Steam game crossing system

Chapter 518 The first tyrant [3]

Chapter 518 The first tyrant [3]

Chapter 520 The Fourth Tyrant [3]

"呵呵呵呵..." The huge power lasted for a full minute. At this time, the switch tower jumped off with a click, all the lights returned to normal, and the electric light on the water surface disappeared. The big sharks floated up from the bottom of the water. Chen Nan glanced at them and saw that there were more than twenty sharks, but they were all electrocuted to death now. Chen Nan also opened the sluice at this time, and the water level soon began to drop.

"Bang bang bang..." Chris still very cautiously fired a Magnum bullet on the heads of all the sharks to make up the knife.

"Okay, I'm finally relieved now, let's go down quickly." Rebecca said, Rebecca already wanted to leave here.

The three of them are still moving very fast. In the game of "Resident Evil 1", they need to find various keys and clues, but they don't need them. The weapons in their hands are the best keys. As long as there are doors blocking the way, they will be blocked. The shotgun in Chris' hand exploded until the lowest floor, which looked more like a medieval dungeon, and Jill was imprisoned in the room.

"Great, you are finally here! I knew you would come to save me!" Jill cried with joy.

"Get you out right now, back up a little!" Chris said, and when Jill retreated to a safe position, Chen Nan aimed a shot at the medieval iron gate!
However, the strength of the iron gate was beyond Chris' expectation. The shot didn't open, but the shotgun was running out of bullets. Chris fired again, and the iron gate couldn't open at first, but the iron gate failed to open. A large number of craters were left on the door, and the iron door was as thick as five centimeters. No matter what kind of bullets it was, it was useless unless it was artillery shells or large-caliber bullets from the plane.

"I'll do it." Chen Nan stepped forward, looked at the iron gate, pretended to take a deep breath, closed his eyes as if trying to gather strength, then yelled and kicked hard at the iron gate, but it didn't do much at all With all the strength, the iron door didn't open, but the wall next to the iron door was cracked by this foot, and then the door frame was pushed down with the iron door.

"What is this? Huaxia Kungfu?" Chris looked at Chen Nan's move, and his power was terrifying.

"Stop talking nonsense, let's go find Chris, he should be in the bottom laboratory." Jill is already in a hurry, he is the only person who has seen those terrifying monsters in the laboratory, if Chris kills them If they are released, they will not be able to survive, and it will even have a terrifying impact on the cities outside the mountainous areas in the future. This highly contagious virus can destroy the world!
The four were led by Jill and ran towards Wesker.

But all their actions were clearly seen by Wesker. There are cameras in the dungeon. Jill is actually a bait. Now all the members of the rescue team are already on the last floor of the basement. At this time, as long as the tyrant is released, No one will survive here, Wesker's purpose and the mission given to him by Umbrella Corporation have been completed.

At this time, Wesker, the virus in his body has already successfully fused with him. If he wants to gain power, he is short of a thread. Wesker is operating on the computer. It began to disappear gradually, the heart of the first generation tyrant began to beat powerfully, the palms of the first generation tyrant began to tremble, as soon as the time came, the tyrant would be able to come out.

"Bang!" At this moment, the door of Wesker's laboratory had been opened, Chen Nan and Chris entered through the door, and Chris aimed his weapon at Wesker's head!

"Wesker!" Chris yelled angrily.

"Hmph, you're still here." Wesker said while continuing to control the computer, "Chris, you make me very proud. Of course, you are my subordinate after all."

"Oh, thank you very much!" Chris said, but his eyes had already seen the first-generation tyrant beside Chris, which looked very terrifying.

"When did it start, Wesker." Chris said indifferently.

"I don't know, what are you talking about." Wesker said, but he also took out his pistol and pointed it at Chris.

"When did you work for them secretly!?" Chris roared.

"I think you must have misunderstood, hehehe, I have been working for the umbrella!" Wesker was no longer making computers at this time, but talked to Chris seriously, "And your team also belongs to Umbrella, no, you are my little piggies, the tyrant virus has polluted this place and leaked out, unfortunately, I must, give up your team!"

"You killed them with your dirty hands! You bastard!" Chris could hardly control his emotions, but Chris, who wanted to know the truth, calmed down.

"Oh, yes, it's like this!" "Bump!" Wesker fired a shot at Jill behind him, and shot Rebecca, but he frowned and realized that Chen Nan is not in this place.

"Rebecca, Jill!" Chris was shocked. In this gap, Wesker kicked the gun in Chris's hand. The action was so fast that it was unbelievable that even Chris didn't react. Wesker's The gun was already in front of him.

"Don't move!" Wesker said lightly.

"You definitely want to live, I have something you are interested in, let you see." Wesker pressed a few times on the keyboard with one hand, looked at the tyrant in the training room beside him, and at this time he had begun to wake up. Come.

"Tyrant, hehehe..." Wesker said the tyrant's name with a little expectation in a strange tone.

"Wesker, you're crazy!" Chris looked at the tyrant, and this terrifying creature put him under a lot of pressure.

"Chris, you will never understand, this is magnificent..." At this moment, the tyrant's eyes suddenly opened, and the huge claws with blades went straight through Wesker's chest!
"Wesker!" Chris yelled, but at this time Wesker had been picked up by the first tyrant, thrown out like trash, and fell to the ground.

The heartbeat of the first tyrant, like thunder, can be heard even five or six meters away, "Come on, you test tube monster, let's see what you can do! Mr. Chen Nan!" Chris rolled over and picked up the The Magnum pistol that fell on the ground shot at the tyrant's head, but the powerful Magnum bullet was only embedded in the tyrant's skull, and there was no way to hurt his brain deeply!

"Chris, let's go! Our weapons can't hurt him!" At this moment, Chen Nan flew out from the compartment, and the shotgun in his hand aimed at the tyrant's body several times!

(End of this chapter)

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