open sea

Chapter 990

Chapter 990
Kanggulu's Jurchen cavalry chased eastward for sixty miles with the power of victory. They had already surpassed the deserters, but they still galloped until they could see the city of Bordeaux and the vineyards on the left bank of the Garonne on the outskirts of the city.

At first, Franco's cavalry only wanted to chase down the defeated army, but after running for more than ten miles, they were overtaken by the cavalry of the Baishan Battalion. They were afraid that their hundreds of cavalry would be surrounded and killed by the enemy's ambush, so they led the cavalry to follow them.

As a result, along the way, his cavalry was commanded by Kang Gulu with gestures: grab this one, grab that one; attack this monastery, flatten this manor... There were no people in the unusually prosperous suburban manor along the way, and the news of the war Once spread to this land, nobles, squires, and merchants drove their carriages to seek refuge in the nearest castle.

Farmers and women have no other choice but to run to the city with their families.

Therefore, French farmers are the happiest farmers in Europe. They are still willing to run to the city. For example, in low-lying countries such as Spain or the Netherlands, farmers do not run away from lands where wars continue.

They had only two options: defecting to the rebel army or being drafted to suppress the rebel army, or staying where they were and resigning themselves to fate.

Anyway, regardless of whether the army of your own country or the army of other countries, they will plunder when they come. If you step on the ground, your head will fall to the ground sooner or later. At least the intestines can still be hung on the tree.

There were still small garrisons scattered in the local area, but the farmers armed with dung forks and stones could not pose a threat to Kang Gulu. They even fled when they heard the sound of horseshoes, and there was no resistance at all.

The flamboyant Kanggulu rushed to the city, and on the road he passed, one manor after another was ignited with thick black smoke. It only took two rides to escort dozens of people who had no time to escape, pushing the cart for him to transport the spoils back port.

The four two-story domed bell towers on the square in front of the City Hall in the city kept ringing, and the continuous beating of small bells could be heard even outside the city. These small bells have been used to remind citizens that the fire is raging, or to remind The grapes are ripe for the people outside the city.

But at this moment, it can only be used to remind the people of the enemy's attack.

Kang Gulu found the most talented rider under his command, and stammered and shouted outside the city for a long time, but no one could understand.

Spain is too closed, and the laws enacted by Fei Laoer prohibit Spaniards from going abroad to study in other countries, and scholars from other countries are not allowed to enter to study.

It's rare that there are people of insight in the city who can understand Spanish, and they can't understand Spanish in the dialect version of the Jurchen Haixi Hada tribe under Kanggulu's command.

In the end, Franco stepped forward to make a rescue: "Your main force has been defeated by our army. As long as the city of Bordeaux surrenders...General Kang, how much will you surrender?"

Kanggulu couldn't understand what Franco was saying. Anyway, the captain of the city's guard led the troops to protect the city officials and the nobles. After courageously climbing up the city wall, he saw a few Spanish cavalry and chaotic soldiers standing in the distance. Looking at the foreign cavalry who couldn't see the way, they were chattering excitedly.

In the distance, thick smoke was burning behind the dense forest treetops, and a small troop of galloping horses galloped back and forth, with large and small bags of things snatched from nowhere on the horse's buttocks.

The defenders sent people out of the city to negotiate with flags, but they were driven back because of poor verbal communication.

In France, a place rich in martial virtue, the truly learned knights are held captive in the port of Bordeaux.

The two sides waited together for the main force of the Ming army across several military fortresses outside Bordeaux and the emergency fortifications.

Not only the French in Bordeaux were waiting, but Kanggulu and Franco were also waiting. They waited until noon the next day, but they hadn't seen the main force of the mercenary infantry company coming over.

When the riders sent back by Kanggulu came back, he realized that Chen Jiujing was not in a hurry at all, and was still cleaning up the battlefield at the bastion of the bay. He only sent a soldier under Carlos who was proficient in French to read to Bordeaux the Dongyang Army Mansion to ask for silver. Ten thousand taels, one thousand donkeys, five hundred war horses as war indemnity, and one thousand four hundred taels of gold as ransom for nobles.

Chen Jiujing was busy stabilizing the morale of the army. The mercenary company mainly composed of infantry was severely damaged in the tragic battle. Even if he bit the bullet and marched towards Bordeaux, he could not maintain his combat effectiveness for a new siege.

And his means of stabilizing the morale of the army are divided into three categories, a total of five types, namely: boasting, boasting, and boasting.

"Fight well, I know that the Juan mercenary group suffered extremely high losses in the face of the enemy this time, but you are very brave, especially General Juan, even the commander of the Western Army in the Asian battlefield does not have a general as brave as you In Spain, I am afraid that only the ancient famous generals can compare with you!"

"What, don't tell me that your company ran away when it was defeated. At least you didn't surrender. Where are the infantry who don't run away when their knights rush over?"

Chen Jiujing couldn't stand the praise of Juan. The helmet on his head was smashed and swollen. The big bag that was just bandaged and swollen made Juan feel dizzy. Hearing the praise from the Ming general, his face flushed: "Many of my soldiers surrendered. gone."

"It doesn't matter if you surrender. They all launched a counterattack later. Some people under General Guzman's command also surrendered, but I saw with my own eyes that several soldiers who surrendered picked up their weapons and fought the enemy after firing cannons in the city; and the subordinates of General Aji , carrying two muskets and two long swords to chase down the enemy!"

"These are the best fighters. I know you are not trained enough. This time we have paid a bloody lesson, but it won't be the case next time. We have used this battle to prove that the six generals of the Xiyong Battalion and the upper and lower three More than a thousand soldiers have the possibility to become the world's elite."

"I want to renew the contract with you and extend the contract to three years. After returning, six generals will serve as recruiting officers to fill up the soldiers lost in this battle. I will invite excellent instructors from the Daming Dongyang Military Mansion to train them for you. "

"The salaries of all soldiers who survived the battle will be increased by half of what was stipulated in the contract; those who are injured but can continue to serve will be paid an extra month's salary; those who cannot fight will be given two months' salary, and those who died will be given three months' salary."

Chen Jiujing's boasting made the five mercenary leaders who stayed in the Gulf battlefield dizzy. No complaints about the tragic battle were seen or even mentioned. Now they are just busy counting money.

"However, there are two things I have to say first. First, when you go to recruit soldiers, don't use hired prostitutes to pretend to be noble ladies, lead men into the cellar, lock them up and starve them for several days. If you do that, you won’t be able to recruit good soldiers.”

"Secondly, the combat-capable garrison in Bordeaux has been wiped out. It's time for us to collect the spoils, but I also know that the troops are incapable of fighting, so we have to put on a show, gather all those who can fight, and go to the outskirts of the city to rest. We just wait Three days."

"In the past, we bombarded towers and castles for a while, and after three days, no matter whether we received money or not, we withdrew our troops and returned to the ship, and set off for Spain without fighting any more."

 Good morning!

(End of this chapter)

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