open sea

Chapter 941 Modern

Chapter 941 Modern
"The general trend of naval battles has changed from jumping from side to side. The size of the battleship and the talents of the sailors determine the outcome." '

During the long voyage in the Atlantic Ocean, Li Dan, like a sea warrior who is good at jumping, kept going back and forth between the flagship of Liujia and the flagship of Alva.

Sometimes he will ask Alva, who has been in battle, for advice on tactics, and sometimes he will verify each other with Chen Jiujing, who is a professional in the martial arts hall.

But more often, on the bow of the ship above the vast expanse of blue waves, on the desk shaking the butter lamp in the twilight, this pirate, who was in the market in Haojing in his early years and was with sampans since he was a child, tried to conjecture the naval battles in foreign countries and the strategies of his mother country, and compiled them into books.

"Why do you want to write a book?"

When Chen Jiujing, who commanded the fleet and supported the advance of the Spanish fleet, heard Li Dan's thoughts for the first time, he was slowly putting gunpowder and lead pellets into the bamboo tube on the deck. Laughing sideways.

It’s not that he thinks Li Dan’s compiling books is funny. In Daming, individual book compiling has become a fashion. The paper industry that reached its peak, the flourishing printing industry, the sociology in the countryside and the relatively stable social environment made Daming The development of the cultural communication industry is extremely prosperous. As early as the establishment of Nanyang, various authors and books have been expanding rapidly.

Not limited to orthodox poetry, novels, libretto, documentary and applied literature have all made great progress.

Anyone involved in war, flood control, mining, medicine, farming, sailing, and business can record what they think, see, and hear.

Some can read and write, some can read, and many more can listen.

Especially after the Nanyang Army, whose educational level is generally higher than that of ordinary banner troops, went to sea, the Nanyang novelists supported by Chen Mu out of political considerations wrote more things, and the banner officers who could read and write would also be completely different from their past lives documented overseas experience.

It's no big deal for a pirate to write a book, especially Li Dan, a pirate who no longer looks like a pirate.

It's just that Chen Jiujing always thought that Li Dan would write a set of guide books on overseas business or a reference book on sea voyages. He never imagined that Li Dan wanted to write a military book.

Chen Jiujing always felt that he or Chen Bazhi, who was stationed in Japan, should be the first to write military books for his brothers.

Chen Bazhi is strict in running the army. He is a top student in the martial arts hall, but Li Dan... It's not that Li Dan can't fight, he can, but most of Li Dan's experience is only local small battles. Command, what you have is just what you see and hear.

Talking about compiling a military book now is a bit of a joke.

But Li Dan didn't think so. He said, "I just have a little idea. I want to write it down, and it's not all my ideas. There are yours, Alva's, Hachiro's, and foster father's."

On the deck, Chen Jiujing stopped cross-legged and poured gunpowder into the bamboo tube. There was half a barrel of ammunition in the small wooden tube in front of him. He patted the side and said, "Sit down, brother. Tell me, what do you think?"

Li Dan sat down slowly, leaning against the side of the upper deck, resting his arm on the gun mount, and said to the Galen ship flying on the other side of the sea with his other hand: "Alva said that Spain prepared this fleet for us. In fact, it was just a coincidence, otherwise this battle would continue, and it would be much more tragic."

The so-called "coincidentally" refers to Emperor Wanli's coquettish operation-Phase II of Beiyang.

There are [-] ships and warships, nearly [-] troops and [-] people more than the expected [-] Beiyang Banner Army and [-] craftsmen from various industries.

If it were the Four Thousand Banners Army stationed in Changsheng by the Eastern Army, Alva would never let it go and admit defeat.

Just deducing the results of the battle in his heart, Alva thought that even if the war continued, Spain would not send him more reinforcements, and Emperor Wanli happened to show his "importance" to the New World by mistake at this juncture. Only then did Alva plan to shake hands and make peace.

"If the war continues at that time, the Dongyang Army may lose, and may retreat to Majia Port, taking advantage of the severe cold to stop the enemy."

"But Spain is not easy either. A six-armed ship can be launched into battle with only two small-flag sailors and a hundred artillerymen; the Great Galen, which has a similar combat strength, has nearly 400 men."

Li Dan gestured with both hands in front of him, raised four fingers on his left hand and only his index finger on his right, and said: "Sinking one of their ships, Spain will lose 120 troops, and we will lose only [-] men if we lose a six-armed ship. "

Chen Jiujing frowned, and he found that Li Dan had an incomprehensible expression on his face, as if he had discovered something extraordinary, so Li Dan continued: "A six-armed fleet composed of [-] soldiers can deal with [-] soldiers. The Western Fleet composed of soldiers."

But this is common sense to Chen Jiujing, and he had no intention of pouring cold water on his brother, but he still said: "Brother, first of all, there will not be a fleet of [-] Liujia warships. Liuding Liujia needs escort ships, horse boats, food ships, Faith ships, fire ships; moreover, we train [-] bannermen who can fully utilize the strength of six armored ships, and the time, energy, and expenditure invested in training are no less than Spain's training of [-] soldiers in ten legions."

The infantry training is so simple, especially in Chen Mu's Beiyang troop training system, it can be put into combat in three to six months, and soldiers who have completed the complete training of the Beiyang Banner Army are even elite anywhere.

But your Northern Banner Army of a thousand households spends more on training and food than other guards in other guards.

So Chen Jiujing didn't understand what Li Dan wanted to say.

"I know those are just metaphors. The same goes for the Xiguo Fleet. There are more than forty main warships, and the rest of the food and water transportation and communication boats are all like this."

"I also know these things are known to all of you martial arts students. There are veterans and officials who teach by example, but others don't know, and no one writes these things into books, but the trend is like this. Victory or failure depends on the size of the battleship and the talents of the sailors."

"The scale of warships and the talents of sailors depend on national power." Li Dan said firmly: "The talent of sailors lies in their ability to control ordnance, that is, warships and guns. Will the land division also do the same in the future?"

"The Beiyang Army should be the model of the Great Ming Army Division. All the soldiers from all over the country are learning from the Beiyang Army. There are a large number of guns and guns to arm the soldiers. They don't know how to use these new things. Even if they win a small victory and capture something, they will still be defeated. Even if five hundred mobs wield swords, it is difficult to resist a hundred well-trained Beiyang Banner Army with guns and guns."

Slowly, Chen Jiujing's expression changed. He felt the changes Li Dan said. These changes were always in his eyes. Morale collapsed.

"They will set up horses to dig trenches, drill trenches and shoot in bursts. More and more soldiers are proficient in using these skills. Even generals with low military skills can use them to achieve constant victories."

"No one records the changes in the world's military struggles. These changes are happening right in front of our eyes. Someone should write a book to record them."

Chen Jiujing nodded and said: "Someone should write it down, brother, have you decided on a name?"

"I haven't read too many books, how about calling it "On Modern and Ancient Soldiers?"

Chen Jiujing shook his head, he felt that the name was not appropriate, he said: "Father never talked about the present and the past, he talked about the modern and ancient times, and he also talked about the military affairs of naval and land warfare, why not call it "Modern Military", brother What do you think?"

(End of this chapter)

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