open sea

Chapter 931 Reasoning

Chapter 931 Reasoning
They did know the voyage to England!
Bacon’s heart was still pounding when he returned to Siyi Linguan. It was just an excuse for him to ask Zou Yuanbiao for questioning. Although Shi Xiaolou did intend to increase his salary, his salary increase had nothing to do with Shi Xiaolou. The so-called investigation of him was just Shi Xiaolou looking at him from afar and slightly arching his hands.

Shi Ye, who was the first to join Fujian-Guanghe Xingsheng in the era of Xiangshan Qianhusuo, didn't care about the work of the workers in the lumber yard under his banner. In Changsheng, countless people hoped to work in the lumber yard. His business involved mines in Luzon and pearls in Sulu. , kerosene from Majia Port, silver from Taxco, timber from Changsheng, and pirates from Qilinwei, how could they care about a small lumberjack like Bacon?
Shi Xiaolou came back to Changsheng to find his township party and companions, to discuss the establishment of Hexingsheng Company on the east coast, and to ask Chen Mu whether the imperial court could really give them warships.

And Bacon's request to see Zou Yuanbiao was not for Zou Yuanbiao's idea of ​​getting him a job.

He doesn't have many opportunities to go to sea, but he has sailed five times, and he knows how long it will take to sail back to England from the New World.

What he wanted to be sure of was whether Zou Yuanbiao, the magistrate of the Changsheng army of the Ming army who had never been to the east of the Mingxi border, knew how far it was from the Caribbean Sea to England.

Because he heard that in the west of Changsheng Port, there is a place called a small bay, where [-] soldiers recruited from Changsheng are undergoing training, and their name is Ailan Fuguo The leader of the army is Zhu Xiaoen, king of Alan who lost his fiefdom in the Ming Empire.

There is nothing weird about this fact sheet, it is just that the name Ailan is somewhat similar to the name of a piece of land he knows.

But by chance driven by curiosity, Bacon knew that in Changsheng, everyone he could come into contact with didn't know where King Alan's lost fief was.

The aborigines in Asia didn't know that there was an excuse, but neither did the immigrants from the Ming Empire. There were even talkative people who listed to Bacon the titles of kings that he knew, and there were very few words.

The immigrant said that this should be an overseas barbarian king conferred by the emperor, so he has such a strange title.

And the people who were lucky enough to witness King Alan's honor said that King Alan was not born like a Ming person, but was somewhat similar to a Westerner or Bacon himself.

Even Yingming, a first-class cavalryman, didn't know where King Alan came from. He only knew that he had lost his kingdom, so he recruited a militia with the support of Marshal Dongyang, trained elite armored equipment, and boasted of his various talents. Ying Ming, who was first-class in all combat skills, was almost chosen to be a cavalry flag.

In the quiet night of Siyi Linguan, Bacon, who had lost his roommate, lit the oil lamp, wrote the clues of this incident sentence by sentence on the paper, and reasoned.

'The Restoration Army of the Kingdom of Alan has 200 people. '

It is easy to find out about this matter, everyone said the number is one thousand households, this seems to be no secret in Changsheng.

"Chen Mu, the commander-in-chief of the Ming Army, selected the best subordinates as instructors. '

The Beiyang Banner Army only has three ranks: A, B, and C. Different arms and different ranks have different salaries and benefits. Rank A is the best, and Ying Ming is always proud of it.

'No one knows what their purpose is, only that they are not in the sea. '

This is Bacon's own reasoning, and he wrote down the reason behind his reasoning: the fleet ruled by the Ming Empire, if the Alan Kingdom is in the sea to the west of the New World, it can restore the country without these thousand well-equipped soldiers.

There is only one reason why there is no restoration of the country now, the fleet of the Ming Empire can't get there yet.

The more Bacon wrote, the more sweat broke out on his forehead.

Because the most likely places are the Mediterranean Sea and Europe, and where is the Kingdom of Alan most likely within the Mediterranean Sea?
Who nominally rules Ireland today?

his queen!

In other words, the soldiers trained by the Ming army in the small bay not more than five miles away from him are very likely to attack his country under the leadership of Zhu Xiaoen in the future!
Bacon originally wanted to ask Zou Yuanbiao this question bluntly today, but he didn't dare to ask it, because he didn't dare to imagine how Zou Yuanbiao would be treated after answering or avoiding this question.

All this was terrible for Francis Bacon.

On paper, Bacon drew a line between Ireland and the Ming Empire, a line between Ireland and Zhu Xiaoen, and a line between them and Chen Mu.

But even with the lines drawn, Bacon struggled to see how they were all connected.

The Ming army never took Europe!

"Is it because of Spain?"

According to Bacon's understanding, although Ming and Spain negotiated peace and maintained a seemingly harmonious relationship, the two countries in the past few years have always been hostile. For example, when Drake first brought back news of Ming's landing in the New World to England, Ming and Spain Just before the war.

Where is it said that harmony is really harmonious?Bacon thought that they were just eating with chopsticks peacefully on the table, and kicked each other violently with their leather boots under the table.

How could Daming be so naive as to be willing to help Spain?

The dispute between England and Spain has a long history and involves a lot. It is only a trivial matter that England earns Spain's money.

Fei Laoer's ex-wife is Elizabeth's sister, Queen Bloody Mary, so he is the king of England, and Fei Laoer's marriage proposal to Elizabeth was rejected after Bloody Mary died.

The French War of Religion, Spain supported Catholicism, and England supported Protestantism. Everyone was fighting in the land of Hun Lao San.

The Netherlands became independent, French Protestants and England supported the Netherlands, and continued to open films with Spain.

No way, geographically they have to fight a war. If France is controlled by Protestantism, Elizabeth will border Spain on land, which is not good for Fei Lao Er; England, a hundred nautical miles away, would be blocked by the Spanish fleet at any time.

But why did the Ming army wade into this muddy water?
Joining the Kingdom of Alan is Ireland, so what is the benefit of the Ming Dynasty supporting this war?
Bacon was puzzled - England has not yet fully occupied Ireland, but it will soon.

As the considerable profits brought by the enclosure increased, the aristocrats' desire for land became stronger and stronger. If this continues, the aristocrats in Northern Ireland will try to provoke war again and destroy the tribes there one by one.

The English nobles wanted to raise sheep there, so what did the Ming army want to do there?Is it also raising sheep?

The New World is so big, isn't it enough for them to raise sheep?
Bacon doesn't know whether his guess is correct, but he misses Drake very much now, if Drake is here, maybe he can bring him some reasonable answers.

But now he only had himself, and fell asleep with a not-so-accurate guess.

Before going to bed, Bacon thought, he must find a way to send this news back to England!
(End of this chapter)

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