open sea

Chapter 938

Chapter 938
As Deng Zilong expected, the shooting level of the Beiyang Banner Army was not significantly improved under the huge consumption of gunpowder, but all indicators other than the final score have been greatly improved.

It can be seen that the Beiyang Banner Army has suffered a lot during this period of time in the processes of charging and loading ammunition, and cleaning the barrel after shooting.

After the shooting competition, Changsheng county magistrate Zou Yuanbiao hosted a banquet for the wealthy merchants, while Chen Mu called San'a in Spain to have a meal on the second floor of the military government office.

Far from reaching the level of a banquet, he just ate a few servings of military rations. In China, Chen Mu is more particular about food, but in Asia, he eats military rations every day.

Of course, he eats a little better than most of the people, and the military officer's kitchen is not popular in the East, and the cavalry rations he eats is one dish more than that of the infantry.

But this does not mean that it is simple. The best cooks in the New World are all in the Dongyang Military Mansion. Like the Banner Army, Small Banner Officer, and Propaganda Officer, the Dongyang Military Mansion has a complete set of chef evaluation indicators and promotion routes, and there are also grade rewards.

Just as the banner army has excellent combat skills, they can get double pay, three pay, or even five pay in theory; banner officers who obey orders and command subordinates can get promoted in official positions; The substitute becomes the flag officer; the cook can also stand out.

Although it is relatively more difficult for cooks to be promoted, after all, it is difficult to adjust, but once they get enough promotions, their highest honor is that he ordered all the cooks to do what he ordered today, and the minister of Dongyang has to eat.

It is not easy to become a first-class governor-level chef. In fact, it is not cooking that measures the value of skills from command-level chefs. They also try to use new ingredients that can be found everywhere in Asia, think about how to make new dishes, and compile Cheng Shu teaches junior cooks.

If you don’t know how to cook, you can’t innovate, you can’t be lazy, you can’t read, let alone know the nutrition of ingredients.

Of course, it is the nutrition within the knowledge framework of this era.

But fortunately, the best cooks in Dongyang are basically those who carried a scapegoat in every small banner march in the Xiangshan Qianhusuo era, and most of the banner troops who joined them were guards. Everyone has a good cultural background.

Marshal Dongyang cared too much about what his subordinates ate, because he knew too well that as long as the Chinese soldiers had enough to eat, they would no longer be afraid of any enemy.

Chen Mu's food was served in the red-black lacquered wood double-layer food box in the luggage carried by the Beiyang Army. When the staple food box was opened, there was a piece of fried sweet potato cake and two small pieces of soft yellow corn cake.

The main course box is divided into four columns. No serving is not too big, but it is definitely enough to eat together. They are six slices of majiagang smoked beef with garlic sauce, and four steamed shelled crab claws with Changsheng golden shrimp powder. A pair of meat, a large spoonful of appetizing tomato sauce stewed soybeans and Jiexian sheep enema with a plate of roasted lamb with green onions.

There is also a Jincheng salted duck egg with red Deng Deng in the middle.

The Jincheng San'a led by Alva does not have this standard lacquered wooden food box. They use a standard divided large round pottery plate, which is slightly heavier than the lacquered wooden food box. The Beiyang Banner Army sometimes uses this. In the garrison, pottery The wooden ones are easier to clean than the wooden ones.

These pottery were not made by immigrants. The brick and tile factory under the Dongyang Military Mansion is too busy to make bricks and tiles. What's more, the immigrants want to set up a factory that needs to be reviewed by the Dongyang Business Bureau and the Changsheng Branch. There is a direction for their factory creation. Recommended, take the route of high added value.

The simple and cheap work of burning pottery and making tableware has been outsourced to the aborigines. Zou Yuanbiao strongly encourages the aborigines to build factories and buy industries. Although they are not as familiar with the business as immigrants or government-run factories under the military government, they are more than willing to learn everything from the imperial court. , as long as the imperial court teaches, they will learn, and they will buy them in a prosperous manner as soon as they are ordered.

They have simple feelings for Ming, not only because many of them will die in the Spanish mines if the Ming army does not come, but also because Ming allows them to be different.

The Dongyang military government has never prohibited them from speaking the language of the aboriginal people, never prohibited them from performing aboriginal sacrifices, and never prohibited them from doing anything within the law.

Because no matter what they do, Yang Tingxiang's disciples and grandchildren will search for clues from the long history: look, 300 years ago, this province of the Central Plains Dynasty used such things; look, 300 years ago, the Central Plains Dynasty This country has this custom; look, 3000 years ago, priests also used masks like this.

The more they do, the more they will discover that the two continents separated by the vast ocean have almost the same customs and utensils... In fact, let alone the two continents, there are many similarities even in the whole world. The Vikings of Northern Europe And the dragon boat.

Daming, Daming may be the hometown they couldn't go back to, or it may have no connection with them.

Some people have no ability to discern, and they try their best to accept everything instilled by Yang Tingxiang's disciples and grandchildren; some people have the ability to discern, so they try their best to erase the controversial parts for Yang Tingxiang and his disciples.

There are still a few people who know what the truth is, but they hold the wooden statue of the Taoist Dragon and Tiger and laugh without saying a word, and encourage their children and grandchildren to go to the county government to borrow an official robe from the county magistrate when they get married, saying: Our family should also repair it. The ancestral hall.

In any case, the aborigines who had nothing to rely on found a backer, and they tried their best to integrate with the mountain.

These things are too simple for Chen Mu's Dongyang Military Mansion, so simple that Chen Mu doesn't need to worry about it. How complicated can things be if there is affection and intention?

But the Duke of Alva behind the dining table was different. A pair of chopsticks was enough for him, much more difficult than the galloping earth dragon with the thousands of French cavaliers.

He silently tried his best to squeeze out a soybean soaked in tomato sauce, but persistence is always more painful than giving up, and sometimes giving up can make people gain greater happiness.

Just like now, Alva, who is no longer competing with soybeans, holds his chopsticks and inserts two slices of Majiagang pastrami dipped in sauce into his mouth, so that his taste buds can finally feel the spiced bison tendon mixed with soy sauce and garlic in his mouth Enjoy the bloom.

Until the maid of the military mansion silently lifted a napkin on the table from behind, revealing the spoon on the earthen shelf below.

Although the two parties have passed many letters and even signed many treaties together, they have never met each other. This is the first time that Alva has met Chen Mu, and it is also the first time that Chen Mu has met Alva.

But for Alva, they are already very familiar with them. He didn’t say good or bad about the food. At this time, no one cares about the food. He said with a smile: “In every country I have traveled to, if they have The unique etiquette habits will be specially selected for half a day before the banquet to be taught by a special person, but there is no such thing in Daming."

"This is not a palace, let alone a banquet, this is... home-cooked food." Chen Mu was really embarrassed to say that he hadn't planned to invite the Spanish San'a to dinner. He frowned and thought about it, then nodded seriously: " If Spain needs it, I will send someone to Iberia to teach all nobles to use chopsticks."

Duke Alva and Acosta looked at each other, and said helplessly: "Let's talk about something else, this sounds like the Moors 800 years ago."

Chen Mu put down his chopsticks to wipe the corners of his mouth, clasped his hands on the table in front of him, and said with a smile, "Then what does the duke want to talk about?"

In fact, he wasn't full yet, but Alva's tone made him feel like a customer came.

"Talk about a promise."

The Duke of Alva also put down his spoon, and said seriously: "Your Excellency is of noble birth and integrity, and you should not go back on what you promised. Therefore, when I am about to lead the army to leave New Spain, I hope to get your personal promise."

"Stop attacking New Spain and Peru."

Chen Mu repeatedly chewed on 'noble birth' and 'honest man', feeling like the old duke was swearing.

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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