Chapter 730
Chapter 730 Seventh Kunlun Treasure

Kunlun Mountains hides the Chinese dragon veins, which is also where the luck of the human race is located. It is a very important place, and there is a great possibility of rare treasures. Chen Nan thought while flying, could it be that someone wants to use the dragon veins to seize the luck of the human race? ?But this is absolutely impossible. As early as when the Yellow Emperor was born, the fate of the human race had already been settled. Luck is interested.

The second possibility is that something happened to the Queen Mother of the West in the Kunlun Mountains, and the Queen Mother of the West's Yaochi is also on this mountain.Legend has it that Kunlun Mountain is the source of the Yellow River, rich in jade, and there are immortal trees and various rare animals on the mountain.The Queen Mother is in charge of the medicine of immortality, punishment of evil, and warning of disasters. In Taoism, the Queen Mother of the West is the head of the female immortals, the goddess who dominates Yin Qi and cultivates immortals, so it is very likely that the magic weapon of the Queen Mother of the West has been coveted. Also went to help.

What kind of monster dares to oppose the Queen Mother of the West and Taoism?Chen Nan was also very curious. From Chen Nan's point of view, it was unbelievable, even unimaginable. Think about it, if it is really the situation Chen Nan thought, it would be the same as in the real world, when a robber goes to the police station to rob Same, isn't this self-inflicted?However, Chen Nan thought about it carefully. If that was the case, such a thing would not happen unless there was a very powerful existence. That is, the power and strength of this 'bandit' was enough to compete with the police.

How many such forces exist in the world today? Chen Nan has a bad premonition. He has pure unicorn blood in his body. The premonition is very accurate. This trip to Kunlun Mountain may not be so simple. It can solve the problem, so the face has been very dignified, holding Qingqing who has turned into a rabbit in his hand, and moving quickly in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

It took about half a month before Chen Nan arrived at the boundary of Kunlun Mountains. Because of the current terrain here, Chen Nan couldn't figure out where he was, and he didn't have a map at all. The most important thing in his mind was his traversal system. Afterwards, this world seemed to be out of order. Chen Nan could feel his existence, but it was just there, without any reaction.

It should be that when Gabriel's real body hurt Chen Nan, the system was also affected, so the time was much later, and there were more and more black marks on Chen Nan's heart, almost half of his chest was covered with blood. You can see black lines, densely packed like a spider's web.

But Chen Nan's body couldn't feel the change of this thing at all. Just like normal, a small green branch was constantly restraining the extension of the black lines. This should be what was left by the Shenmu.

Soon, Chen Nan arrived at Kunlun Mountain, but the place was too big, and he didn't know where the Queen Mother of the West was. In this place, there seemed to be a strange force, which made it impossible for Chen Nan to detect the situation in Kunlun Mountain. I just saw a lot of Taoist temples and villages, just under the Kunlun Mountains, and the development is quite good. Chen Nan can only bring Qingqing to this place. Compared with the previous place, this village is much more developed. This development should be said to be the development of civilization. They no longer belong to the Stone Age, but an era that Chen Nan doesn't know how to call it. The Xia Dynasty was the first dynasty in ancient China. This is what most people know Yes, but before the Xia Dynasty, there was still a big vacuum period.

And Chen Nan is in such a vacuum period. In this vacuum period, there is no literature record. Because the time is too long, it is difficult to verify. People here have already used some simple symbols for records. Compared with a long time ago Methods such as the knot counting method in the past have been much better.

They haven't used money for the time being, and are still in the stage of exchanging things for things, but the level of civilization has really improved a lot. Maybe this is the reason for the outstanding people. There have been a few more responsible people here. They will To manage the things that happen here, generally speaking, they manage very few things. The most common thing is that someone died, arranged funerals, a child was born, arranged blessings, and other things, but they can already be described as highly respected.

But their rights are also relatively large. This is also one of the prototypes of centralization, but the current state is still the prototype of the prototype. In this era, fish and dragons are mixed, and anything can happen. Monsters will still attack the village. It's a transition period.

Chen Nan and Qingqing walked into the village. Few people here have their own 'houses'. Many people look for tree holes and caves to live in such places. There are also a small number of people who don't have caves, so they use Small houses made of thatch and wood, but far less comfortable and sturdy than caves and tree holes, but tree holes and caves are limited, but there are more and more people here, and soon, this kind of wooden houses will also become more and more more.

Chen Nan also discovered that they were not all barters, they also used some beautiful shells as coins to exchange items, and they naturally liked the golden pieces of gold that Chen Nan took out, although no one knew what it was Gold, I just think that this golden stone is very beautiful. It seems that the reason why gold is precious in the world is not only its rarity, but also the color of gold is very beautiful...

Using some scattered gold, Chen Nan befriended one or two people. These two people are no longer wearing animal skins, but a more delicate cloth, but in order to keep warm, they are surrounded by animal clothes. fur.

Chen Nan asked a few questions, asking if there was anything strange about the mountain behind the village recently, and whether anyone had been to the mountain near here.

The man took the gold and kept playing with it, and told Chen Nan that the mountain behind this is a sacred mountain. It is said that there are gods living in it, and they are very powerful. They stayed here not only because life here is easy , the products are rich, it is said that occasionally the gods will come down the mountain to give him good things, after eating the food, it is said that he can become a god, have you seen the Taoist temple over there?It is said that the people inside have seen the gods!
Chen Nan was also curious, so she asked if anyone here had seen a fairy.The man recalled it carefully, but shook his head, and said that all the gods he had seen were gone, and no one flashed past the mountain, but occasionally every night, there would be a strange light behind the mountain, which was special. magic.

(End of this chapter)

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