open sea

Chapter 924 Kaifu

Chapter 924 Kaifu

When Chen Jiujing rushed from Qilinwei to Dongyang Military Mansion, the atmosphere in the Yamen was very solemn.

Cheng Dawei led the mathematics officials urgently recruited by the military government to pass calculations and submit a complete report to Chen Mu before the case.

They used limited known conditions to simply present England, a small country that was unknown in the past, to Chen Mu through difficult calculations.

If it weren't for this calculation, everyone would think that England is just a weak country without any threat, including Chen Mu.

But in fact, two data can make people intuitively feel the situation in England.

Cheng Dawei said: "This year, according to the treaty, the military government minted 230 taels of silver for Spain, and the Westerners shipped 200 taels of silver ingots to Potosi."

"It is strange that Yingyi sold a total of 440 million taels of silver to European countries last year."

Cheng Dawei arched his hands and said: "Even if England is counted in the Kingdom of Eland, it is only about the same size as the Iberian Peninsula, but it is still possible to sell such goods and collect more than four million taels of silver from the country every year. It's just the goods they sell."

"The goods sold are not the goods produced, even if they are not consumed domestically, not to mention they are still trying to find new buyers, so I speculate that the goods they produce will only be more than this, and will not be less than this."

"Combining what King Alan said in recent years, many aristocrats in Yingyi have raised sheep in pens to produce more wool. I am afraid that their country will produce more goods this year than last year."

Cheng Dawei said that he nodded involuntarily to try to strengthen the reaction of others to what he said: "If the woolen cloth sold in England is converted into 39 horses in Ming Dynasty, this is a very large number. In terms of woolen cloth, the imperial court The emerging Beiyang and Dongyang weaving are far from being able to match it."

"And we don't know the amount of woolen wool sold in England this year, the year before last, and the year before last, and we can't know the extent of its growth, but the little Yingyi, who has been staying and winning, said that they sold much less wool last year, only four or five thousand package, it should still be growing.”

These data gave Chen Mu a headache.

This data sheet means that in terms of woolen weaving, not to mention that he cannot rely on his existing strength to kill England's woolen fabrics in a short time, even if he brings the entire Ming Dynasty.

Because the area where the most wool weaving was used in the Ming Dynasty or in ancient China was in the northwest, even if he played the handbook to the imperial court, it would be difficult for the imperial court to mobilize wool processed products for him from the northwest.

The road consumption of sea trade is relatively low but the risk is relatively high. The risk of land transportation is low but the road consumption is horribly high. If you transport things from the northwest to the east and then take the sea route, and then send them to England, one or two things can become 30 taels or even more.

The decision to buy foreign wool in Ziguan City was his proposal before crossing the sea. The productivity of Beiyang was in vain, not to mention the variety of industries. The problem is that there is not enough quantity, and these high-quality wool products are sold domestically in a blink of an eye, and there is no way to wait for export.

"That is to say, we need to dump other goods in exchange for wool first. What is suitable?"

"I have never thought of doing such a huge business, but if the commander-in-chief asks, the villain can only estimate."

Cheng Dawei answered firmly: "Cotton cloth, dumping cotton cloth to northern Europe including England, to curb the woolen wool market in England."

Chen Mu, who was leaning on the chair, tapped his head rhythmically with a hard pen, without speaking.

Cheng Dawei means to use cotton cloth as a substitute for woolen cloth, and to replace part of the woolen cloth market with more suitable prices and better quality.

This is indeed feasible in Chen Mu's consciousness: "It's just that there are two problems."

"Comparatively speaking, it is more likely that we have robbed the linen market, and the impact on woolen cloth is minimal."

Cotton cloth and woolen cloth have different target customer groups. Fortunately, in other seasons, in winter, it is difficult for people who can afford woolen cloth to wear cotton products that are relatively poor in warmth.

Unless it is made into winter clothes, Ming's winter clothes are far from being exported in large quantities. That would be too extravagant. I don't know how many soldiers on the border in northern Xinjiang are still freezing because they don't have good winter clothes.

"What's more, there are only so many cotton cloths in the two provinces of Fujian and Guangxi, which are the most important equivalents of the Nanyang and Western Second Army Governments in overseas trade. Relying on this, we have destroyed the original weaving industries of the two foreign countries. They can transfer them to me. Three to five million horses is already rare.”

Chen Mu didn't say anything later, 30 or 50 cotton cloths are not a small number for trading to make money, but if you want to use them to fight economic warfare?
But a drop in the bucket.

This amount must be expanded by at least ten times or even twenty times, but that is already an expense that Chen Mu cannot afford...even if he can make money.

The entire Dongyang military government does not have that much capital, and it is even more impossible for him to buy so much cotton cloth on credit. Not to mention that he is an important minister of Beiyang, even if he is the chief assistant of the cabinet of Beiyang ministers, tens of millions of cotton cloths are almost impossible. It is the sum of the three-year income of the imperial court's cotton cloth folding color.

This is due to the sharp increase in customs duties, and cotton cloth is the most important thing in overseas trade. If it is released, it will take eight or nine years for the imperial court to collect so much cotton cloth.

If he insisted on writing a report to the imperial court, it might be approved or transferred, but it was more likely that the cabinet boss would ask him: "Why are you obsessed with bullying the small border country England?"

How does he explain?

After more than 200 years, this country will ask the Chinese to pay one tael of silver per person?
Or bluntly because England's aggressiveness will allow it to rule the world for many years to come?

This is irrelevant to the people of the Ming Dynasty. Unless they have been involved in a war, people who have lived on this land since ancient times have not had such a stinking problem.

To be honest, Chen Mu was in a dilemma. He hoped to launch an economic war to plunge England into internal and external difficulties. This would destroy the enemy's fighting spirit to the greatest extent and inject fresh blood into the thriving New World—but he miscalculated England's production capacity .

Who would have thought that before successfully resisting the attack of the Spanish fleet, England already had strong production capacity and irreplaceable fist products?
Chen Mu didn't know this reality before coming into contact with the English.

"Marshal, the villain dares to speak out."

Cheng Dawei saw that Chen Mu was in a dilemma. He had some understanding of the financial resources of the Oriental military government. It was difficult for the Eastern military government, whose production capacity plus total wealth was similar to England's annual export volume, to trade against it. pose a real threat.

But in terms of business, he has more common sense than Chen Mu.

After getting permission, Cheng Dawei said: "If you want to keep a person from speaking, you can cover your mouth with a lot of effort, but it seems better to choke your neck with less effort. England's wool seems to come from Spain. If only Spain were to be cut off from Spain's wool supply, England's woolen production would be greatly reduced."

"At the same time, Fujian and Guangxi are not the only provinces that produce cotton cloth in the country. Maybe the commander-in-chief taught Songjiang to open Fu?"

Cheng Dawei was a little excited, and his hands were tightly clenched under the table. In fact, the three overseas military governments and the merchants who would follow them to the sea belonged to the government and businessmen. Their interests were tied to the military government, and they benefited the country and themselves.

While talking, he shook his head and said, "You don't need the general to invest one or two principals. I can go back to China to lobby Huizhou merchants. You can't do business anywhere. As long as you can earn taels of silver, what's the difficulty in pouring cotton cloth into Europa?"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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