open sea

Chapter 981 Art

Chapter 981 Art
Deng Zilong was sitting on the chair behind, his body leaning slightly to the left, his left arm wrapped in a Song Dynasty-style leather-inlaid iron wristband was propped on the armrest, and his fist was slightly resting on his chin.

His right arm was half-stretched beside him, and he lightly tapped the tea table with his fingers. His eyes were not focused, and he didn't know what to think about.

The hall is full of newly made furniture that smells strongly of tung oil, and there is no tea on the tea table, only a few official documents.

The official document on the top page was densely written in three languages, and a three-inch square portrait was pasted on it. In the painting, a man with a European face was very young, with heavy circles under his tired eyes and a reddish face. The blotchy, bearded lips under the big nose have the distinct festering features.

'William Parker, born in Plymouth, England, was born in a noble family. In order to imitate the sea thief Koudrake and rob money to strengthen his momentum, he purchased four ships including the flagship Knight from the old Parker shipyard in Plymouth in the fourth year of Wanli. Ships travel to and from the lowland countries to recruit idlers, buy British bird guns and Dutch ship guns, and lead the fleet to sail westward in the early spring of this year to wreak havoc on the West Indies. '

'Its flagship, the Knight, has sixteen guns and eight Dutch iron cannons. The four ships have more than three hundred sailors. One silver coin ship and three fishing boats were destroyed. '

Then he attacked the port of Veracruz in the Gulf of Mexico. The siege failed for six days, and he was expelled by Jesus, the commander of the Second Army of New Spain. He went to Qilin Bay, Panama, and then robbed a Portuguese slave ship. He went ashore to plunder again. The flag army besieged him and captured him alive within a few days of fighting. '

Under the information of William Parker, there are also the information of several pirate leaders, most of whom are from England, and their purpose is almost the same, imitating Drake to rob the Spanish treasure ship, in order to gain a temporary reputation and unimaginable wealth.

The owners of these materials knelt neatly in front of Deng Zilong. Yishui's lower limbs were swollen and his face was erythematous.

It has been half a month since Qilin Guard captured these pirates. Deng Zilong issued an order, regardless of whether they are detained in the prison of the guard or on the way to Panama City, they are only allowed to eat bread and water, a little food, a little They are not allowed to eat or drink fruit or a drop of tea.

Deng Zilong seemed to have just come back to his senses. Seeing the miserable people in front of him, he let out a long sigh and asked quietly, "Are you idiots? Are you all idiots?"

"If you want to rob the Spaniards, go and rob them. Did my Ming Dynasty's fishing boat provoke you? You just sank them with gunboats."

"Harvesting Havana and Veracruz is justified by you. The Qilin Guard provoked you again. The dried corpses of the pirates on the reef can't be seen, so the big Mingzi flag can always be seen! Hundreds of thieves Go ashore and grab it."

The men who dried on the reef were of similar origin to William Parker, named Andrew Barker and his associates, also English, born in Bristol.

This man's fleet is powerful. Two years ago, he attacked Trujillo in Venezuela twice. The first time he was repelled, and the second time he made a comeback to capture the town. He was driven away after looting. Shi Xiaolou built the first ship in Qilinwei and was snatched by him, triggering Li Dan and Chen Jiujing to encircle and suppress him, but failed to catch him.

Before the establishment of the company, Shi Xiaolou had offered a reward of [-] bolts of Lu silk to the Spanish fleet in the Viceroyalty of Peru and the West Indies under New Spain, asking for a reward.

Deng Zilong was not found because the Dongyang Military Mansion has no warships on the east coast.

In the end, there were only six scarred warships and 120 pirates left in Andrew Barker, who were sent by Yang Ce of Han at the beginning of this year.

When General Yang, who was always victorious and spent countless treasures, left, he bought a few guns from the Dongyang Army Mansion. It happened that Deng Zilong’s banner army had a batch of small-caliber land guns that had been used for some years, so Chen Mu asked him to go directly to the Qilin Wei takes.

On the way back to the west coast of Africa, Yang Ce, who received the cannon, packed up his fleet and sent it to Qilinwei, but he only took Shi Xiaolou's reward of [-] pieces of silk and satin—Yang Ce meant that he was a little bit nice It is enough for his subordinates to take the silk back and wear it. The remaining [-] bolts of Lu silk are not needed for him, and even if they are sold, they will not be sold. Let the merchant send the silk to the Dongyang Army Mansion for storage. When he comes to play again next year use.

Later, these pirates were hung on the reefs near Qilinwei as performance art.

Just like this, there are still English pirates coming to die one after another.

Deng Zilong was so worried that he got wrinkles.

"Ask them."

Deng Zilong said to his interpreter: "What is it about Panama that attracts them? The pirates come here endlessly. In this year alone, the Qilin Guard was attacked three times, and the pirates appeared sixteen times. How about going to the fair?"

And the people who came were all British, as if they knew that Deng Zilong had no boat.

In fact, this is also the reason why Chen Mu burst out laughing when he heard the news of the pirates coming to Panama from Almansa... Deng Zilong was about to be driven crazy by the pirates. A few small broken gunboats roamed the sea and ignored him.

However, his fleet is still floating in South Asia and has no coastal defenses at all. He can only wait for others to go ashore to snatch it once.

Can't we build cannon temples on all the beaches that can be landed on the long coastline?
The officer asked William Parker something, and wanted to ask in English, but the interpreter couldn't make any sense. His English was learned when the artworks on the reef were alive, and his vocabulary was very low. When he was impatient, he had to ask in Spanish. Fortunately, the stumbling made William understand.

What else could the result be, in the final analysis it was for money, the Isthmus of Panama, Drake's rich land.

This answer almost drove Deng Zilong mad: "Spanish people transport money from here, Ming Dynasty doesn't transport silver! Fuck off, get out, go to jail!"

"Writing letters, I can't continue to kill, come and kill a group of pirates, no one over there knows what's going on, it's too attracting flies."

Deng Zilong raised his hand like a fly to let the Banner Army take the stinky pirates back to prison, and said to the assistant officer: "Write to Chang Sheng, I plan to send a few people back to England, and let them know that Panama is Daming’s, and let Chen Shuai ask Elizabeth for compensation... yes, let’s say hello again.”

Speaking of this, Deng Zilong finally calmed down a bit, and said: "Ask Chen Shuai, the little governor of Havana sent someone over to take back the two ships that transported pearls and silver, and asked what to do."

After speaking, Deng Zilong got up and searched the map behind him with his eyes, muttering in his mouth: "Where is my fleet...Sooner or later, I will go to their hometown! Let them also suffer from this uselessness."

(End of this chapter)

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