open sea

Chapter 907 Invincible

Chapter 907 Invincible
Chen Mu wanted to join the book compilation plan, which once made Zou Zhixian extremely panic.

To be honest, it's okay to give Zhao Shizhen a little bit, anyway, the status of the two of them is about the same.

When you enter the gate of the Yamen of the Oriental Army Mansion, don't underestimate the big toe, because you may be able to tell who is longer.

But it's wrong for Chen Mu to jump out, where is your master Dongyang?What are you playing with our toe brothers? Go back and stay on top of you.

What?Do you think the 'top' refers to the shoulders or the head?

No no no, Chen Mu is the sun, he will roast others to death when he descends to earth!

No, Secretary Zhao originally planned to spend more than ten days concentrating on compiling a "Water Pressure Book", explaining the benefits of water machines, and then investing in the practice of making water pumps. As a result, Chen Mu decided to join in for a cup of tea after patting his head So I took a picture of the hand pump design to Zou Yuanbiao.

On the way to the Ordnance Bureau hand in hand, the three giants of Changsheng have rushed to the sawmill, the iron warehouse and other places to collect a lot of craftsmen and materials, and they went to work directly in the past.

The carpenters held their tools for half an hour, took out a miniature version of the hand pump model according to the design drawing, and put it on the clay pot. Chen Mu grabbed the pressure rod that was not as thick as his own little finger and pressed it hard. .

Well, can't make it!
Zou Yuanbiao and Zhao Shizhen wanted to applaud Chen Mu's operation!
The three of them thought the Arms Bureau was too hot, so they went back to the yamen and continued to ponder until evening, drawing and compiling theories. After all, the hand-pressed water pump is better than the current composition and production experience. It is still complicated and novel, Chen Mu only knows the general principle, and mistakes are inevitable.

But what is certain is that given him some time, he will definitely be able to make it again, after all, Beiyang has made it.

When it was dark, the soldiers at the gate of the yamen came to report that there were two craftsmen from the military bureau at the gate, and they stood there all afternoon, not daring to come in.

When the craftsmen were recruited, the two of them carried a large water gun and said that the structure of the hand pump was complicated, and there were dozens of parts in it. If any one was broken, it could not be used. It would take a lot of time to repair it later.

The groundwater around Changsheng is quite high, so why not use this one, which is easy to make, quick to use, and conducive to large-scale production. As long as the structure of the well is slightly changed, ordinary people in hundreds of villages will be able to make it themselves in the future, and it can be used as a well in wartime. weapon.


Zou Yuanbiao looked at the Dahaozi water gun and was speechless, but Zhao Shizhen looked around with the water gun and asked the craftsman, "This water gun is similar in structure to the muzzle on the Menghuo oil tank?"

In fact, the water gun is a bit like a large wooden needle tube, and there is also a piston inside, but it is not made of rubber. It uses a bamboo tube and cooked leather that is a little smaller than the shell. The Forbidden City used this thing to put out fires. on the high eaves.

The exact name of this structure should be pump. This name comes from Yu Zhenmu's "Book of Planting Trees" in the 12th year of Hongwu. It has the same meaning as reciprocating, piston, and pumping. Later, pumping shotguns were also called pumping shotguns.

Food is the most important thing for the people. Once ancient China discovered that technology was very advanced, it would definitely find its roots in agricultural production. The pump was first used for agricultural irrigation, and the piston inside was the same, but instead of irrigation, it drew salt water from a salt well. .

In the "Dongpo Zhilin" by Su Shi of the Northern Song Dynasty, it is written: the bamboo with a small difference is used as a barrel when it goes in and out of the well. , A tube of water can be used for several buckets, all wells use machinery, and everyone knows the benefits.

Chen Mu was very interested in hearing Zhao Shizhen say that the structure of the water gun was similar to that of the fierce fire oil tank. Under the surprised eyes of the two craftsmen, the soldiers carried the big water gun to the table. Move and look like a child.

For a while: "Hey, this is amazing!" After a while: "It can still be like this!"

Zhao Shizhen was amazed by this kind of behavior, and asked, "Marshal, have you ever used a fierce fire oil tank in Nanyang? Why don't you look like you haven't seen this before?"

Chen Mu's demeanor did not seem to have been seen before, but he answered very naturally: "Yes, I have used it twice myself, but I didn't study its internal structure carefully at that time... At that time, I was still a thousand households in Xiangshan. Well, I don’t think this thing works.”

"Young, and have no experience in commanding fleets or legion battles. The army lacks artillery, and I am also superstitious about firepower."

Chen Mu made a brief summary of his half-life as a soldier, nodded and said: "In Nanyang, three or five ships are equipped with a hundred guns, even if it is a Francophone, it is enough to fight. It is mainly good at combat thinking. Others want to follow You fight jumping, we run and shoot, who can win?"

"At that time, it is useless to develop more fire oil tanks. Unless I want to bump into people, no one can get within ten feet of my boat. It is difficult for fire oil tanks to play a role."

While talking, Chen Mu struggled to pick up the water gun, which was designed to be used by two people, and he couldn't put it down. He stroked the body of the gun and let go of his thoughts: "The whole body should be smaller and more portable. The front end is designed to be tapered to increase the jet pressure. There is a hole in the middle of the bamboo tube of the ruler, and five of them are carried on the back, and can be carried by one person... huh?"

What surprised Chen Mu was Zou Yuanbiao's strange cry amid applause.

"Okay, handsome!"

Zou Baldzi has already understood that the correct way to use this thing is to make it bigger, place it vertically on the well, then dig a slope along the edge of the well on the other side, draw water and move it across the slope to spray the water out.

Although it is a bit difficult to make, it is not difficult to go anywhere, but it can save a lot of energy for fetching water. The villages under his rule need this, especially the little thing Chen Mu said.

"Under Chang Sheng's rule, every village has to dig a few wells, put in a few big pumps, and then provide the farmers with what you said. Five water pumps are not enough. At least a family of three or four should be equipped with twenty water pumps, or directly Let the donkey pull the cart, put a big bucket on the cart, a little higher, and connect the water gun with a leather tube, so you don’t have to worry about watering the ground anymore!”

"You don't know how uncomfortable it is for the farmer to bend over to hand in the water, but the vegetable farmer is holding a small water ladle to water it one by one, and bends one by one... huh?"

Before Zou Yuanbiao finished speaking, Zhao Shizhen nudged him gently with an elbow. He looked up and saw Chen Mu who was in a daze.

Zhao Shizhen pursed his lips very seriously, looked at the water gun on the table with both eyes, and said softly: "The commander-in-chief is not so good, I mean the commander-in-chief is not as sympathetic to the difficulties of people's livelihood as you are, his tone just now, that The expression, that movement, I'm afraid it's not the design of farming tools."

Zhao Shizhen, who dealt with weapons all day long and even designed a few weapons himself, was very clear about Chen Mu's thoughts, and he guessed that what Chen Mu said in the Wulian bamboo tube was definitely not water, but kerosene most likely.

If it is really kerosene, then Zhao Shizhen guessed that a detachable fire source may be added to the mouth of the water gun to ignite the kerosene.

Thinking of this, Zhao Shizhen held the cuff of his right hand with his left hand, and stretched out his right palm to slap on the table.

"Commander, I have made up my mind. One hundred households will be equipped with two donkeys, and one thousand households will have 24 small donkeys. Twelve donkeys will carry two catties of artillery and shells, and the other twelve will carry weapons. Each head can carry twelve donkeys. There are two sets of magic arrows, and a small cart can hold two cans of kerosene. There is nothing fiercer than fire in the world, and it means invincible, so the name is Modi Gun!"

Chen Mu was shocked: "Why do you two think so far?"

(End of this chapter)

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