Chapter 524
Chapter 530
Leon nodded, and clicked on the computer, and soon the surveillance video appeared in front of the two of them. Most of the room was pitch-black, and there was no one. Leon turned on the night vision option, and then he watched clear.

"Why is there no one there?" Leon started to get a little anxious, and kept switching monitors.

On the last page of the monitor, figures and even gunshots appeared on the side corridor monitor, which immediately attracted the attention of Chen Nan and Leon's Chen Nan.

"Bang bang bang!" The person in the surveillance fired several shots in a row. It seemed that the person in uniform should be a policeman.

"It's not good." Leon can see the map of the room on the computer. There was a door in that place, but now the door is locked, and the policeman has entered a dead end.

At this time, the policeman started to call for help. The surveillance system of the police station is very advanced, and his voice can be heard: "Marvin, David, are you there?! I found a way out and here it is!" The policeman raised himself A palm-sized notebook in his hand was similar to a phone book. Before he could finish his sentence, the zombies had already pounced on him. The policeman immediately drew his gun and shot, but it was obvious that his marksmanship was not that good, and he was even a little nervous , the last bullet just hit the zombie's abdomen, which had almost no effect on the zombie.

After the zombie paused for a moment, it immediately jumped up and bit the little policeman. The little policeman pushed the zombie away and yelled again, "Request for support, the corridor on the east side!" Leon looked at the map and found the east side corridor. The location of the hallway.

"We must find him!" Chen Nan said. "Yes." Leon responded, he turned around and opened a special iron box next to it, and there was a pistol and a few bullets left in it, Leon quickly took all of them, he turned around and gave Chen Nan the bullets, but Chen Nan said that he had extra bullets and let Leon use them himself.

The only place to go in the corridor on the east side is a rolling door at the rear side, but now the rolling door is painted with black spray paint and says "KEEP OUT!" There must be something dangerous inside, so it was sealed by the police, but The fastest path in that corridor is here.

Lyon opened the rolling shutter door without hesitation, but it seemed that the rolling shutter door was affected by something from the outside. It was only half a meter high, so it couldn't be opened and could only be drilled in. But Chen Nan didn't care so much, he faced the rolling shutter door There were several shots in a row, and then the rolling door fell down and fell in front of Leon, but after seeing the scene inside, even Chen Nan gasped.

The ground seemed to be dragged with blood, a strong smell of blood rushed towards them, and Leon almost vomited out, but he was still brave enough to walk inside, still walking in front of Chen Nan .

The inside of the passage was pitch black, and Leon turned on the flashlight. It was very chaotic and all kinds of things were scattered on the ground. It seemed that many people escaped and passed by here. It seems that most of the citizens in the police station should have been attacked by zombies. The resettlement site has become the source of the virus, which is why it is like this. There is only faint blue light from the emergency exit in the corridor, which looks like the scene of a ghost movie.

I don't know where the water is leaking, the ground is flooded, and at the end of the corridor is a room with a white door. Leon pushed the door and walked in with a pistol in his hand. He immediately took pictures around. There were no zombies here, but the blood on the floor was still there. There are many, there is a corpse on the ground, still dead, but most of the blood on the ground is not his, there are a lot of footprints on this person, it should be a stampede when the citizens fled this place at that time.

This guy still had a pistol and a dozen rounds of bullets in his hand. Leon quickly collected the bullets, continued to walk forward, turned on the lights here, and left the conference room.

After turning a corner, I finally found the place where the water leaked. This is the water in the toilet, which belongs to tap water. After Leon turned off the water gate, he opened the door of another resettlement room, and some of the water inside made Leon retch directly. stand up.

There are more than a dozen corpses lying here and there, and the bodies of each corpse are incomplete. The flesh on their stomachs and legs seems to be eaten by something, and their necks are almost bitten off. There is no possibility of survival. , maybe after a while it will become a zombie...

But such a terrible death was definitely not caused by humans. I don’t know how many people died in the mouths of zombies. You know, this is the police station of Raccoon City!
"Oh my god..." Leon finally recovered and stopped retching. At this time, someone's voice came from the next door, "Open the door quickly! Quickly! Open this damn door!" Leon responded immediately Come over, Chen Nan is at the front, he doesn't have a key, he still kicked the door open, this is a compartment, and inside the compartment is the closed door in the east corridor!

"We're coming!" Leon immediately went to forcefully open the shutter door, but the shutter door was jammed by something, and could only be opened for less than half a meter. Chen Nan pushed Leon away, pointed the pistol at the shutter door and shot twice , The door was directly removed, and at this moment, a zombie was lying on the policeman, biting him, and the policeman's arm was bleeding from the zombie's bite!

Leon shot the zombie twice in the head, and then Chen Nan kicked the zombie away.

"Ahem, hold this, hold this!" Chen Nan's movements were already fast, but this policeman was doomed to die, he was already infected.

"I'll take you out!" Leon pulled up the policeman, but the policeman pushed Leon away, "Go away! Get away from this, take this notebook, I'll stop them!" The policeman seemed to know that he He would also turn into that kind of monster. He took out the baton around his waist and ran towards the corridor at the back. There were at least a dozen zombies at the end of the corridor, ten dead and none alive...

Lyon was completely stunned, but another door of this place was directly pushed open by a police zombie, the glass on the window was broken directly, and a large number of zombies walked in.

"How many are there? All of them!" Leon pointed at the legs of the police zombies. These things require several shots to attack the head!Broken leg is still the most real!
Most of the zombies are citizens of Raccoon City. Leon ran towards the hall, and Chen Nan kept opening them, but Chen Nan aimed at the head, and his revolver was powerful, one shot at a time.

(End of this chapter)

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