open sea

Chapter 874 The Coffin

Chapter 874 The Coffin
Acosta did not expect that the Mingxi Commonwealth would be put on Chen Mu's agenda so soon. Even if the treaty was signed, no one in the entire West India Committee thought that the Ming Congress would soon try to control Mexico City.

Because it is impossible to control, the Ming army has no foundation in Mexico City.

"I'm afraid your Excellency is not clear about the situation in Mexico City. There are more than [-] Spanish soldiers stationed there, and there are countless old and new nobles who lost their fiefs because of your country. They came from Acapulco, border plantations, and Peru and Chile. flooding into Mexico City."

"I don't intend to mention the dispute between you and our country, but it does exist, and it is deeply painful to many people. They have great, hostility towards your newspaper."

Acosta in the banquet hall didn't even have the idea of ​​using chopsticks, even though he would use this kind of tableware from the Ming Dynasty, he organized the language and said: "The Duke of Alva is planning to send them all back to the Iberian Peninsula within one year, But before that, Mexico City is not safe enough for the Ming Dynasty and the Ming Governor.”

In fact, it is still difficult for him to accept a person from the Ming Dynasty as the governor of New Spain. Although Mexico City had always thought that the administrative division of New Spain would be renamed because it became a co-government, it seems that the Ming Dynasty did not have this idea.

But Acosta would not be grateful for this. On the contrary, the governor of New Spain is a Ming countryman, and this is the greatest humiliation.

There was a ping-pong sound, and the sound of silver chopsticks colliding with porcelain plates resounded in the empty banquet hall.

Acosta was already mentally prepared to face interrogation when he spoke, but he did not expect Chen Mu, who was sitting at the top, to chew his food with such a complexion that he took it slowly until he had finished speaking. She took out a satin towel and wiped her lips lightly. It seemed that she was about to speak when she heard an unusual noise from the side of the banquet hall.

When the monk turned his head, he saw an extremely strange scene.

There were so many people participating in this banquet that Acosta couldn't know all the guests, but he didn't care. Today's banquet was originally prepared by Chen Mu to welcome him, and the others were just to accompany the guests.

Although everyone is very noble, the ones sitting at the end are basically military officers of the rank of a thousand households. There are many people wearing official robes or military uniforms at the banquet, and some people wearing silk robes are merchants from the Ming Dynasty. Most of them have their attendants behind them.

Merchants mostly bring young and beautiful maids to serve them; military officers usually bring their entourage Wubian, who stand majestically behind them.

Only at this time did Acosta realize that among the guests, among the few senior officials in scarlet robes who sat at the front, there was one who was out of place.

His facial features are not like those of Ming people, but more like Europeans. Ming people all have black hair, but even if he wears a black hair scarf, he can't hide his red hair. The hand looks like he threw the chopsticks on the porcelain plate.

"Don't think this can scare you..." Acosta frowned on a few words of not-so-fluent Spanish. In fact, Zhu Xiaoen also frowned. He hadn't spoken Spanish for too long, so he simply used He said fluently in Chinese: "Don't think this can scare us, the Ming Empire is not afraid of any threats!"

No, it's fine for Chen Mu to quarrel with me, why can anyone quarrel with me now?

Ashura was very angry.

"Who is Your Excellency?"

"Heh, who am I? I am the Son of Tomorrow who personally appointed the King of Alan, Zhu Xiaoen!"

Zhu Xiaoen raised his head proudly. It was a complete accident that he appeared in the banquet hall. At first he didn’t know that the Spanish envoys would come. Subordinates develop feelings.

But no one in the entire Eastern Military Government paid more attention to the progress of Li Dan and Chen Jiujing's joint fleet in the Caribbean Sea than him, because he urgently needed the Ming Army fleet to sail freely in the Caribbean Sea. Ireland under his rule, to inform the feudal nobles everywhere that he has the support of the Ming Dynasty.

This news must have been very exciting to his people, but his voyage took much longer than expected, and I am afraid that by now the fief has been handed over to his son to inherit.

This longing for his homeland made him feel anxious, and his ardent hopes for the Ming army to control the Atlantic Ocean also increased day by day.

No, as soon as he heard the news that the army planned to send the governor to control Mexico City, he ran to find Chen Mu, and just in time for the banquet to begin, he offered him an extra seat.

"The Kingdom of Alan?" Acosta was a little confused when he heard Zhu Xiaoen's self-reported family background. Although the pronunciation was basically the same, he really didn't think about England, and asked, "In the Philippines?"

"Don't be impatient, my lord." Chen Mu smiled at the top and stopped Zhu Xiaoen's thoughts of continuing to answer. He thought that Spain should not know that the Ming emperor had canonized a king in Europa. He said to Acosta: "King Ailan is my son-in-law, but the matter is not as terrible as the king said, right, I know what the monk said is not a threat."

"Since the monk said so, then the situation in Mexico City must not be very good. This is also to protect the safety of Governor Ming."

When Zhu Xiaoen was talking, Chen Mu held the silk scarf and laughed for a long time, now he put the silk scarf on the table and said to Acosta: "Chen is right?"

Acosta ignored the Ming dynasty vassal who came out of nowhere, and quickly nodded to Chen Mu: "That's right."

Chen Mu raised the corners of his mouth happily, and said, "That's right, I can also think of the predicament that Duke Alva is facing, not to mention the fact that your country generally has no experience in governing the region, I believe this situation is inevitable."

"Thinking about it, if the governor sent by Daming still needs Spain to protect him at this time, it may be too difficult for others, and it will add chaos to the Duke."

Acosta was finally in the mood to enjoy the food at this time, and he was calling on the West India Council to issue a decree giving Indians sufficient rights to deal with the increasingly fierce competition for people after the arrival of the Ming Dynasty.

If the governor of the Ming Dynasty went to Mexico City at this time, the first thing he would do would be to complete this matter, and it would be the Ming Dynasty to gain the hearts of the people.

The so-called co-governance area, no matter what Chen Mu says or thinks, in Acosta and many of the actual controllers of New Spain, whoever owns this land depends on who is stronger and who wins the hearts of the people. This is the current situation This is developing towards the unfavorable side of the Spaniards.

The arrival of the governor of the Ming Dynasty is tantamount to adding fuel to the fire.

However, before Acosta's heart fell from his throat to his stomach, he nearly vomited to the ground following Chen Mu's next words.

He heard Chen Mu say: "So don't bother your country, Chen will send a thousand infantry to follow the governor into Mexico City, and make Mexico City prosperous as soon as possible. His soldiers will be responsible for the governor's safety. The payment will be sent directly by me."

"Even if there is an accident, I will not blame Spain. My governor has already ordered the coffin in Changsheng County. He will not hesitate to risk his life to get Mexico City out of the current predicament. This matter must be represented by the monks. I will inform Duke Alva."

With a half-smile, Chen Mu picked up his wine glass and said, "It's almost Chinese New Year, I wish the monks an early New Year!"

"Get rid of the current predicament? What is the predicament your Excellency is talking about?" Acosta was not so easy to accept. Although his resistance was particularly pale at this time, he still asked stubbornly: "The predicament, does it refer to Spain?" ?”

Chen Mu blinked and said seriously, "I didn't say that!"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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