area."

(End of this chapter)

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