Steam game crossing system

Chapter 461 to the future

Chapter 461 to the future
Chapter 460: Going to the Future
Chen Nan sighed, now maybe the loss is all over, Gu Yi also left here, I don’t know where he went, maybe he went to a far away place, maybe he lived freely on the earth, but no one can find Gu Yi. A mage, he has guarded the earth for too long, maybe he really needs to take a break and hand it over to his next generation. Doctor Strange looked at Chen Nan and said, "Shall we go back together? Or?"

For Strange, Chen Nan is simply too powerful for him now. He can see that what Chen Nan uses is not magic, and a large part of it is not natural magic, but natural magic is like his soldiers. Just follow his command, the burst of magical power can hardly be seen. To be honest, Dormammu's ability can rule the earth at most, but Chen Nan's ability can destroy the earth.

"Yes, there is no need to use the Eye of Agamotto when I go back. I will also leave here after the matter is over." Chen Nan said slowly. In the mysterious library, naturally, the Eye of Agamotto was directly held by Chen Nan. Doctor Strange didn't know when the Eye of Agamotto was taken away. It is unbelievable that Agamotto The protection mechanism of the eye has not been activated.

In other words, Chen Nan didn't have any bad intentions when he took the gem, or maybe it was because Chen Nan's own strength had surpassed that of Agamotto back then, and that's why it happened.

Well, it's useless to think about it now. They saw Chen Nan open the Eye of Agamotto, and a green Infinity Gem appeared in Chen Nan's hands. What will the future look like?Chen Nan doesn't know yet, but Chen Nan's goal is to help the Avengers defeat Thanos, but he met the future Stark at Stark's house before, that is to say, he can't go to the future Stark that time period.

I found a good time period, that is, after Stark had collected all the gems, he made a glove with a machine. At this time period, they were still discussing who would snap their fingers. Chen Nan smiled and said It's all right here, and then his lips trembled slightly, a few ancient natural spells, which can be used to control time, Chen Nan disappeared in a puff of smoke, and in the same place, only the Eye of Agamotto and a A green infinity gem was collected by Doctor Strange, maybe now he can gradually become a real Supreme Sorcerer, but before that, Doctor Strange looked back at the library behind him, these magics must be learned by himself, otherwise the ability Insufficient, you can't always rely on others to fight.

To be honest, Chen Nan chose a good place. When the future Hulk was wearing the Infinity Gauntlet, a violent green light appeared beside everyone. Everyone was in a defensive posture. Stark The nano armor turned on in an instant, but after the green light disappeared, a face appeared, a face that almost everyone in the room knew, Chen Nan!
"I said, Stark, we will meet again." Chen Nan said with a smile, moved his fingers, and the infinite gem glove in Hulk's hand came into Chen Nan's hands, "I'll do it."

"Hey! Who is he? Who can tell me?" In fact, apart from Captain America and Stark, there are still people who don't know Chen Nan. After all, Chen Nan disappeared when the Avengers cooperated for the first time. It's been ten years, and now it's here.

"My name is Chen Nan, and I'm here to help you." Chen Nan looked at the infinity gem glove in his hand, and put him directly on his hand. Suddenly, a huge cosmic energy surged in from Chen Nan's hand, infinite Gemstones represent cosmic energy. Chen Nan took a few steps back, but it was still relaxed, "Resurrection, all the lives that died at that time!" Nan took off his gloves and felt as if he had been electrocuted, but he recovered quickly.

"Buzz! Buzz—" Hawkeye's cell phone rang, and he ran over immediately, but he didn't answer it. His eyes were a little wet. This is the phone he wanted to see for so many years, "Hey , dear, what's the matter." Barton tried his best to sound calm, but the excitement in his heart made his voice tremble a little.

"I'm fine, did you forget that you can't go out now? Forget it, remember to bring some fresh milk when you come." Then the other person hung up the phone. To Barton's wife, this was just a very ordinary call That's all, but Barton's fingers trembled.

"We succeeded, succeeded!" But Barton's ecstasy didn't last long, and suddenly there was a violent explosion!

Stark's sturdy house was directly blasted to pieces. Chen Nan put an indestructible golden shield on everyone. These building debris could not touch his body, and they were directly bounced out by the vector control. Chen Nan stretched out a hand , and moved all the members of the Avengers to a safe outdoor.

"My God, are you Harry Potter?" Facing such a magical ability, Ant-Man said in surprise.

"This is not magic, it's just a kind of vector control, in the category of science." Chen Nan said.

But Ant-Man was stunned. Human beings can control the vector is considered a scientific category?

"Okay, there's no time to chat anymore. Our real enemy is here." Iron Man has already scanned, and a high-energy body in the distance is constantly approaching this place. He is too familiar with this energy body, and it is Thanos!Chen Nan put the glove in his own space ring, and then walked up. The current Thanos is just a Titan, without the Infinity Gem, it really is nothing.

"Sometimes I think, you people, why don't you change your thinking, my method can make the species in this universe survive longer, this is the real road to prosperity." Thanos looked at the flying in the air Chen Nan, and the Avengers team, said, but when he looked at Chen Nan, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, Supreme Mage, there is actually a Supreme Mage on Earth!But looking at Chen Nan's body, he didn't have the Eye of Agamotto, so he was a little relieved. A mage without the Eye of Agamotto is not a real supreme mage, but can only be regarded as a powerful natural mage.

But then Chen Nan's attack made this guy completely dispel this idea.

(End of this chapter)

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