open sea

Chapter 882

Chapter 882
The turbulent waves rolled up the body, and after a few ups and downs, everything disappeared without a trace. Only the Calais ship whose canopy was broken by the shells and the oars were broken, was discarded in the sea and gradually drifted away.

The sharks, attracted by the smell of blood, swam around the fleet, and the bloody water and hundreds of corpses that could not disperse for a long time were enough for them to feast on.

Lamb's sailors stared at the Ming soldiers wearing chain mail or carapace vests in horror. Most of them had small braids and more or less scars on their bodies. The weapons of the men had been put back to their waists, and some still held short weapons such as hatchets and guillotines in their hands, and returned to the ship with the heads that had not belonged to them half an hour ago.

Not far away, the huge crane-winged sail of the scarred Jiazi warship slowly covered it like a haze that blocked the sun.

The artillery battle ahead ended earlier than the boarding battle. The two Carrick sailboats were not equipped with many artillery pieces, and the performance of the wrought iron Francois was also weaker than that of General Zhenshuo, but the battle would not have ended so soon. The real advantage is that it has hundreds of well-trained Beiyang flag troops and 24 well-trained naval officers from Nanyang.

The enemy didn't look weak, and this should have been a tough fight.

Yuan Zizhang, a general of the Lu division, was very dissatisfied with the battle process when he led the navy to participate in the battle for the first time.

During the battle, for some unknown reason, the enemy ship on the right wing exploded on the port waterline without being bombarded by the Ming army. Yuan Zizhang, who was concentrating on dealing with the enemy ship on the left wing, came back to his senses, and the ship fled without firing a single shot. .

Another Carrick sailing ship showed extraordinary tenacity. It was powerless to fight back under the successive bombardments of one large, two small and three Ming warships. It endured eight rounds of bombardment with more than 300 guns. When the enemy was falling, Yuan Zizhang didn't dare to order to board the ship, so he had to watch the ship sink little by little, and finally only the watchtower on the mast was left shaking on the sea.

Like a big fish float full of unwillingness.

Until the Jiazi Ship returned with two shark ships, Yuan Zizhang still didn’t understand how the enemy ship blew up without being beaten. According to his understanding of the shape of Spanish warships, the position next to the waterline is usually a gunpowder depot, but that’s very Safe, yes very very safe.

The hull of the Spanish Galen ship is generally two feet thick, and it is difficult to penetrate directly even if it is directly bombarded by a main battleship like the Liujia ship, which is equipped with [-] catties of heavy artillery on the lower deck.

What's more, there is a distance between the hull and the gunpowder magazine, and the gunpowder magazine has a wooden wall about one foot thick.Taking a step back, even if the Ming army installed the 36-pound heavy artillery with the greatest damage, it might not be able to ignite if it was lucky enough to break the hull of the ship, break the wooden wall, and blast it into the gunpowder magazine.

The Ordnance Bureau in Weigang, Nanyang conducted a special experiment, holding a two-pound gun at the gunpowder barrel, sometimes it can hit the bomb, sometimes it can't.

Before Yuan Zizhang graduated from the Lecture Hall, the officials of the Nanyang Military Weapons Bureau were still analyzing the probability and cause of the shell hitting the gunpowder barrel and igniting the gunpowder.

What's more, they didn't fire at the ship at all.

Li Dan was even more depressed. He listened to the endless cheers of the Banner Army all the way back, and from time to time he put the little wooden figure under the mast to worship. The general’s cannonballs, the gunpowder cartridges made of bird guns and bamboos made in the second year of Wanli, and the sailor axes made in Beiyang, of course, the most straightforward silver and copper coins are indispensable.

But he still can't let the sailors remove these obscene priests, after all... the flag soldiers are worshiping his father.

It is said that when the battle started, an artilleryman who was fighting for the first time was a little nervous. He placed the statue of the Dragon and Tiger Taoist beside the porthole. He just bowed twice when he heard the enemy ship explode.

Baihu, who had been trained by Governor Shi Qishi of the Qingliang Bureau during his rotation in Changsheng County, even casually made up a chapter of "Puerto Rico's Fayi is rampant, and the true king of the Caribbean shows his holiness", saying that he would write it into his "East of the Heavenly Army" In addition, this chapter of the book has to be sent to the post station to send it back to the Zhenjun Temple in Changsheng County after landing, so as to feed the believers and repay the protection of the Zhenjun.

What can Li Dan say?He can guarantee the national fortune of France, and his adoptive father is definitely an atheist.

None of them believed in God at all!

As a result, a bunch of soldiers from the new Dragon and Tiger True Monarch were brought out, what a ghost.

"Captain, they asked you to come aboard, saying that their general wants to see you."

After the battle, Lamb has been staring at the Fuchuan, which has a very different shape from Europe, and stared at the Jiazi Ship for a long time after the Jiazi Ship returned. He has seen ships from various European countries at sea, and there are many ships from the Ottoman Empire. The Calais ship driven by French pirates is a general-purpose ship in the Mediterranean Sea.

When the Holy Alliance and Ottoman fought the Battle of Lepanto five years ago, Ottoman was all galley warships.

But he has never seen any country's warships can be so different in shape from warship to warship.

He was thinking, if his hometown could have such a ship, a merchant ship that would not sink even if it was hit halfway by the Calais ship; A warship that could sink and flee two Carric warships at such a speed.

Perhaps the disaster brought by Philip would not befall his hometown, and perhaps the Netherlands would not become a person without a hometown, who could only drift at sea forever and have no one to rely on.

Hearing the call of the sailors on the ship, Lamb, who came back to his senses, rowed the small paddle boat that had been put down with anxiety, and climbed onto the Jiazi ship by stepping on the rope ladder.

The deck was full of people, and the North Korean sailors of the Baishan Battalion were using more than a dozen small paddle boats from all directions to carry goods, Fran cannons, weapons, armour, and food buckets to the big ship. Crash and destroy everything that can be recovered on the Fuchuan.

Words he couldn't understand were everywhere. These people obviously had three completely different temperaments. Those bald Ming warriors spoke boldly and were the main force in the water battle; But the soft-spoken sailors with low brows and pleasing eyes were sailors from two small warships.

The people who guide him are dressed in another set of clothes. They generally wear well-made breastplates, which are carved with complicated beast patterns using techniques that Lamb can't tell. They don't look as arrogant as common nobles , but everyone on board will make way for them.

When they walked through the crowd, the surrounding sounds would be deliberately suppressed. Even Lamb, an 'outsider', could easily tell who was the owner of these boats.

Stepping over the dark deck painted with special paint, walking around the tall mast with a huge winch underneath, passing the heavy guns with steel luster, and after the huge shadow cast by the crane-wing sails, on the poop of the huge warship Looking up, Lamb saw a figure in white with long black hair hanging over his shoulders behind the crimson railing.

After seeing the white long-sleeved short robe and trousers, Lamb instinctively pulled the wrinkled shirt that was supposed to be white, but now it was yellowish-gray with a few canvas patches. He couldn't think of a shirt question.

There was no wrinkle in the clothes from top to bottom, and the shiny fabric looked like milk. Why would anyone wear clothes of such texture on board?Any kind of accident would ruin such precious clothes.

When he followed the raised hand of the figure, the man's right hand was holding a red robe of the same texture, but it looked more expensive because there were many incomprehensible patterns on it.

Lamb knew that it was silk with excellent workmanship, and he could have worn clothes of this kind of fabric, at least he could buy one to wear out on important occasions, but because of His Majesty the King, when he finally saved enough money to buy silk clothes At the time of the money, Mexico could no longer make silk.

Now only His Majesty Philip can wear such clothes, and Lamb can only look at them.

He wanted to see more, but when he looked down along those lines, he only saw a blazing fire. The figure let go, and the clothes did not fall on the deck, and then it was a brazier, a blazing flame Devour that robe quickly.

In the smell of burnt feathers, Lamb saw that figure turned his head. He had a face belonging to a young man, wrinkled his nose in disgust as if he had never done anything, looked over with scrutiny, raised his finger and asked Said: "Who are you and where are you from?"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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