open sea

Chapter 919 Contagion

Chapter 919 Contagion
Listening to the words of the Little Banner Army, Francis Bacon felt that the past ten years of reading books might have been in vain.

Of course, his logic was confused for a while and he was not self-consistent, but his mind was quickly searching for any conclusions that could eliminate the contradictions. Although he hadn't found it yet, he should be able to find a way to persuade this Ming army soon.

Not far enough to convince myself.

Perhaps one of the sorrows of a person is to work hard for a hopeless thing, just like Bacon now, he hopes that he can persuade a Ming army, so as to gain trust and get more information about the Ming army and the Ming Empire.

But this approach was wrong from the very beginning. In fact, if he tried to become friends with this Ming army, he might be able to get the news he wanted, but he wanted to establish a common belief?
Do you know why the little book in his arms is called "Guide to Preventing Gunshots"?

Chapter 2 of the newly compiled military regulations of the Oriental Military Government, 74 of the decrees applicable to gunshots: Ming soldiers are allowed to worship gods, but they are not allowed to believe in religion before death.

Who would make fun of my little life?In particular, the soldiers of the Four Seas Banners are well fed, paid so much, and there are some kind of rewards at every turn. As long as they pass the Beiyang recruitment assessment and practice hard, they will immediately become the upper-middle-income group of the Ming Empire.

Going abroad for five years, those who are willing to renew the contract will continue to renew the contract, and those who are not willing to renew the contract will go back to the imperial court for distribution. Among other things, the military trainers in the northern and southern oceans, and the research and teaching of the North and South Martial Arts Halls are the worst in the world. Which guard does not lack a martial arts instructor who is proficient in business and experienced in battle?
Even if you go back and don’t want to engage in military service anymore, you can save 100 taels of silver in five years at least, but if you take ten thousand steps back, how hopeless this Beiyang Banner Army can save 100 taels?Not to mention fighting, if you get first in any subject, your salary in the next few months will add up to 30 taels, which is still infantry.

The only bad thing is that this is a high-risk occupation, but they have never lost - there is no reason to want to die, okay!
Looking for a gunshot when you are full?

"I said you, and you should stop your heart as soon as possible. In the New World, your master is not working. Let's go, it's time for us to go in."

Banner Army drew up his long dagger and was about to drag Bacon to Daojun Temple, which frightened Xiaofu: "I won't worship, I won't worship, I can't worship your gods, this is heresy!"

"Look at your rare and strange appearance, whether you like to worship or not, who cares, let you go inside to eat something, I want to worship!"

The Little Banner Army looked at it very disdainfully, stretched out his hand again, and then pulled Francis Bacon to the Daojun Temple. On the way, Bacon asked in a panic: "What are you bringing me here for? Didn't you promise to go see it today?" Pottery?"

"Look at pottery, didn't you see that I was quarreled because you made a small wooden sign? You said that I was not strict in discipline and fined half a month's military salary. Do you know how much my half-month military salary is, eh? Three thousand Tongbao! Put you and your lazy If you sell all your belongings, friend Dan, you won’t be able to exchange them.”

"I was fined so much, why don't you pay for it? Besides, I didn't hear other people practice shooting with guns every day. I don't have time to play with you two. We have always performed well, and we have won the first rank in fighting against Westerners." You have won the ranking in this competition, and you are not far from being promoted to the flag!"

Xiao Banner snorted as he spoke: "I'm here to pay homage to Daojun, let Daojun give me a change of errand, and let you eat something by the way, so that Grandpa Daojun can find you a job too, don't be like your friend , I don’t want to make progress all day long, just eat and drink in the military mansion, and I don’t feel ashamed to panic!”

Ask Daojun to change an errand?

Ask Daojun to find a job?

"No, I have a job. I am the attache of England's envoy to the Ming Empire. This is my job!"

"What kind of bullshit work, you are the envoy's entourage, what about your envoys? Even the envoys don't want any kind of entourage, please show some face - don't make noise in Daojun Temple, just stand here and wait."

Bacon was pulled into the main hall of Daojun Temple. It seemed that the temple was brand new, as if it had been repaired some time ago. The extremely high temple beams dispersed the force and hung bright lights. The smoke and fire in the hall shrouded in a mysterious atmosphere. A huge idol in the middle appeared in the smoke—Bacon felt a little familiar.

But for a while, he didn't realize that this statue was more similar to anyone he had ever seen, or that this statue was a bit like every Ming Dynasty person he had ever seen, but with a deeper majesty.

Various letters hang neatly on the walls to the left and right of the statue, and under the letters are four armored flag soldiers on duty.

In front of the statue, there are many huge sacrificial tables, which are filled with various items, including whole grains, fruits and vegetables, cooked meat and steaming cornmeal food, fruit juice, goat milk or Clay pots for warm porridge, newly folded clothes, cloth brocades that look extraordinarily precious, bright swords and armor, and well-made bows and arrows.

There were even two infants.

Bacon saw someone respectfully put food on the sacrificial table, bowed his head and said a few words of prayer and then bowed back. There were also people who first prayed reverently and then slowly picked up food from the sacrificial table and ate it. The movements were very light and elegant.

Another woman gently picked up the crying child who was still in its infancy, approached the statue, bowed her head, said something she didn't know, and took the child away.

In the entire temple, Bacon didn't see any priests or priests, only believers of these unknown gods.

Against this background, he saw the bannerman assigned to guard him walk up with a long dagger, prayed to the god statue, and handed him hot yellow pasta like no one else: "Cornmeal turkey buns, eat Get it and you'll have a job."

"Why, this, these offerings can be eaten casually?" The hot pasta made people look very appetizing. Although Bacon didn't know what the so-called 'buns' were, he still involuntarily took them in his hand and asked Said: "I saw someone took the child away, and these sacrifices, what's going on, isn't it for the gods?"

"It's only you patients with Iberian disease who are so ignorant. Immortals are immortals. If they don't work, they are not immortals. Can immortals eat steamed stuffed buns? You can."

"My commander-in-chief said that Changsheng needs such a place, where desperate people can come and have a full meal. At first, the commander-in-chief took some grain from the tax and put it here for porridge. Later, when there were more poor people, merchants came to recruit workers. , People who have no livelihood can not only eat a full meal, but also get a job that can make money. Before we came, the natives had no money to work."

"So people have a convention that if you can't live, you come here to eat. When you eat, people know that you need a job. Changsheng has countless jobs waiting for someone to do. People who get help live. Well done, I paid my wages and bought a few steamed buns with gratitude, recruited workers for business, put a few sets of clothes and cotton cloths, and now I don’t need the general to do anything else.”

"This is what I said. We are different from you. Your ancestors made mistakes and were born with sins. Our ancestors filled the sky and filled the sea to help more people. Do you know that the sky was filled by my ancestors, otherwise You are already dead."

Banner Army raised his hand to the statue of the Dragon and Tiger Daojun and clasped his fist slightly, saying: "People worship the Taoist Lord not because the Taoist Lord is a god, they are desperate and want to have a good meal and live a good life, all these thoughts are all right here , and this is Daojun's home, so I am grateful to Daojun, and the incense is strong."

"If the gods can't make people live better, then what kind of gods are they? Our commander-in-chief was the first to blow up the temple."

"As for the children you speak of, that's another story, Spaniards, come here, and get out of anyone's way."

The Banner Army pulled Bacon who was delivering buns to the entrance of the hall, and said: "Before we came, the Westerners extorted money here. In some places, the children of the local people were raised by the whole village and grew up eating a hundred kinds of food. Later, Baijiafan couldn’t afford to raise children anymore, because Westerners have been conscripting corvee to dig mines, and the people never return, and the men are all in the mines, so how can women and children survive.”

"After the arrival of the Heavenly Army, the natives had their own money, food and land, and those who didn't want to farm had jobs, but it also destroyed the custom of raising children together in their villages. They all moved to live near the factory, and they didn't know each other. If you can’t bear children, you will send them to Daojun Temple.”

"People who live better will come and take their children away to raise them. If there is no one to raise them, they will be raised by the Taoist Lord. We have a nursing home, widows, widows, widows, and lonely, all will be raised."

As he said that, Banner Army raised his finger and pointed to the outside of the hall, and said, "Look, I told you about Dao Junling, and I came to you for work. It looks like a lumberjack."

While talking, Qijun turned his head and asked for a cigarette in a low voice to the Qijun who was standing in the hall next to him. Because of printing money, Changsheng’s paper industry was very prosperous. Zheng Zheng walked over with a smile, and said as he walked: "It's fresh, Yi people are also looking for jobs?"

"No, what you said is wrong!" Francis Bacon, who was almost choking on eating buns, suddenly turned his head and said to the banner army in surprise: "You are not right, your Daoist is not working, and you did not get your What you want, even if you will get it in the future, it is like my master, and my master will also let the flood flood the sky in the future."

After all, Bacon looked at the Banner Army with a victorious look, but the young Little Banner Army only looked at him with the eyes of a fool, turned his head and borrowed a fire from the oil lamp at the entrance of Daojun Temple, sucked in the smoke and was killed Choking and coughing, he said, "Are you stupid?"

"Your lazy friend is my brother's job, mine is only responsible for taking care of you, now without your burden, I will naturally be transferred back to the army to train and participate in the competition, work hard you!"

The young flag soldier greeted Pao Ze, who was on duty at the temple, cupped his hands, patted Bacon on the shoulder, walked towards the foreman of the lumberyard, and said, "The cavalrymen of the second phase of the Xiabeiyang Cavalry should be clear, send a few One person looked at him, this person owes me three thousand Tongbao, just give him half of his salary, and the other half to me, I will go to see him every day after training."

"By the way, tell your workers that this person has Iberia disease, so be careful not to be infected by him."

(End of this chapter)

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