Chapter 858
Chapter 860 Six Resistance Squad

All the hyphae surrounding the black crack were completely burned by Chen Nan's golden flame, and then the golden Susanoo began to melt gradually, turning into a golden flame, and began to spread towards the airport apron Come on, the speed is very fast, as if the dirt on the ground is washed away when it rains, those black hyphae just curled up when they touched the golden flame, and were swallowed by the flame. In less than a minute, the whole There is no longer any black mycelium on the airport apron, including the runway and the plane.

As for the four humans, the golden flames spread under Chen Nan's control, so they naturally did not burn them, but one of them had undergone some mutations in his body, and the other three humans were completely unaware, the golden light It began to disappear gradually, Chen Nan walked out from the golden light, and soon noticed four humans not far away, they all looked at Chen Nan in horror, without any other reaction.

"Who are you, and what is this place?" Chen Nan arrived in front of them in an instant, and then asked directly.

"This is Berlin, Germany, and our location is the Capital Airport." A bearded man stood up, a typical image of a tough guy, over 1.8 meters tall, and should be over 50 years old. The lower half of his face was covered by a beard and was slightly pale. There was still blood on his beard, the injured person was him, Chen Nan looked at his arm, there were marks of teeth gnawing on it, a piece of flesh was torn off, even though it had been bandaged, but Chen Nan Still see clearly.

"My name is Chen Nan, and I come from the Yanhuang Kingdom. Of course, it's not the Yanhuang Kingdom in this world, but another world."

"My name is Hank. This is my son. Little Hank. These two are husband and wife and members of our team. Edward and his wife. What did you mean by that? What is another world?" Han Ke said, judging from the current performance, Hank should be the leader of the four-member team.

"Did you see the crack not far away? That place leads to our world. In our world, this crack is located several kilometers underground, but a large number of fungi beasts poured into the ground, and now almost the entire city The ground is going to be hollowed out, so I have to come here to have a look." Chen Nan said bluntly.

"This... actually leads to another world! My God, you are a human from another world, are the humans over there as powerful as you? If it is really like this, it should be very easy to deal with these fungus beasts, I That means, if you can, please help us! In our world, the whole world has been taken over by this disgusting garbage. We are members of the survivor team. This exploration mission is to find out this airport Why are there so many mushroom beasts gathered inside? Unexpectedly, there was a problem on the way, and a large number of mushroom beasts found us. It was originally a team of ten people, but now there are only four of us left, and the remaining six team members also I don’t know where I went.” It was the man named Edward who spoke, and he looked at Chen Nan in surprise.

"That world is the same as the human beings in this world. I'm just an exception, and I just want to protect that world. However, I think that if we want to eradicate this problem, we must start from the source. The growth rate of those things It's too fast..." Chen Nan looked at the outside of the airport, and a large number of black mycelium had begun to spread towards the inside of the airport. In the original appearance, the ground has lost its color, and even the color of the land has become white, and all organic matter has been absorbed.

"Yes, it's not safe here, so come with us. I think it's necessary for you to talk to the people above us." Hank said, he was holding his arm, his face was not very good, his face was pale, his forehead There was also sweat on his face, Chen Nan said at this time: "Are you infected by a virus?"

"No, I think, it's okay, it's just a small wound, it's just a little itchy now, hahaha." Hank said with a smile, but his laughter was very dry, syllable by syllable from his throat extruded laughter.

"Let me see, father!" Little Hank shone his flashlight towards his father's arm at this time. He saw the gauze, which was originally black blood seeping out of the gauze, but now they saw that the gauze had turned into Black!
"No, no need, it will recover soon, it's just a little skin trauma! Son!" Old Hank immediately retracted his arm.

"You are already infected, let me see, I can help you suppress the spread of the virus." Chen Nan said in a deep voice.Hearing what Chen Nan said, Old Hanke's face froze, "What did you say? It can suppress the spread of the virus. Has an antidote to the virus been developed in your world?"

"No, it's not. In our world, the virus hasn't spread, but we haven't researched the antidote to the virus, let me show you your hand." After saying this, Old Hank stretched out his arm, and the bandage was covered. His son unbuttoned it, revealing the wound inside. A piece of skin inside had disappeared and was torn off alive, but it was supposed to be bright red flesh and blood, but now it has turned black, and mycelium has begun to grow. The wound spread out!The meridians of his entire arm were black, as if earthworms had burrowed under the skin!
"It's already spreading, and it's serious, Hank, why didn't you inform us!" Mrs. Edward was a little angry, she was a medical soldier in the team.

"I, I just don't want you to worry..." Old Hank said.

Chen Nan directly took out some life dust and antidote, and covered Old Hank's wound. Old Hank snorted, and a piercing pain instantly made his legs weak. With an extra sharp knife, all the flesh and blood that had been completely mutated were scraped off. This kind of pain, without anesthesia, is unbearable for ordinary people. Fortunately, covered by the dust of life, the flesh and blood quickly grew back .

Then, Old Hank took the antidote orally. In just a few tens of seconds, the black venom slowly dissipated from his arm.

But in the end, a black spot formed on his arm. This is a suppressed virus, and there is no way to get rid of it for the time being, unless he takes a large piece of flesh on his arm and gouges it out...

(End of this chapter)

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