open sea

Chapter 969 The Khanate

Chapter 969 The Khanate
This battle, which started quickly and ended quickly, was different from what General Hulan had imagined.

The Mohawk descended like a tiger, and its deterrent effect on the Hurons even surpassed the Mongolian cavalry who dared to fight them with more than forty riders.

The combat power of the Mongolian cavalry is indeed like that of gods, but the problem is that there are so many Mohawks. Although the combat power is comparable to that of the Hurons, they have a huge number of six or seven hundred, and there are only more than 300 and half of the wounded. The Lun people rushed over. At this time, fighting or fleeing has nothing to do with bravery or cowardice.

It is only related to the quality of the human brain.

"The last thing we want is for the Hurons to escape into the woodlands. If they go, we should let them go."

Hu Lan didn't say this to Big Flint. In his heart, the chief of the Mohawk tribe had already equated him with a 'big fool', and it was useless to say more.

He said this to Guan Zheng.

"The dozens of people who escaped knew our formation, and four teams of thirteen cavalry came back one after another in the past few days, and the Hurons stopped chasing them."

It was night, and Hulan was holding the cigarettes he got from the Banner Army, and sat with Guan Zheng and Da Lizi by the kerosene lamp. There was only half a finger oil left in the lamp. It made a miasma, and it was very hot.

Hu Lan said: "The next battle will be difficult to fight."

The deserters let the pursuers in the various villages of Huron know that the offensive of the foreign invaders was not accidental, and the various ministries quickly tried to get in touch. It has been several days since the end of the small-scale battle that was waiting for work. Hulan estimated that the other soldiers he released The cavalry squad is not coming back.

It is difficult for an Indian army to catch his cavalry squad, even if they are not familiar with the place, but once the pursuers from various villages gather together, can they communicate with each other?His cavalry were in danger in the open.

Originally, the battle could continue to be dragged on without external stimulation. The Hurons who admired bravery would not leave their wounded troops to flee, and the harassment of cavalry archers would not make people want to flee—as long as they did not charge, they would not want to flee if they were in a state of mind. It can make the enemy feel that they have only descended from absolute safety to staying safe.

They still have a choice, and if they have a choice, they won't collapse.

Flint led the Mohawk charge, leaving them no choice.

Guan Zheng felt strange: "Why is Qianhu proficient in psychology? I heard that this is a subject that was only available in the Guangzhou Lecture Hall a few years ago."

Who would have thought that Hulan raised his finger to point at Guan Zheng, and said, "I heard it from you."

"Chen Shuai's four-character mantra." Seeing that Guan Zheng was puzzled, Hu Lan reminded: "Summary and induction."

"In Majiagang, I was so cold that my heart was flustered. We summed up why Genghis Khan was invincible in the world, and also why I said that Khan can't do anything now."

Hu Lan shook his head and said, "It's not that we understand psychology, but our ancestors do."

Guan Zheng held a cigarette and looked at Hu Lan with a smile.

He had never experienced frostbite in Majiagang. He only waited in Majiagang for half a month when the ice collapsed.

To put it bluntly, he is not Magui's group of people. He didn't know that the half-year-long winter in Majiagang can freeze a normal person into a fool.

He just thought, "Well, you Hulan, you still want to help me do things?"It seems that this thousand households should be done by me. '

However, Hu Lan's next sentence dispelled most of his doubts: "We have the necessary conditions in the Eastern Army. It is very easy to gather all the Cheyenne, Iroquois, and Hurons in one place. We have to win this battle to control the Iroquois, and we will all be commander-in-chief in the future."

Still smiling, Guan Zheng cupped his hands and said, "Please show Qianhu."

"To sum up, I won't tell you anything else. There are armors, craftsmen, artillery, and concentrated use of cavalry. There are all kinds of oriental military palaces, but there is no big idea of ​​conquest. Like those tribes on the west coast, they saw that the military palaces were strong, and they rushed to join them. , but not on the grasslands and in the east, our troops are insufficient.”

As Hu Lan spoke, she showed off her clever appearance, crossed her legs and changed into a comfortable position, and said triumphantly, "I'll just tell you what I think."

Although it is "you", but in fact it is mainly Guan Zheng. The big raccoon can't understand many words, and it is difficult to interject when he can understand, but he just likes to listen.

Even if I can only call 666, I just like it.

"The persimmons are soft. One person can manage dozens of sheep, and five dogs can be used, and people can still rest. The same is true for war."

"Tame, as long as we can win, we will set up rules for them. According to the military law on the grassland, wherever the army goes, any city that meets the target with an arrow will be slaughtered."

"The military government taught you how to fight just to let the enemy know how powerful the military government is after they are defeated, but this is not enough. Originally, I thought that for this battle, I would leave ten alive and let them go back and tell everyone who saw this rule, which made the big fool break In the end, those who were caught were all killed, and they had to suffer all kinds of torture before they died."

In Hu Lan's view, intervening in the war of the Iroquois and giving happiness to all the captured people is already doing good deeds.

"It doesn't work like them. Those who surrender are cowardly and tortured. Who will surrender? The enemy should know that resistance will die, but surrender can live well. It will not be so smooth at first, but after a few fights After this time, many villages will surrender, and all those who can fight will be incorporated into the army, so the wolfhounds will be found."

What Hu Lan was talking about was not only the Huron Alliance, but also the Iroquois, but it was hard to say it with the big raccoon next to him.

"Then drive the descendants to attack other tribes, continue to spread fear, until all tribes are conquered."

Guan Zheng narrowed his eyes: "After that? They will rebel in a short time. If we continue to attack like Qianhu, maybe we can win, but the two sides will also plant deep hatred, which is not conducive to the governance of the military government."

Hulan Dayue, Guan Zheng's words tickled his heart, he smiled and shook his head and said, "That's not what you and I are thinking about, maybe the commander-in-chief will set up a government and a county, and they will be able to take care of it."

As he spoke, Mongolian Qianhu leaned forward slightly, and said: "If I can't control it, I will report to the commander-in-chief, and ask the commander-in-chief to write a letter to His Majesty, and canonize a few khans on the grassland. Heavenly Khan of the Grassland, I will be the Great Khan, and you will be the Second Khan, I have a way to manage them."


Guan Zheng felt that he had to report these things to Chang Sheng. There was not a single tribe that obeyed them on the grasslands of North Asia. This thousand households were thinking about going to Tian Khan, which was too far away.

He was even sure that Hulan had probably had the Khan's dream when he was starving and freezing in Majiagang.

Of course, he didn't know at that time that what Hulan wanted to be the admiral of the Mongolian navy.

"Break up the various tribes, seal off ten households, one hundred households, and one thousand households, call them Nayan in our language on the grassland, then set up the Qixue Army, and send the sons of Nayans to serve as the Qixue Army. It is much better for talented Qixue soldiers to participate in state affairs than to inherit thousands of households, so they will help me restrain thousands and hundreds of households."

"This is Genghis Khan's system. In the past, the khanate perished due to civil strife, but not here. The heir must be canonized by His Majesty. With the prestige of the court, there will be no chaos. Even if there is chaos, the Oriental Army can send troops to quell it."

The more Hu Lan thought about it, the more reliable she felt, not to mention how happy she was!
(End of this chapter)

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