Across the literary and art world

Chapter 403 When I was Young

Chapter 403 When I was Young
Because there are no windows, there is no sunlight, only the gentle and bright light from the incandescent lamp illuminates the space inside the reference room.

In the shadow of the bookshelf under the light, there are two people, the only two people in the inner space.

"This is when A Zong was young, um, when Jinshi just started, he tried to sing some of his own works. There were only audio, no video, and these audios are rare in the market, and there are even more on the Internet. No, at that time, I just tried to release some records. After all, A Zong’s essence is a creator.” After sighing, letting some sudden emotion flow out of his heart, the president of Santai organized the language and said.

"It shouldn't be that simple." Lin Feng suddenly thought of a very unknown song by Li Guangzong, and said.

"When he was young, I was also very young, before Jinshi was established. We have known each other for a long time, and we both have our own dreams. He wants to be a singer, and I want to be an outstanding producer. Well, the pure kind of producers are only responsible for listening and producing, not for composing lyrics and music. We were really young at that time, and then we worked hard for a period of time, for our young dreams. Of course, also for being able to When you are old enough, say a sentence, or a paragraph, when you are young... and the world is always so wonderful, dreams can only be established in dreams with very complete conditions. We have been to large companies and were declined. I have been to a small company, but was directly rejected, I have been to a conservatory of music, but I can’t apply what I have learned, I have tried to sing under the flyover... I have tried to create alone,...In the end, we found that the world is so wonderful, A Zong I am very talented in creation and production, and I am a little cautious about doing business. Then, after we did some time in some companies with what we are good at, under two bottles of beer, after some discussion, there is no He gritted his teeth and didn't stomp his feet, and he had gold and stone. Then, he thought about the past while being proud, and then he tried it for a while. Actually, it's very simple." Hearing Lin Feng's words, Santai said calmly, complicated and There was a simple response to Lin Feng's words that were not a problem.

"It's really simple." After a moment of silence, Lin Feng said out loud.Related to young things, simple descriptions are always higher than complex ones.

Smiling silently, Santai quickly adjusted his mentality, recalling the past, depending on the occasion.But obviously, it is not suitable at the moment and must be adjusted.

Silently staring at the string of names in the square CD box in his palm, Lin Feng suddenly had many thoughts that were not in his conscious mind, very strange and sharp just appeared.

With a heartbeat, Lin Feng chose one of them.

"I want to hear it. I don't know if Mr. Duan minds?" He said.

"Of course. With Mr. Lin's talent, he might be able to help A Zong release a big-selling album." Duan Santai nodded without hesitation, and smiled meaningfully.

"Hehe." With a soft smile, Lin Feng couldn't deny it.



Listening to discs, the most common tool needed, is a tool for reading discs.Anything higher requires the right occasion.

Regardless of the occasion or the tools, there is nothing to be satisfied in the reference room.There are volumes of materials in the reference room, as well as paper and pen for recording in a flash of inspiration, and electronic technology for song calculation.But there is just no such listening tool as needed.Therefore, the two need to leave and go somewhere else.

As the headquarters of the music company, Jinshi Building has many places to listen to, and the company boss will guide the group, so they can go anywhere and use it.It's just that the company has the company's order, and Santai naturally doesn't disturb the work of his subordinates.So, it seems that they go everywhere, but they can only go to Duan Santai's office.In the president's office, everything is complete.

"Please sit down." Entering the president's office, Duan Santai greeted very politely.Although they had just left not long ago, and the time was very close, neither of them had any other emotions, and their every move was quite natural.

This time, Secretary Yang didn't come in to deliver tea. He was chatting just now, but now he is listening. The tea shouldn't disturb his heart.

Lin Feng was not polite either, and sat down in the previous position, while Santai held the CD and started operating at the opposite end of the wall.And the machine is also very cooperative, starting up, taking out of the warehouse and other things, the response is extremely fast.

A series of work was completed, Santai did not speak, neither did Lin Feng, the two were doing it on the sofa, quietly, waiting for the machine to read the CD.



"Herringbone is one stroke, two strokes. The word two is followed by a sentence from the beginning to the end....Bitterness is two flowers, Coptidis is bitter, and poverty is more bitter so that bees can't pick flowers...Thinness is like summer. Clothes and gowns, spring ice is thin, human feelings are thinner, danger, rivers and lakes are dangerous, people's hearts are more dangerous...Knowing difficulties, keeping hardships, enduring thinness, and testing dangers, the two of life carry out a common path...”


The singing sounded faintly, not intoxicating, but giving people a feeling of self-intoxication.The words are quite clear, but the singing is not pleasant to the ears. It feels like an originally passionate song that has been intentionally or intentionally adjusted to an ideal by known or unknowable means. If you want to tell your heart, or have a general view of the world, it is extremely uncoordinated.

The only two listeners did not speak, they closed their eyes and listened calmly.But, somehow, at that moment, Lin Feng's brows moved slightly, as if he heard something familiar and shocking to him, and he couldn't even maintain a stiff and indifferent expression.

There are many songs on the disc, and because it is a disc, if there is no one to control it, when the singing stops, it can only be at the end.Therefore, after Li Guangzong's song called "Two" ended, another "new song" sounded, and it followed without leaving any gaps.

Listening to the song, Lin Feng didn't make a sound because he wanted to know more about it, while Santai didn't move the remote control in his hand because he wanted to let Lin Feng know more about it.Different thoughts, but the same action.

Just a few songs.

Santai raised the remote control in his hand, paused the music, and asked Lin Feng with a smile.

"Mr. Lin, what do you think?"

"Huh?" Lin Feng, who was thinking, didn't recover for a moment, and was taken aback.

"I hope Mr. Lin, from a professional point of view, from your point of view, can make an evaluation of A Zong's performance, and see if A Zong can still become popular in the music world." Santai added his meaning to Lin Feng.

"Extremely ordinary." After thinking for a while, Lin Feng said honestly.It took a lot of effort to speak, as if after thinking for a long time, I only managed to form such a language.

So, after speaking, he paused.

"Please continue." Faced with Lin Feng's pause, Santai was very polite.he said.

"Mr. Li's voice condition is actually very average. Whether it is in terms of timbre or frequency of breath conversion, it is very average. Of course, everyone's voice is different, which is not uncommon. Every timbre can be different. Sing good music." After hesitating for a while, Lin Feng said not at all tactful.

After a pause, he spoke again.

"It's just that Mr. Li's voice range is not wide, there is no treble, and the bass is not that attractive. So, it is really average, at least in terms of music. Moreover, from the few songs I heard, I can tell that Li The gentleman is low-key, without showing off skills, and he sings with his voice."

Lin Feng said nonsense, music is not sung with voice, so what is it used for?

"Uh...hehe." Hearing Lin Feng's detailed explanation, Santai was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled for a while without knowing what to say.This is so sincere, but why does it sound so awkward?

Although there is this doubt in his heart, Santai has no doubt in his heart, as if he knows that honest words are hard to hear, and he also knows that the truth is harder to hear.

"Mr. Lin, you are really quick to talk, no matter which aspect, you are so sincere." After that moment of not knowing what to say, Santai organized the language and came to a buffered beginning.

"Mr. Duan, thank you for the award. It's just from a professional point of view." Lin Feng said very modestly.From a professional point of view, no matter what earth-shattering or earth-shattering things you say, you should do your job and be humble.Of course, there are practical rewards, and it's not bad to hold them.

"Absolutely professional. Although I am extremely incompetent as a producer from a professional point of view, there are still some remnants of what I have learned. I can hear your humble words, Mr. Lin." After laughing twice, Duan Santai didn't know whether it was flattery, or he said something sincerely.

"Mr. Duan has won the award." Lin Feng shook his head, and then he asked Santai again, "I wonder how Mr. Li Guangzong evaluates his past works?"

"A Zong himself? He doesn't have much opinion. He hasn't heard these works of his own for a long time. After all, when he grows up and looks at him when he is young, he always has a vague disgust. Even if it was once yourself." After a moment of silence, Santai said.

"Because, under normal circumstances, we are always improving. When we are improving, we see that everything was so imperfect in the past. Even now, we search for a lot less than before." After a pause, Lin Feng said aloud .

"When I was young, I didn't care about everything. When I was not young, I cared about everything again." It seems to be touched by Li Guangzong's singing many years ago, or it seems to be slightly moved by Lin Feng's words, or It's intentional.Santai's tone suddenly became very vicissitudes, and even his words were full of emotions that he didn't know why.

For Santai's sentence, Lin Feng didn't speak, just remained silent. There are many people yearning for no desire, but these many people have been wandering between caring and not caring.



"Ha, I made you laugh at Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, please continue." Before the atmosphere of silence unfolded, Santai seemed to have suddenly realized that he was brought back to reality.He said to Lin Feng.

"There is one last problem, the melody of the beat and the emotional narrative deviate too much." Thinking slightly, Lin Feng said.

"Huh?" Santai looked at Lin Feng questioningly, waiting for an explanation.

"The combination of the melody of the song and the singing is fine in the verse, but it changes a lot when it comes to the chorus. Basically, it doesn't go down according to the basic thinking of people or the inertial thinking of emotions. The sudden change, The difference is too big." Lin Feng said.He wondered what state Li Guangzong was in, and even forgot the basic idea of ​​the song.But if you don't understand it, you can't understand it. Lin Feng thinks that he did it on purpose.

Santai was taken aback for a moment, and then instantly understood what Lin Feng was referring to, and said, "Mr. Lin, this was on purpose."

Looking at Santai, Lin Feng didn't speak, waiting for Duan Santai's further explanation.

"When pearls are not free from dust and mixed with glass beads, they always need some special shapes to stand out."

Lin Feng was silent, he understood what Santai meant, it was not easy to find a reed in a field of white reeds, but it was really easy to find a green tree.Special, sometimes conspicuous.

"Actually, Mr. Li Guangzong's singing style should be considered very broad and unique." Breaking his own silence, Lin Feng said, "As long as Mr. Li can use the thought and level he spent on making album songs for other singers on himself. .”

"Skill?" Santai asked suspiciously.

"No, it's attitude." Shaking his head, Lin Feng said.

"Attitude?" Santai was taken aback.It's not that he doesn't understand the meaning of the word, it's just that he doesn't understand it.Attitude can make up for many things, but there are also many things that cannot be made up.For example, the voice, people who are tone-deficient, no matter how correct their attitude is, they will not have a song on the ranking list of Xinsheng Music, and they will not be able to become a singer at the level of a king.Attitude is important, but sometimes talent is more important.The slogan that man can conquer nature can be very loud, but some things are irreparable.

"Mr. Li's voice is very ordinary, and the timbre is also very ordinary, but the combination of ordinary and ordinary can definitely form a special charm as long as there is a suitable finishing touch."

As if guessing Santai's attitude from Santai's tone, Lin Feng organized his words and said.

"The finishing touch is attitude?" Santai asked.

"To be precise, it is singing with heart and interweaving with emotion." Nodding, Lin Feng said.

"Emotion?" Santai repeated to himself, "It seems that Mr. Lin has a plan for A Zong's music career?"

"A little idea." Lin Feng shook his head and said, "Also, I think it's enough to talk about it today. Mr. Li is a very outstanding songwriter. This is a song that requires a lot of concentration and hard work to be better and stronger. Professional, let's not distract Mr. Li. Let's stop here, Mr. Duan, what do you think?"

Hearing the singing just now, Lin Feng already had the candidate's head flashing in his mind.It's just flickering, but Lin Feng is not willing to show some classic works immediately.Although taking it out can give me a lot of income, and I can also complete my mission of spreading culture a little bit more.However, Lin Feng had a question in his heart, and before he knew the answer to the question, Lin Feng felt that he still had to keep a low profile.What is Duan Santai's purpose for inviting him here? This is his question.

"This..." Santai paused slightly, as if he wanted to say something but had a little concern.

After a pause, he still said aloud, "Mr. Lin, A Zong has actually been on a semi-vacation for the past few years."

"Half-vacation?" Lin Feng was taken aback. He knew the term, but it felt so awkward.The awkwardness is because of people. Li Guangzong is a dignified vice president, and he is still in his prime. What is the situation of this half-vacation?
"Yes, he is on a half-vacation." Nodding his head, Santai was sure that Lin Feng heard correctly, "Of course, to be more precise, it's not even half-time, A Zong is now one-third of his job. "

"What do you mean?" Lin Feng asked with great interest. If this kind of situation spreads, it's fine in other circles, but in the music world, it will definitely not be peaceful.It will definitely arouse imaginations, at least one of them will definitely be labeled as fighting for power and profit, and brothers against each other.And such speculation is not a good thing for Li Guangzong, Li Guangzong is different from Duan Santai, he is a public figure.

"A Zong is currently receiving the salary of the vice president and enjoying the treatment of the vice president. He does not do the work of the vice president. He is the chief producer. He takes the salary but does not engage in production. He only occasionally guides some young A few words. The daily workload is very little." Duan Santai said with some resentment.For Li Guangzong's leisurely, he was very envious and even jealous.The boss is not as comfortable as the second.

The life of the president is not easy.Hearing this, Lin Feng muttered in his heart.A powerful deputy is on vacation, and it is a vacation with such a high salary. His work will not follow the vacation. Someone will definitely do it, and then the natural president will definitely not be able to escape. Whoever makes the company his home of.

"Oh, so that's the case." Lin Feng still nodded his head in a cooperative manner, and said.

"So, Mr. Duan, what do you mean...?" Looking at Santai, Lin Feng said.

"I hope Mr. Lin can help Zong realize some of his dreams." Santai said solemnly to Lin Feng.

Fulfilling Li Guangzong's dream and getting a fortune by the way, this is Santai's extended thinking because of Lin Feng's words.

"Mr. Li is also an outstanding production master himself, and he is one of my judges. He should understand his own affairs, and he should have an idea..." Lin Feng didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning of resignation was still obvious of.These words may be an excuse to Lin Feng, or it may be the truth, but no matter what, Lin Feng will never let go.I didn't know the situation in the river before me, so I hurriedly lowered the net, and what if it was not a fish but a whale?
"Mr. Lin, the main body of the principle of non-autonomous medicine is not only the doctor, but also all professions. The bystanders are clear, and the authorities are confused." Duan Santai said to Lin Feng.

 Five thousand.

  half half

(End of this chapter)

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