Across the literary and art world

Chapter 155 Today, July 7

Chapter 155 Today, July [-]st

In the afternoon, the sky was still not clear.

However, changes in the weather do not have a big impact on the city, and the things that should be done still have to be done. The change of the weather can only be said to be the background of the city, not the theme.

Ten minutes before three o'clock in Kyoto, a large conference room on the thirteenth floor of a certain building, a group of journalists filed in with various tools.One minute before three o'clock, through a small door in the conference room, the chairman of the Shenzhou Gold Cup Literature Competition and all the judges walked out.Reporters, interviewees, and everyone are basically here.

A bell rang, and it was three o'clock.

Gu Qing knocked on the microphone in front of him, and the originally quiet conference room became even quieter.

"First of all, friends from the media are welcome to come here today and witness our departure ceremony together. Thank you." Gu Qing folded his hands on his chest, straightened his waist naturally, and started the opening speech of the leader.

After he finished speaking, he paused for a few seconds. The leader's pause was followed by applause.

After the applause, Gu Qing maintained the posture just now and continued: "Today is July 27st. It's not a special day. It's the time when the Shenzhou Gold Cup Literature Competition begins. In 30 minutes, the top [-] in the Shenzhou Gold Cup Literature Competition The time for the topic announcement is as simple as that. I have finished my speech, and you can ask questions about the No.[-] Eighth Shenzhou Gold Cup Literary Competition."

There are very few opening remarks in the ancient Qing Dynasty. There is no review of the past, no expectation of the future, no rhetoric, no degree of solemnity, and no reporter present to explain the meaning and role of culture. , and gave the time to the reporter.

"Hello, Chairman Gu, I'm a reporter from the Empire Central Television. I would like to ask, how are the contestants who have passed the audition their strengths?"

"It's all good."

"Hello, Chairman Gu, I'm a reporter from Newsweek. Who do you think will win the Gold Cup Literature Contest? Among the 1000 people who passed the audition."

"There is hope, and the probability is equal."

"Hello, Chairman Gu, I am a reporter from Wen Wei Po. I would like to ask, what do you think of Lin Feng, the No.1 champion in the audition?"

"Whether it's first, second, or thousandth, they are treated equally in every competition until the winner is determined."


The meeting lasted until 03:30, and the reporters had about 25 minutes to ask questions. Unfortunately, the reporters didn’t ask any useful questions. , But the reporters have long been mentally prepared, he was like this last year, and the year before.

Under normal circumstances, if there is no news, the reporters will fabricate the news, but this time the reporters did not. The front and backstage figures of Shenzhou Literature are very hard, so they truthfully reported the news that had been reported on the official website long ago. Of course, people who had some expectations were not too disappointed, they were used to it.



In Gu Qing's office, Ma Shu was reporting to work.

"Chairman, the questions should be sent to the newsletter left by the top thousand contestants."

"Well, that's good, let's wait for tomorrow to see if there will be any surprises." Gu Qing nodded, "Hey, by the way, if Lin Feng's copy is sent, it can be sent directly to me. I correct it myself."

"Chairman, you just said at the press conference that we should treat everyone equally." Ma Shu was very unhappy because this was his business.

"Old horse, equal treatment is for sure. I asked you to send me here because I want to treat everyone equally. I must strictly control Lin Feng and never let him get away with it." Gu Qing said with a righteous face.

"I will also strictly check the checks. Chairman, don't worry. When you collectively submit candidates for promotion, you can check whether I have strictly checked the checks. If there is no salary for me in this competition, I will not want it." The book is firm.

"I said, old horse, I'm sharing your worries. How about this, I will give you the share of Haitian Wang Junming's grandson Wang Sheng, and you will give Lin Feng's share to me for correction. Besides, this is my job." For the matter, Lin Feng University enrolled in Longteng Academy, and I am one of the five teachers in Longteng Academy!" Gu Qing produced strong evidence.

Ma Shu was lost in thought, Chairman Gu seemed very firm, he even revealed his identity as a teacher of Longteng Academy when he exchanged Wang Sheng's share The rankings are the same, give him.It would be nice to have Wang Sheng, the grandson of Haitian University Wang Sheng, a young genius Wang Sheng, so Ma Shu agreed in his heart.There is also a pain in my heart, can it be the same?



In Lin Feng's study.

A notification interface popped up on the computer screen, which was a topic notification from Shenzhou Literature.

After calmly clicking on the topic, Lin Feng read it.

"For contestants who have passed the audition for the contest, today, July [-]st, the China Gold Cup Literary Contest for the Top [-]s will begin. Please read the following topics carefully, and send them back to the address below before [-]:[-] tomorrow. We will not wait when they are overdue."

The following are the questions for the promotion of Qianqiang.

After seeing the topic, Lin Feng was speechless. What's the situation? Write an essay by looking at the pictures?
The picture is very simple, it is an image outlined by a few lines, and one person looks at the mountain in a daze.There is no redundant description, including word count, subject matter, genre, restrictions, nothing, no explanation.

Lin Feng looked at the picture carefully, wanting to see if there were any hidden conditions, such as hiding the numbers crookedly in the lines, the whole picture is a pictograph, and other unknown means.

The result was very disappointing to Lin Feng. It was a simple line drawing. Even after looking at it with a magnifying glass, it was still the end of the line, and there were no small characters hidden in the line.

Finding myself thinking too much, I decided to brainstorm and look online.

Sure enough, the whole network is discussing this topic, so if you don't publish it on the Internet, wouldn't the hits be wasted?If the contestant uses these ideas from the Internet, this is allowed, but to refill the old bottle, you have to write something good.

In addition, if someone dares to copy the articles uploaded by some people who are itchy and lazy, the consequences will be to publish all the family information, personal information and recommender information on the official website for ten days, plus the copied articles and the original articles, etc. The evidence must stink the person and the family, and it is in the form of implicating.As for how the jury knew, there is an organization under the jury that is responsible for collecting these things and sorting them out for reporting.

"I didn't participate in the competition this year, and it's a good thing I didn't participate in the competition. When I saw this topic, I laughed so hard that my stomach hurts. Is this a topic for the first grade of elementary school? Hahahaha..."

"Regret, I didn't listen carefully when my teacher taught this kind of topic in elementary school. Teacher, can you explain it again?"

"The composition must be innovative. I am going to add a little mythology to write a fairy tale. How about an old monster flying out of the mountains and taking him away?"

"The modern version of the story of Yugong Yishan, what do you think of this idea?"

"Once upon a time there was a mountain, and there was a temple on the mountain, and there was an old monk in the temple... Is this kid going to become a monk?"


There are all kinds of weird replies and weird ideas under the question. Some people are glad that they didn't participate, some people blame themselves for not practicing the composition well and can't see the mystery, and some people want to develop and imagine all aspects.

The Shenzhou Gold Cup Literary Contest is not only a competition for 1000 participants, but also a stage for many people behind them or in the society. As soon as the topic comes out, all relevant experts also start to comment on the topic of the competition.

After looking at the opinions and opinions expressed by the students or contestants for a while, Lin Feng decided to search for the opinions of experts to see if he could give himself some inspiration.

"Today, July [-]st, the annual Shenzhou Gold Cup Literary Contest starts again. I am very happy. I should be able to see many good articles, and they are still written by young people. It feels really good. The fire of literature is from generation to generation. According to legend. The topic of Jinbei Qianqiang has not been released for a long time, and there is a topic on the Internet, so that those of us who do not participate and have no way to get the notification of the topic can understand the topic and think about it. Thank you for the uploader. Let me talk about my thoughts on this year’s topic view."

"Looking at pictures and writing essays, many people think that this is a topic for elementary school students. In fact, it is not. Pictures, don’t comrades who write manuscripts also have to look at pictures and write? I talked about the difficulty level of writing essays by looking at pictures. Let me talk about my understanding of the topic and how to write this article. It can be understood as..."

After reading this detailed analysis of expert opinions, Lin Feng clicked on another expert opinion, discarding the clichés at the beginning, and directly scrolled down to the useful parts.

"...Man and the mountain, what is the person, what is the mountain, start from these two aspects, for example, people, environmental protection, the mountain with all the trees cut down, it is very simple to draw, so we have to Imagine. Look again..."


After reading the opinions of experts one by one, Lin Feng felt that he benefited a lot. Even if the knowledge of these experts is not as much as his own, but there are many people with multiple ideas, and Lin Feng knows the story of two apples on the earth.

After browsing the Internet for more than half an hour, Lin Feng took out a piece of paper and began to write his own ideas on the paper, one by one, looking up at the sky for a while, and writing and drawing with his head down for a while, it wasn’t that Lin Feng wanted to write by himself He, who is charged with carrying the heavy responsibility, just wants to find a reasonable direction, and then search for related articles in the vast sea of ​​splendid articles on the earth, and carry them.

In the room, there is no rhythmic sound of fingers and keyboard knocking and colliding, only the rustling sound of pen and paper rubbing against each other, but the tranquility still exists, matching the sparks of thinking gradually permeating in the room, an invisible beauty.

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(End of this chapter)

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