open sea

Chapter 986 Attack

Chapter 986 Attack
On the outskirts of Bordeaux, French recruits wearing variegated clothes held spears, matchlock guns, and old-time warriors holding long swords, halberds and steel crossbows gathered in a huge force, and formed a formation to pass through the forest.

On the broad road, more than [-] proud knights dressed in blue battle robes and armed with steel formed a loose formation, followed by retinues wearing burqas and chain mail holding high the banners of nobles, with only a line of iron helmets exposed With a tall and healthy horse looks like an iceberg.

Where they appear is the battlefield.

General Franco's well-equipped mercenaries made him proud, but this was nothing compared to the knights who came from Bordeaux.

There are three important factors in war, money, money, and money.

France has advantages from farmers to kings. The environment with good sunlight, fertile soil, four distinct seasons and abundant rainfall makes everyone here better off than other European countries relative to their own class.

How can the dry and rugged Spain, the cold and damp Germany, and the continuous rainy England compare with the wealth of France?
A good environment brings rich financial resources and more population. There are knights everywhere. Why is France so powerful?Because money has fighting power, better nutrition, better horses, better armor, and more tournaments where money can't be spent, and there are more knights.

If a knight is supported by 500 people, then France, which has a larger population, has more knights.

Of course, the finances of the French royal family are not much better than that of Yi Boss. Even after Li Dan entered Seville, he was compared with Fei Lao Er, but there is a reason for this. It's just that the money was spent—on a central standing army that was so rare in Europe, the Knights of the Pardon.

The religious wars between the two sects have been fought six times from south to north and from east to west on the land of France, and many external countries have intervened. In any country, the royal family has long since fallen apart. Humph, the third child can still sit firmly in Paris.

In this life, the mercenary leader Franco has never thanked a person so much as at this moment, thanking Chen Jiujing for ordering him to retreat westward in advance.

Otherwise, even without this order, he would lead his army to flee the battlefield in a hurry when he saw these knights, but when he wanted to retreat, these knights might not let him retreat.

"The French are coming. Once they get out of the woods, the cavaliers will spread out. It should be a squadron led by two earls. Below are ten barons each leading a squadron of 25 knights. It is difficult for us to stop them. Retreat Come into the bastion!"

Carlos is relatively sober, at least he still has the idea of ​​fighting with him. Juan, who ransacked six villages and a castle all the way, has gained a lot. He has already retreated, and raised his hand to interrupt Carlos: "At this time, we should get on the boat and leave here. There are too many French people, and there are no losses... eh? Let's go!"

The speed at which Bordeaux assembled troops was within Chen Jiujing's expectations, but the number of assembled troops far exceeded his estimate.

He had thought that it would be great if Bordeaux could gather 2000 men in just a few days, but he didn't expect that the number of enemies was far more than [-], which was almost equal to the troops he led, and there were knights advancing step by step, which appeared to be more fierce than them.

But retreat?
Chen Jiujing replied very frankly to the leaders of the mercenary army: "But I don't want to retreat. After destroying them, I can enter Bordeaux, where... it should be richer than the port."

Needless to say, his words made Juan, who wanted to leave the most, ponder for a few seconds.

Looting a castle yields much more than a few small villages, so how about looting an important town?
"Why don't all the ministries form a phalanx and mobilize the cavalry to protect the two wings? But half of our cavalry hasn't returned yet."

After saying that, Hu An picked up his helmet and turned around to lead the horse. He took a deep breath and said to Chen Jiujing: "General Chen will give orders to the front later, I'm going to appease my subordinates."

After he left, Carlos asked, "Do you really want to fight?"

"Fight, but you have to retreat first, closer to the bastion. There are trenches we dug outside, and you can use the fort's fortress. Although there is no danger around, at least you can bombard their phalanx."

Chen Jiujing took out his pocket watch from his pocket and looked at it, then turned his head and said to Carlos: "Looking at the speed of their advance, we still have an hour and a half left, order all the troops to retreat ten miles according to the formation, and the Baishan Battalion will divide part of it into the city to use artillery , and the other is ready by your side."

As he said that, he sent someone to inform the guerrillas of the Baishan Camp that Huang Xi, who was from the Korean Western People's Party, ordered him to lead his troops to the city.

Another Baishan lieutenant, Kang Gulu, was leading the Nuzhen step by step to escort the army. Seeing Huang Xi being sent away by Chen Jiujing, his face showed a relaxed expression. It's good to let them go to the city, we are still not used to hiding behind their spears, for fear that they will disperse if they charge at them."

"They have many knights. Can your bow penetrate their armor?"

Kang Gulu shook his head: "It's very difficult. It takes thirty or forty steps to have a chance on the iron shell outside, but they are still wearing mail or cloth armor under the iron shell, so they can only shoot in the head."

"I try to shoot as many as possible and give them to the general as gifts, but this is the main thing."

Kang Gulu said as he raised the spear in his hand from the horse's back, a little swollen.

Chen Jiujing found that his lieutenant had a deep cavalry plot, perhaps because of the heavy guns and horses kidnapped by the Iron Buddha of the State of Jin in the past, but these days there are actually no cavalry due to fishing and hunting, and the most powerful are mountain infantry.

There is a reason why the deputy generals of the Baishan Battalion swelled. They used to have no armor. After experiencing the Japanese chaos, they were rewarded with armor. They armed a group of heavy infantry with single armor or even double armor, carrying long soldiers and bows. The strength is much higher than before.

Finally got the armor, but couldn't wear it in the sea battle. Now I finally have the opportunity to put on the armor on the land. I just want a hearty battle.

What's more, in the eyes of Kang Guru, those mercenaries who despise Xiyi are unreliable. This is their war-there is nothing wrong with this sentence.

In the past, the three major works were quite marginal, but now they are not marginal at all. Even the natives of Asia can be called common people. There is no problem with saying that the white mountains and black waters are the core.

"My men will go to strengthen the trench wall, and the men in front are defeated and we will fight here, general."

"After the battle, give us some more horses. Seeing that they have a lot of horses." Kang Gulu looked at Chen Jiujing and said, "Let me send people back to Liaodong next year and recruit some warriors from the three major divisions."

"Divide the horses?" Chen Jiujing grinned, as if Kang Gulu's carefree attitude towards the war had also infected him, and said with a smile: "If you win this battle, I will buy you horses from Spain and let you also form a horse." Heavy gun kidnapper."

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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