open sea

Chapter 961

Chapter 961
As the last confederates to rush to the Onondaga tribal territory, the political and geographical center of the Iroquois Alliance, the arrival of Big Lizi and Hulan means that the long-standing stalemate of the Alliance Council has entered the moment of final decision.

Although Big Lizi's rice cleaning department is dispensable to a powerful tribal alliance, the Iroquois Alliance adheres to equality. The chiefs of any tribe can participate in discussions, and the chiefs of any tribe can veto wars. Can make their own alliance plan - as long as more tribes agree, they can implement their own plan.

But the most powerful is still the large and powerful Onondaga tribe. They have [-] council members including the leader of the alliance and the secretary of the alliance.

The remaining four union tribes, Mohawk, Oneida, Senesa and Cayuga each have eight to ten members of the council, and small scattered tribes like the Rice Washing Department have only two, and one manages the tribe. a chieftain, a chieftain as a war leader.

The chairman's house has a larger space than the ordinary longhouse. On the wooden floor is a map drawn by animal skins, which marks the land from the south of the Great Lakes region to the coast-this is the land of the five major tribes of the Iroquois Alliance and dozens of tribes. sphere of influence of a small tribe.

The simple and easy-to-understand drawings allow Qulan, a Mongol who speaks a different Iroquois language, to see the difficult environment in which the Alliance is located.

To the south of them are the Shawnees and Miamis who are equally powerful and have territorial disputes; to the east are the Mohicans who have always been fighting with the Oneida, the eastern gateway of the Iroquois; the land across Lake Ontario to the north is Hughes. The territory of the Lun and Ottawa people.

Accompanied by Haifasa, the founder of the Iroquois Alliance and the leader of Onondaga, who gave a thank-you speech to each of the tribal leaders summoned, Hulan, who was eager to fight, secretly slandered in his heart. Meeting the Sioux-speaking Blackfoot, Arapahoe, Cheyenne, Lakota, Yankton, Dakota was much more complicated.

This may be the illusion that Hulan did not intervene in their tribal disputes. After all, at this moment, he really intervened in the Iroquois war.

After Haifasa thanked the tribal leaders, he put on necklaces made of shells for Dalizi and Qulan to welcome new members to the nine-year-old alliance.

Haifasa attaches great importance to the big raccoon who led a thousand warriors to join the alliance, and even specifically explained the source of the conflict: "Nine months ago, a young man from my tribe, the Kitty Eagle clan, was hunting down the river When the beavers went north, the beavers he caught killed the outsiders, and the Hurons protected them."

"In order to resolve the conflict, the Hurons sent compensation and an apology to the Kitty Hawk clan, but this did not satisfy the Kitty Hawk clan. The clan decided to send their relatives to take revenge. Seven people were sent to track down the outsiders who killed their relatives."

"According to our mutual agreement, the Hurons cannot intervene, but they waged wars to protect the outsiders. They received support from the outsiders, rode Ahmanfu and took the animal Farah, and destroyed a town."

While talking, Haifasa seemed to be worried that the big raccoon would not know what it was, so he gestured to the horse and held out a musket while talking, but in exchange for the big raccoon's clear expression, he said: "The horse and the bird gun , Hulan also has it, and there are many in Hulan.”

Originally, Hulan was eye-catching enough. Among the chiefs and chiefs in cowhide pants, blankets, and feather crowns, a man wearing a high-top cloth-faced iron helmet and wearing a Liaodong blue dragon cloth-faced iron armor suddenly mixed in. , the figure sitting like a hill, there is no need to think about how outstanding it is.

The big lizi looked at his son-in-law with a proud look while talking, Hulan has, Hulan has many more.

The chiefs and chiefs in the whole longhouse looked over, and Hu Lan, who was sitting on a ponytail with a sheathed saber, didn't know what to say, so he nodded and responded in a deep voice: "En!"

Needless to say, everyone can understand this.

The Mohawk chieftain with a towering, horse-mane hairstyle was old and his face was scarred by battles. He asked Qulan, "My tribe has horses. Can you teach my people to ride horses?"

The big lizi translated it for his son-in-law, and Hu Lan nodded naturally.

Lao Mo danced his fists excitedly. His people had suffered enough from the Europeans in New France and seized more than a dozen war horses and muskets, but they could not use or ride... Some docile war horses can They are used by people, but some large pack animals with not so well-behaved temperament are basically ornamental animals in the hands of the aborigines, just like the bears under Magui's command.

By the way, this kind of ornamental animals is also common in the Iroquois tribe. The bears were caught by them and locked up for meat.

"The war has begun. Over the past few months, we have waged vengeance against the surrounding tribes, supplementing the casualties of the disease, and then the allies of the Hurons to control the fur areas and trade routes."

"There are outsiders here." Said Haifasa, stepping on the river between Lake Ontario and Quebec on the map, "We have to take back the fur market held by the Hurons. They call this Montreal."

"But now is the season of trade, and there will be many Hurons there. If they can't attack as soon as possible, more tribes will come to help them, and the attack will turn into a war. It's very difficult."

Haifasha said something, and the big raccoon said something to Hulan. The two of them are still helping Hulan deepen their understanding. The leader has already given a solution: "So let's fight the Ottawa people first. They and Huron People are allies, and some troops will be mobilized to the northwest of the Great Lakes, and then attack here."

"And then you need a brave army to go down the river to Quebec and cut off the furs that the outsiders trade in, but they have big ships and go down the river. I don't know how to break their boats."

Haifasa looked at the big raccoon as he said that, he already found that Hulan couldn't understand what they said, so don't worry about what to say, just ask the big raccoon.

Haifasha stopped Qulan.

On land, his troops can undertake almost all missions, whether it is raiding, garrisoning, fortification, scouting or conventional combat, they are all fine, but you tell me about the river?

Although Hu Lan has always wanted to be the admiral of the Mongolian Navy, he really can't solve this matter.

He said: "I am more familiar with land warfare. If you want to ask my subordinates at sea, if they understand naval warfare, maybe they can build a few ships for the alliance?"

How many ships to build?

Haifasa became very interested in this. He thought that if these men in iron armor said they could build ships, then most of them could build ships, right?And they can also learn how to build ships from it, killing two birds with one stone.

Unexpectedly, the first sentence that Hulan called an infantry hundred households into the chairman's house was: "It's too late to build a ship, but the location is very good. Thousands of households, this battle can be fought."

"how to spell?
Baihu said: "Guan Yunchang flooded the Seventh Army!"

(End of this chapter)

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