open sea

Chapter 912

Chapter 912
"Please also report to the invincible General Chen. I am Drake from England. I had the honor to meet General Shao Tingda. I bring a letter from the Queen."

In the square in front of the Yamen of the Eastern Military Mansion, a middle-aged man in a sleeveless jacket looked up at the vicious sun in frustration, opened and closed his mouth and cursed silently, and finally he could only unbutton his body and lead a young man to Go to the gazebo at the corner of the square.

"Xiao Fu, go there, you will suffer from heat stroke if you wait any longer, don't expect the arrogant Ming people to rescue us."

His name was Francis Drake, and he was every bit as dangerous in old and new Spain.

The young man beside him is named Francis Bacon, who entered Cambridge to study at the age of 12, and served as the attache of the envoy in France at the age of 15. This year, his father died of illness and went home to attend the funeral.

The two men with the same name came from England, and suffered all kinds of difficulties from the Spaniards and the Ming army along the way.

It is not right to say that, the Spaniards did not make things difficult for them, because the Spaniards did not find them, otherwise there would be no troubles at all, and they would shoot directly.

But the Ming army, Drake was not an envoy sent by Queen Elizabeth, he just used the fleet to provide escort, but in the West Indies, Li Dan's ships did not allow the English to enter the sea area, after all, Drake was the most powerful in this sea area. One of the notorious pirates, even Li Dan and Chen Jiujing have heard of it.

The Spaniard's treasure ship has only been successfully robbed twice in the past ten years. Once in Manila, it was plundered from the sea by Chen Mu who was on an expedition. Because the transaction has been completed, what Chen Mu robbed was the goods.

The other took place in the Isthmus of Panama, and the main character was Drake.

Even after showing the Queen's letter and the evidence of the previous friendly exchanges with Shao Tingda, Li Dan still did not completely release the envoy fleet. He seized six English ships of all sizes and took them to Qilin Port, only allowing two people Take the letter to Changsheng.

This situation meant danger for Drake, and the reason why he and his cousin Hawkins began to take revenge on the Spanish was in the Gulf of Mexico. They had been coaxed by the Spanish governor to stop at the port, and then the fleet was killed.

After discussion, the real messenger Edward Fenton was left in Qilinwei Port. Old Frederick and Little Verbacon landed from the Gulf of Mexico under the escort of the Ming army, passed through the Commonwealth area all the way to the border, and were taken to Changsheng County.

Although I was not bullied all the way safely, but the psychological pressure is not insignificant.

Even now, not far from them, there is always a bean-popping sound of gunfire, which they can't even hear if they don't listen carefully, because it lasts for too long, like white noise, It will be directly ignored by the head.

The long and rhythmic musket sound of the Ming army could fight from morning to night.

Little Ferbacon sat dignifiedly in the gazebo. Since his father passed away, he has lost his source of income, and he has lost the opportunity to study with the envoy in France. If it weren't for the opportunity to go to the Ming Dynasty, he would want to study at Gray Law School. After all Control food and control.

There are indeed many universities in Europe, but the concept of this university is different from that of later generations. First of all, those schools are generally seminaries, focusing on theology. Secondly, universities in this era are more like schools, because there are no elementary schools and no middle schools. Although these schools later Being a university doesn't mean it used to be a university.

Because if there is no primary education, there will be no relative higher education, only education.

Francis, one big and one small, sat in the shade of the pavilion, irritated by the hot and humid air. The humidity felt like a harbinger of an imminent downpour, which was not a good omen for the two of them.

Bacon carefully looked at the architectural style he had never seen in the distance, the tall eaves on the row upon row of houses, the white walls and blue tiles and all kinds of birds and animals on the tiles, the trees growing over the courtyard wall Blooming flowers, everywhere reveals beauty and divinity.

People in a hurry on the street wore clothes that were very different from those in Europe. He could not see any poor people in the European sense. Some people wore loose clothes with relatively monotonous color schemes, but the clothes were exquisitely made to make them appear clean and decent. The patterns on the clothes are more complicated, but the distance makes it impossible to be sure whether those dark patterns exist, but more patterns and decorations make them look noble but not kitsch.

Everyone has a healthy complexion and a self-satisfied look.

Walking on the official road far away from the town does not feel any difference, but the number of horse-drawn carriages transporting goods far exceeds that of London or the suburbs of Paris, indicating extraordinary prosperity, and every country road will make them misunderstand that it is leading to the town The road, but this road leads to the end.

The flow of people is getting denser, and a village has more residents than a town in Europe. Those towns that would be given excellent names in Europe are just a village without a name. Bacon found a very important thing—here There is no church.

Where tens of thousands or even 10 people live, there is not a single church.

When he mentioned this to Drake, the old pirate leader showed a mocking look: "Have you not discovered that the land of the Ming Empire is extremely prosperous, and I have begun to believe that their local roads are paved with gold. If you can Trade with them, we can make a lot of money, your life is no longer in vain, and I can quickly add a few ships, no, I will have a large fleet of twelve ships!"

"England can also become rich quickly, no longer afraid of the threat of the Spaniards, and we can sail freely on the sea."

Derek stroked the beard on his chin that was shaved to avoid Spanish inspections, and his eyes showed extraordinary desire: "Who cares if there is a church? I only care that their towns have no walls. What kind of people would not give their own towns? Building walls?"

"Maybe they are idiots, and maybe the people who want to attack them are idiots." Bacon Jr. stated this sentence very seriously, and then reminded: "Since they established this town one year after they landed in the New World, during this year Also defeated the Spaniards... I think the Ming people are the latter."

Drake curled his lips, and sighed softly for some reason: "Let's call them the Ming Empire, the generals of the West Indies seem to like others to call their country that way—that person, those people who walked out of the city hall are Spaniards Is it?"

A few Spanish soldiers wearing high helmets came out of the yamen of the Eastern Military Mansion. Surrounded by them, the extremely ornately dressed men bowed to the young man in long robes standing sideways in the military mansion. After receiving their sabers and muskets, they gradually left towards the port.

This scene made Drake suddenly want to stand up, and then stopped alertly in the middle of the movement, carefully looking left and right, trying to find an escape route.

"They were still at war last time I was here, they shouldn't be as friendly as they seem!"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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