open sea

Chapter 928

Chapter 928
The New Spain Governor's Office issued a new decree in early March of the seventh year of Wanli, calling on the people to go to Qilinwei on the east coast to build a seaport, and to encourage free people to go to Qilinwei to work in the shipyard.

Although Yang Tingxiang has only been governor for a few months, the Duke of Alva is already annoying him to death.

It is really that Mexico City has a good geographical location, which is convenient for dispatching warships to Portugal, otherwise Duke Alva would have to lead troops to Peru no matter what.

New Spain is not Spain's New Spain anymore.

Even if they stationed more than [-] troops here, the old prince still missed the infinite glory of Spain before it was dragged down by the Netherlands.

With the wealthy Netherlands and the America of real money in hand, they punched France and kicked Ottomans. At that time, Spain was the dragon of the European continent, invincible.

In the blink of an eye for a few years, the Duke of Alva watched Spain go bad.

At the very beginning, revolts broke out in Fodeland and Brabant. In the same year, the Netherlands and Zeeland revolted simultaneously. Louis of Nassau, Prince of Orange, formed the Dutch army. In the second year, Chen Mu snatched the San Pablo at sea. Siege of Manila, Luzon.

The Calvinist guerrillas in France and the sea beggars in the Netherlands were regarded as thorns in the flesh by Philip II. At that time, who would have thought that their greatest enemy would be Chen Mu who was [-] miles away.

In fact, the Uprising in the Netherlands was a joke in the eyes of the Duke of Alva. Even if the mob composed of ordinary people held guns in their hands, what would they use to fight against the most elite Fanderans Legion in the kingdom?
In the battle in the Netherlands in 1568, 80 Western troops faced 220 Dutch troops. As a result of the battle, [-] Dutch troops were killed, [-] Western troops were killed, and [-] were injured.

In the battle of 1574, 800 Western troops fought against 100 Dutch troops. As a result, 150 Dutch soldiers died in battle. The main generals Louis and Henry of Nassau both died in battle, and the Western Army suffered [-] casualties.

Those battles were all about using the Spanish phalanx to fight the medieval aristocratic levies,
But the rebel army still occupied a large area of ​​towns and coasts, why?
Because the guerrillas were blocking supplies, and the king did not have the means to pay his most elite regiments.

Spain's finances were already in bad shape, and Chen Mu, the troublemaker behind the back, made the situation even worse.

"Again asking for rations? That's the rations of my [-] troops. How can he expect to rely on my rations to feed him? What does he need rations for?"

The old governor, Almansa, was also very annoyed. He had clearly agreed with Chen Mu to let him be the governor, but in the end, Chang Sheng sent Yang Tingxiang, who was about the same age as Bernal, as the governor. He could only serve as a deputy... ...And the deputy, does this deputy governor really exist?
Existence is existence, but is it meaningful?

He bowed his head and said: "The Governor's decree has been responded by more than 600 people. Those Indians who know nothing will go to Qilinwei to work as boatmen. The Governor's Palace needs to distribute rations to them on the road."

The Indians went to Qilinwei to work as boatmen?
The Duke of Alva found a map in the official residence outside the city, from which he easily found the Qilin Guard on the southwestern coast of the Caribbean Sea, squinted his eyes and asked, "They plan to build a ship, in Panama?"

This news is not good for the old Duke. New Spain is already a country within a country. The main force of the Ming army Chen Mu is on the west and north. There are also thousands of Ming troops wandering from the Qilin Guard to the islands in the east of the Caribbean Sea. .

Strategically speaking, Mexico City and even the Viceroyalty of New Spain have been abandoned since Bernal's defeat in the Alva peace talks.

Yang Tingxiang was able to quickly take over all the powers in New Spain, and the Duke of Alva's deliberate letting go played a big role in avoiding intensification of conflicts.

Of course, compared to the local new aristocratic plantation owners who only know how to make money, Duke Alva's achievements can only come second.

The jar was broken.

Governor Yang from the Ming Dynasty can govern New Spain as well as stated in the treaty. Of course it would be the best. After all, the taxes and output of the co-governed area also have a share of the fee. It doesn’t matter if the governance is not good. Governorate of the Archipelago and Peru.

As long as there is the output of the archipelago plantations and the gold and silver from Peru, Spain can always turn the tables in the war against the Netherlands. The war in the Netherlands is not about winning or losing battles, but about the resilience of both sides.

It depends on whether the lives of those who dared to be independent in the Netherlands will die first, or the military expenditure of the Kingdom of Spain will be used up first.

The Duke of Alva didn't expect Chen Mu's so-called "war aid and alliance support" in the treaty at all. There was a saying in the Ming Dynasty called seeking skin with a tiger. The heart is not dead.

But all empires and hegemony are necessarily related to the immortality of self-destruction. Unless Spain can bow to Daming, they can do whatever they want, but is this possible?

Not to mention that without military expenditures, the vast Spanish kingdom will collapse. Just say that it used to claim to be the number one in the world, but now it bows to the evil forces and ranks second in the world. Is it so low?
Of course, the so-called "death" is not perishing, nor is it eradicating, but to block your opportunities for upward development. Well, if your country is 'destroyed', you can go back to Madrid to be a small judge and receive a few silver coins a month, and you can survive.

Now that Chen Mu is going to build a ship in Qilinwei, Duke Alva smells a hint of danger, and his bottom line has been touched: "If they build a ship in Qilinwei, their army can be quietly transferred to the Caribbean in just one and a half months." Hai, do you understand what that means?"

The West Indies are out!
"They built the ship for trade in Spain. Governor Yang also sent an analysis report he made. The report said that it was very wrong for Spain to sell wool to England every year. I hope that the king can order to ban the sale of wool to English merchants from next year. .”

The Duke of Alva doesn't know much about trade, otherwise he wouldn't have destroyed many important commercial cities in the Netherlands, but this is not the fault of the old Duke, all Spaniards are like this.

It can be seen from the colonial method alone that the Spaniards, regardless of whether they are in Asia or Luzon, have a very single method of colonization, and they will use two tricks: fight, and if they win, they will enslave the locals to mine.

If it weren't for their small size, the Portuguese would be the same as the Spanish, but their size makes it difficult to enslave the locals to mine, so they can only set up commercial stations and act as second-hand dealers.

"Wool is forbidden to be sold to the English? Is Chen Mu trying to strangle us?"

Alva knew too well that after losing the income from the Netherlands, the only source of income for the barren Iberian Peninsula was the transportation of gold and silver and trade. I want to say a word.

If it doesn't work, stop talking nonsense, let's light up your weapons!
Almansa shook his head quickly, and said in a mysterious whisper, "The Ming Dynasty intends to buy us with silk, porcelain and iron, all wool!"

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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