open sea

Chapter 965 Very Far

Chapter 965 Very Far
The Iroquois Tree of Peace sounds very similar to Qulan's tributary system.

If Chen Mu accepts the same information, he knows what words to use to describe this situation—ideological output.

Moreover, the expansion of the Iroquois Alliance is much stronger than the Chinese tributary system.

The legend of the Iroquois about the tree of peace means that they believe that all tribes who hate the longhouse alliance are evil. These tribes continue to war, and the Iroquois are obliged to drive out the evil of war from this land. To uproot a tall pine tree and dig a very deep burrow in the ground, with water flowing in the burrow, and they will throw the root of the war deep into the burrow.

In this way, the descendants of the Iroquois will never see the war, because the Iroquois will plant the original big tree back, and the leaders of all the tribes in the alliance will plant it back together. This tree is the tree of peace.

At the top of the tree of peace there will be a watchful eagle to spot danger in advance, and they will make the law of the peaceful coexistence of the tribes, calling it the great law, and the Iroquois are naturally obliged to bring the fruits of this great law Show everyone.

Because according to the agreement of the two founders of the Iroquois Alliance, Haifasa and Decanavida, the Great Peace Tree has four roots named "Big White Roots", which extend to the north, south, east, west and four directions. Any tribe is willing to abide by the peace agreement , Obey the order of the Alliance Council, you can find the Iroquois along this big white root, and everyone welcomes them to the shelter of the Great Peace Tree.

In the dead of night in the camp, Big Lizi told Hulan about these fairy tale-like agreements with great meaning. He knocked out his pipe and said to Hulan: "Your actions violated the law of peace. If we didn't have enough power , the rice cleaning department will be classified as a member of the evil tribe."

Big Lizi was very tired.

I am the chief of a primitive tribe with a dying population on the shore of Lake Michigan. In order to protect my small tribe with mountains, water and fields, I have to live in troubled times. Just because I picked up a Mongolian son-in-law with a strong soldier by the lake last year, why? Became the sixth chief of the Iroquois Union?

"This is the general trend."

The night in the camp was extremely quiet, and the kerosene lamps flickered dimly under the dark green tents. Hu Lan said: "The heavenly army is here. I can't bear the Iroquois's ability to fight like this and abuse the captives like this. In the eyes, it will bring disaster to everyone."

"Heavenly Army?"

This is the first time that Big Lizi mentioned about his origin from Hu Lan. He has always been very curious about this son-in-law of unknown origin, but he has never thought about it-they have similar looks, and the more important thing is that they are very familiar with Tao. As far as Mibu was concerned, the origins of people within a radius of [-] miles from the tribe were all unknown.

"Does your lord know where I come from?"

The big lizi replied concisely: "I know, I come from a far away place."

"I didn't come from fifty miles, oh, do you know how far one mile is?" The old father-in-law said it was far away, and based on Hu Lan's understanding of him, it was fifty miles away: "From the rice cleaning department to here, it is a long distance." Thousands of 450 miles."

Hu Lan raised his hand and drew a rough route on the ground. He had never studied cartography, but the training on Kuwu Island taught him how to read military maps. He drew a simple route and explained: "It doesn't count to go to Haifa. The way back from Sha’s tribe is just from the rice washing department to here, and it’s [-] miles.”

"From the rice cleaning department to the west, I led my subordinates to walk four thousand miles on the grassland. In fact, we traveled farther than four thousand miles. People sometimes scattered to the north and sometimes to the south."

"To the west of the grassland, there are overlapping plateaus and mountains. We walked three thousand miles on the mountains, and it took much longer than on the grasslands."

"Big and small, the Rice Washing Department is the 140th tribe I met. Further west is the sea. There is a city by the sea called Jincheng."

This math problem is very difficult for the big raccoon, too difficult, and meaningless, regardless of whether it is [-] miles or [-] miles, it is [-] miles away for the big raccoon.

Lao Taishan seemed to understand, but his expression was very serious. He responded calmly, looked at Hu Lan's weather-beaten face and nodded, "Your tribe is very rich."

To be precise, it should be the country, but Hu Lan obviously realized that his father-in-law has received too much knowledge today, and it is difficult to understand it in detail. This is already a good start. He nodded and said: "Yes, we have health Horses, can make good steel knives and sharp axes, as well as bird guns and cannons."

But what he thought was obviously not on the same line as the big raccoon, and the big raccoon said: "You are too full, no one would go so far."

This made Hu Lan unable to continue.

Thinking about it carefully, he was even persuaded by his father-in-law... Yes, why did Chen Mu throw them to Majiagang to starve and freeze?
"The Iroquois, the five tribes defending each other can gather ten thousand warriors together in four months, but sending out to attack Huron can only send three thousand soldiers. Mostly similar."

Even from Hu Lan's point of view, the Iroquois' military capabilities were very poor. When they attacked targets that were more than a hundred miles away, their troops marched slowly. It took more than half a year to prepare for a long-distance march, and their organizational skills in mobilizing troops back and forth were also poor. People are not good at using armor, and only have simple weapons such as poison darts and longbows.

The most important thing is that there is no standing army, no full-time soldiers, and daily training is good, but it is still much worse than countries with professional soldiers.

Not to mention compared with the Mongolian tribes, even compared with the Xia'an and other tribes that Hulan had seen on the Asian grasslands, they were far behind.

The only advantage is that the Iroquois are very curious about the use of advanced weapons. During the short time of the Iroquois Alliance, Hulan received many requests from people to teach them how to ride horses and how to use birds. Guns - They are eager to learn a better way of warfare to help them plant the tree of peace.

"In the future, more of our warriors will come. Maybe when we return to the tribe by the great lake, there will be thousands of warriors. Don't be afraid. Even if we fight the Iroquois, they will definitely lose."

The big raccoon stared round his eyes: "War with the Iroquois?"

Hu Lan shook his head and said, "I don't want to fight with them, so I have to let them listen to me, and stop mistreating captives and cannibalizing people."

In fact, Hulan does not oppose beliefs such as the Iroquois Great Peace Tree, nor does he oppose wars. People always die in wars, but how they die is a question... Those who lose in the battlefield are captured, and it doesn't matter if they are killed. It is normal to recruit and surrender, and it is not surprising to let go.

But he didn't like to see the captives being abused, and he didn't like to see the alliance he joined cannibalize the same kind without lack of food.

This is ridiculous, not to mention morally unacceptable, but more importantly, the effect they want to achieve is meaningless.

Their special recipes don't give them the slightest bit of power, and if they can't beat others, they still can't beat them.

Complementing the form with the form is no good.

"The Mohawk thinks that I can't deal with his captives. Let's fight the battle with the Hurons and let them know how to fight the war."

"My lord, in the future..."

Hu Lan looked at the big raccoon who couldn't digest so many novel thoughts and was still in a state of ignorance, and raised his hand to point between the two.

"The Iroquois listen to us."

(End of this chapter)

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