open sea

Chapter 943

Chapter 943
On the vast sea of ​​the Atlantic Ocean, blue and white medium-sized gunboats floated aimlessly. The pirates wearing Persian chain mail and Ottoman plate chain armor under the mast and carrying swords on their waists shouted vigorously, pushing the sail winch, Slowly raise the heavy butterfly sail.

Several flying shark gunboats are swimming around in the distance, looking like blue dots of stars between the sea and the sky. This kind of protective color similar to Qi Jiguang's tent wall can well protect them from chasing their prey at a closer distance.

Floating on the sea are the wreckage of an armed merchant ship and wooden barrels and wooden boxes left behind when fleeing for their lives. The smell of gunpowder smoke and blood has not dissipated over the sea area. Floating cargo boxes hauled aboard.

They need to move quickly, otherwise the strong smell of blood will attract predators in the sea.

The soldiers kicked open the box, grinned and took out several glass bottles filled with golden liquid, wiped off the water stains on them with their sleeves, and held the bottles to the leader sitting on the cannon and looking up at the sky like a treasure—— The most outstanding pirate general in the Han Dynasty, Yang Ce.

After the Han Kingdom was conferred by the Son of Heaven and burned Safi's coastal towns in the Persian Gulf in retaliation, the Han Kingdom on Madagascar's power in the Indian Ocean was unrivaled.

Because Wanli only enshrined Lin Feng alone.

However, canonization of the son of heaven is never a false name, at least for Lin Feng, it means real benefits.

All the kings couldn't do without Lin Feng, because Yin Zhengmao only conducted fixed-point and regular trade with the Han Kingdom, which was canonized by the emperor, and the location of the trade was the former capital of the Han Kingdom, Xidacheng in Honghaikou.

Now it has become the garrison of the Western Military Government, and Yin Zhengmao is increasing the Western Military Government's control over Han. As long as these pirates have objections, they will be able to disintegrate them with mental techniques.

As an orthodox official of the Ming Dynasty, Yin Zhengmao has been dealing with rebels and pirates all his life. Now it is for the sake of gold that he can set up a commercial market in Xidacheng with fixed transactions with Han. Complete trust is not enough. possible.

To put it bluntly, the development of the Western Military Mansion is much better than that of the Eastern Military Mansion, and the environmental conditions are much better. Among them, Lin Feng of the Han Dynasty also contributed a lot to Yin Zhengmao.

It is precisely because Lin Feng blocked the way for the Portuguese to go home, so these hopeless Portuguese urgently need to find a backer, and Yin Zhengmao is the best choice for them to help them.

In this regard, Ming behind Yin Zhengmao naturally has better advantages than Ottoman, Safi Persia, Mughal, and Egyptian countries... Da Ming can influence the decision-making of Han, and influencing Han's decision-making can allow them to return to hometown.

Now the land directly under the Western Military Mansion is not that big. It just relies on Goa to bring southern India into its territory. The emperor canonized several tribal leaders to take charge of the power, but the wealth is much more than that of the Eastern Military Mansion. Their trade is too easy. .

Cotton, saltpeter ore, clay, iron ore, copper ore, gold ore, wood, and hides from the Indian mainland were all transported back to Ming Dynasty by merchant ships. On the other hand, the huge markets of the Mughal Empire in the north and the Ottoman Empire in the west were Ming Dynasty The best dumping place for merchant goods.

What's more, there is Han, a pirate country that cannot be self-sufficient in food and is rich in gold.

Gold is too important to Lin Feng, so Lin Feng, who is entrenched in Madagascar, has a huge ambition - to bring Africa into his own back garden, and no one else can get involved.

Regardless of whether it is the Ming Dynasty, the Ottomans or the European countries, no one can extend their arms to southern Africa, which is rich in gold.

Needless to say, although Lin Fengguo is small and weak, no country around such two hundred and five is willing to provoke him.

Those who wear shoes are afraid of bare feet. Other countries cannot run there. Even if they deploy heavy troops along the coast, they will not be able to guard against Lin Feng for thousands of days. However, Lin Feng’s country has no borders. They can live in Madagascar today and go to Africa tomorrow. The bones on the east coast are all tied up, but if it doesn't work, you can go to the west coast.

The pirates of the Ming Dynasty have come to the Indian Ocean from the South Seas.

Yang Ce is now located in the north of the equator on the west coast of Africa, very close to Morocco.

He has led his fleet to stay here for a while. In this position, he can intercept all slave ships from Europe as much as possible, and avoid the huge Spanish fleet patrolling the Atlantic coast and the Strait of Gibraltar.

Although the Yang Ce Department is a regular army among the pirates of the Han Dynasty, with relatively powerful equipment, ships, and guns, it is still not worth mentioning compared to the navy of the European powers.

But the ordinary armed merchant fleet was too easy for him to bully.

Those European maritime merchants who look like merchants and pirates only have a few ships and a few hundred people, which is already a very large fleet, but he has twelve flying shark gunboats loaded with artillery, and another twelve for loading goods. In addition to Fuchuan, there are also a group of South African fireboats trained by him.

If the Atlantic Ocean is compared to the vast grassland, Yang Ce is the most agile cheetah. He does not have the strong physique of a lion or tiger, but he is faster and deadlier than anyone else.

The golden yellow rum tastes good.

Yang Ce only took a sip, then handed the bottle to his subordinates, and said, "This bottle can be sold to the chief later, haven't they recruited them yet? Why are more and more nobles coming from the west... so many people, It’s dangerous to send a letter to ask for a ransom, you have to ask their king for it, right?”

Chen Mu, who is far away from Changsheng, would never have imagined that the war he launched to seize the hegemony of the New World made Yang Ce, a Han pirate, the biggest winner.

In the past three months, this pirate fleet has been traveling across the ocean. When they saw a single or a few large ships, they chased, intercepted and besieged them for several days and nights. Beat the Spanish nobles.

He really wants to eat sugar. The West Indies and Portuguese Brazil grow a lot of sugar cane, and people use the sugar cane to squeeze sugar, and then transport the sugar back to Spain and Portugal by air. Yang Ce has done things like this a few times in the past. , Eat as much as you can, and sell the sugar that you can't finish to the Songhai people on the west coast, which is very rewarding.

But I didn't expect to catch more nobles than sugar this time.

They are all rich people. They first claimed that these North African pirates would be punished by Spain. After seeing clearly that their upper-level officers had a bright face, they immediately changed their mouths and said that they were either rich or noble in their hometown. You can afford the ransom, as long as you don't kill people.

It made Yang Ce very narcissistic in the past few months, and they became cute when they saw him. It seems that General Yang's name can cover a sea.

The old rule is to ask the family to send silver equal to the weight of the person, and immediately release the person.

From 7000 to [-] taels per person, it’s a good deal for one life.

However, the nobles gathered together suddenly, which made Yang Ce feel a little uneasy. Is this something important?
"The Eastern Army's victory in the New Continent scares these people to go home?" Yang Ce, who was sitting on the back of the cannon, supported the side of the boat and looked westward, with joy on his face unconsciously, and even the hair on his neck blew up. : "Connected? Have we connected the world?"

(End of this chapter)

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