open sea

Chapter 977 Prophecy

Chapter 977 Prophecy
A lot of times people are summoning or psychic characters, at least in this world, when people's words or consciousness are related to Ming, it tends to be a nightmare come true.

Just sooner or later.

44 years ago, Jacques Cartier, a citizen seaman from the port of Saint-Malo in the Lietagny region of the Kingdom of France, sailed from the Gulf of St. Lawrence to Quebec. When he asked where this place was in an Indian village, the villagers told him 'here is Shack' - that is, Canada.

Then, he sailed along the river in a small boat, and found that the boat could no longer sail at the source of the turbulent estuary, so he climbed to the mountain and planted a cross, and named this place 'Royal Mountain', that is, Montreal.

The aborigines are very friendly, and the expedition is very smooth. The Gulf of St. Lawrence has excellent fishing grounds, a large number of seals and walruses, and the land is particularly fertile. Because "the locals are too poor and there is nothing to grab", what happened in Mexico did not happen here. , the French and the aborigines lived in harmony, and the French colonization should have been thriving.

But they only want gold and silver, and every sailor wants to bring back a lot of wealth, the French royal family gave Jacques five large ships to explore, and to find gold, not walrus ivory, beaver skin or fertile land to do dirty work only farmers are willing to do.

Jacques, who was eager for success, captured the Indian chief and tortured him. He learned that there were three "kingdoms" in the interior, and told him that there were rich treasures hidden near the Saguenay River, which scratched the itch of the French.

It turned out that there were really many shiny treasures. Jacques and the sailors returned to France with gold and precious stones. After identification, they were only brass, copper and mica. Jacques' reputation was discredited.

For nearly half a century, the French royal family lost interest in expanding Montreal.

But there are gains, at least France got a slang term - 'like the jewel of Canada' to refer to hypocrisy, falsehood.

Although they lost the support of the royal family, merchants still found business opportunities in this land. Scattered merchants sailed south to Africa to buy slaves, and then went west to the West Indies controlled by Spain. If you can't grab one, sail all the way north, sell slaves to monks in Montreal on the St. Lawrence River, exchange some beaver skins and walrus ivory, and return with a full load.

The man in power in Montreal was named Henri Katia, and although it was a European name, he was actually half-Indian, the illegitimate son of Jacques, and a Christian.

With the help of the monks, he can gain power and learn knowledge to control the land and deal with the surrounding aboriginal tribes, which is conducive to the purchase of goods by the merchants, so the merchants also support him to take power here.

In other words, the French who are now 'controlling' Montreal are actually some trapped merchants whose sailors make up this mob army.

In less than a month, Henry Katia's mood experienced ups and downs. At first he didn't care when he learned that the Iroquois who caught beavers in the river killed the Iroquois. , to avoid failure and not worry.

Who can beat him?

There are two or three French caravans staying in Montreal at any time of the year, and there are [-] villagers. It only takes [-] days for the reinforcements from the Huron Alliance, which has always maintained good relations, to arrive in Montreal, and the Ottawa people can get there in six days. come over.

Six days, within six days, who can break through the city built by his father Jacques the Old under the protection of six Francois cannons, more than 40 muskets, hundreds of cavalry, and thousands of longbows?

He is the little bully of Canada!

But the development of things was beyond his expectation.

In the powerful Huron Alliance, one of the four envoys asking for help came back half a month later, saying that there was a rising Hulan tribe over there who set up an ambush with [-] soldiers and captured [-] Hurons. After the army was buried, less than a hundred people fled back, and three of them went crazy.

Now the Huron Alliance is panicking because of the message that the Hulan tribe left behind the message that "there is no one who dares to resist the tribe", and neither the psychology nor the reality can help him.

But the Hurons were righteous in the end, at least let the messenger bring back a message to Henry Katia: Hulan is coming to you.

The monk said that the prophecy was fulfilled: there is a devil guarding the treasure on the other side of the sea.

Henry said in his heart that this prophecy was too late, why didn't you say that the Chinese Khan is coming?
His father called this China's Canada 44 years ago, and even lived in Montreal for a whole year, waiting for the envoy of the Great Khan of China to pick him up and go to Beijing to get gold. The mica was dug up and brought back to France without waiting, and the disgraced father never came back.

Henry, who lived and grew up with monks, had been looking forward to the arrival of the Chinese Great Khan's envoy since he was a child, and his father would be able to come back when the Great Khan's envoy came.

But he asked all the tribes around him, and no one had heard of China.

Henry didn't believe the prophecy or anything at this moment, but it was true to be frustrated because of it. He thought it might be a call from the Spaniards that the businessmen living in Montreal often said.

This battle will be difficult to end.

But the reinforcements gathered by the Ottawas comforted his restless heart a few days later.

But that was a lot of reinforcements. Messages from the tribe said that [-] Ottawas were heading for Montreal.

Henry's heart jumped again when he heard the news-fortunately, this is my friend, and I didn't know that their tribe could gather reinforcements comparable to the major alliance.

Ottawa people did come, men came, women came, old people came, children came, even the village dogs came.

They didn't come to help at all, on the contrary, they came to ask for help.

The people of Ottawa heard that the army of the Huron Alliance was beaten to ashes by the Hulan tribe, and also heard the horrible message. The survivors of the six villages on the southernmost riverside of the tribe fled over, repeating the same words.

People said: "Everyone in the tribe is dead, and Hulan has come."

I heard the same words six times in three days, and even the process was the same. The enemy came and asked the village to surrender. Not only did the village not surrender, but they took out their bows and arrows and shot the messenger Mohawk all over, and ate the messenger. Then the riders farther away patted the horse's buttocks and ran away. A day later-the army came under pressure.

The decision-making process of the migration of Ottawa people is very scientific. First ask the question: what should I do when Hulan comes?Then guess the hypothesis: do not surrender; then designate plans and experiments: resist them and resist failure; collect experimental data: failure, failure, or failure; then analyze and demonstrate, and summarize the phenomenon.

In the end, the phenomenon was sublimated into physical concepts and laws: Hulan can't fight, if you don't want to surrender, run away!

So Mr. Henry received a large number of reinforcements and stationed in Montreal, weak, helpless, and especially edible.

These old, weak, sick, pregnant and children in Ottawa ate the rations of the Montreal garrison for a month and a half in a week.

It was just... a disaster.

Henry, who was besieged in the walled city, leaned on the wooden wall that gave him his last confidence, so sad that his hair fell out, but his godfather was very happy, baptizing people every moment of the week, keeping up with the development Like a bar, he kept telling the people who came to take refuge, follow my beliefs, if you believe in me, you can go to heaven even if you die in a few days!
On the 40th day of the siege of Montreal, a man wearing iron armor and an iron helmet approached the pier in a canoe, and the people on the opposite bank shouted in jerky Iroquois to let them surrender to the Chinese Empire, or else the city would be destroyed Do not stay and so on.

Henry in the city turned green—yes!The envoys of the Great Khan of China came, but they came to send them to heaven.

(End of this chapter)

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