Steam game crossing system

Chapter 165 The Trail of the Bear [2]

Chapter 165 The Trail of the Bear [2]

Chapter 160 Nine Traces of the Bear [2]

Looking at the wooden jar that was directly pinched off, Chen Nan was still very surprised. The tools here can only make such a large trap at most. If there are more materials, it can be used to hunt wild wolves or even carnivores. The trap, Chen Nan asked Ku Te to put the trap away, and said: "Come out with me, I will let you guard the trap, and you set the trap."

After speaking, Chen Nan went out, followed by two young college students, Anna and Cool Te. Chen Nan looked at the map given by the system, and walked towards the west of the train track. There was a village named Yiren Town on the map. In an abandoned small town, the survival resources should be relatively abundant. Chen Nan put away the map and continued to walk forward.

The center of the mysterious lake is not all ice, there is a small hill in the middle, this hill receives the best light and is very warm, so this place is the favorite place for rabbits, at noon, The snow in this place will be melted, exposing the roots of plants under the snow layer, and this is also one of the favorite foods of the hares, so there are the most hares in this place.

Rabbits can't be shot with guns, these little guys are very alert, they will disappear immediately if they hear a little bit of trouble, not to mention the sound of a shotgun, maybe you can kill one with a shotgun, but don't in the future Want to see hares in this place again. In the game "Long Night", there is also a very interesting setting, as long as these hares are hit by stones, they will be unconscious directly, but this method is too difficult, Chen Nan tried it once, the weight of these stones is comparable to that of ordinary The stones are different, some are light and some are heavy, and they feel very bad to the touch.

The three of them also came to the place where the wild rabbits were haunted. As soon as they got closer, the rabbits disappeared and went into the underground cave. The exits have fled, and unless you have well-trained hounds you can't catch them.

"It's in this place." Chen Nan pointed out three locations to Kute, and set up three traps respectively, hoping to gain something by coming tonight.

Chen Nan looked at the two and said, "Because of the two of you, our food can't last for three days. In addition to setting up traps, we also need to hunt a mountain deer today."

"What do you want us to do? We have no hunting experience." Anna looked at the edge of the mysterious lake in the distance. There were indeed several yellow animals.

"It doesn't matter, you can do as I said. The chance to hunt is only once in three days. As long as the gun is fired, these deer will run away. Within three days, there will be no second deer in this place. You want to survive Go down, here, you can only hunt, and it is best not to use bullets, because bullets are the most precious thing here."

"Today's fog is very good, very suitable for us to hunt." Cheng took out some black cloth, which was obtained when he was in the watchtower, and Chen Nan continued: "Take these cloths and go to the That direction, the other..." Chen Nan arranged the two of them in two different positions, separated from Chen Nan, the three of them happened to be an isosceles triangle, and these deer were surrounded inside, and then Anna and Ku Te He waved the black cloth and drove the deer towards Chen Nan. Judging by Chen Nan's shooting speed, he could shoot at least three bullets. As long as he killed one, he would earn money.

Soon the three of them took their positions, and the plan developed according to Chen Nan's expected direction, watching the group of mountain deer running towards him, but at this moment, there was a roar from the distant mountain, It was this roar that directly changed the direction of the entire herd of deer, and ran towards the waist of the "isosceles triangle"!

"Fuck you, uncle!" Chen Nan had no choice but to shoot ahead of time!

But fortunately, the last shot hit the mountain deer's chest, directly broke a bone, and also passed through the reindeer's heart!
Chen Nan let out a sigh of relief, the result was not bad, he finally hit one, and then he looked at the mountain in the distance, this roar was definitely not a wolf roar, it was very barbaric and powerful, and had a strong deterrent effect, It should be the cry of a brown bear.

Chen Nan didn't dare to think too much about it. When dealing with wolves, even three Chen Nans would not be afraid. He could defeat the three wolves with all his strength. Although he would suffer some injuries, he would definitely not die. But this brown bear Not the same, hungry brown bears can be very dangerous, and their strength is also very terrifying.

They are one of the largest carnivorous mammals on land, with a body length of 1.5-2.8 meters, a shoulder height of 0.9-1.5 meters, a male body weight of 135-545 kg, and a female body weight of 80-250 kg.The head is big and round, the body is strong, and the shoulders are raised.The coat is thick and dense, up to 10 cm in winter; the colors are different, such as gold, brown, black and brown-black.The forearm is very powerful, and the tip of the front paw can reach up to 15 cm.These claws are relatively thick and blunt, since the claw tips cannot be retracted into the claw sheaths like in felines.The forearm is powerful in its swing, and the "blunt" claws can cause great damage.

When they fight, they are not afraid of pain or fear. Unless you shoot your head, they can send you to the west with a single slap. The power of this shotgun in Chen Nan's hand is not very powerful. Can it penetrate the brown bear? The skulls are not necessarily the same, but the bears here are not without weaknesses. Their eyesight is not very good, so in northern China, these bears will be called "black blind men". They can climb trees, swim, and run in the snow in the woods The speed is very fast, Chen Nan doesn't seem to face them at all.

Soon, Anna and Ku Te also ran over. Naturally, they also heard the terrifying roar and saw Chen Nan's gloomy face. They felt that something was wrong.

"What was that barking just now? A bear?" Cool Te swallowed. He had seen bears in the zoo before. Those grizzly bears were lazy and walked very slowly. They seemed to be a little bigger. It seems that there is no threat at all, and they even show cuteness to people, begging for a little food...

But this time, Kurt and Anna's views on bears have completely changed, just a roar, and the two have begun to be afraid.

"It's a bear. That's right. It should be an angry bear. Let's get this deer home. Be careful not to spill the blood!" Chen Nan said.

(End of this chapter)

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