Chapter 242
In many cases, the turning point happens only in an instant, and it is too fast for people to react.

such as this moment
When the vicious tall walker was about to knock down the mace in his hand, there was a sudden sharp sound, like a sharp sword cutting through the air for a long time.


Accompanied by a long sound of piercing through the air, before everyone could react, a feathered arrow fell from the sky.

Right on the brow!
Walker fell down on the spot and turned into a corpse, and a piece of green equipment also exploded.

The soldiers in the rear were stunned, and they didn't realize it until they were stunned for a while. Suddenly, they felt angry and cursed: "Which bastard did it, stand up for me if you have the guts!"

The voice just fell, and then the familiar sound of piercing through the air sounded again!

The soldier suddenly felt that there was no second, and when he wanted to avoid it, another feathered arrow came from the sky, pierced his chest in an instant, and nailed his body to the ground fiercely.
The soldier also turned into a white light.

The swordsman in front made a decisive decision and shouted: "Rush over, get close!"

As soon as the words fell, he also turned into a corpse.

They turned to face the sun, and the glare of the sun made it impossible for them to see where the feathered arrow came from.

A mage hurriedly said: "Hunter, the hunters in the team quickly see who shot it!"


Before he could finish speaking, a feathered arrow had already been stuck in his throat.

The people in front were all taken a step back in fright.

The five casual players in front of them also watched this scene in disbelief.

They didn't know where the arrow came from or who was helping them.

There are scattered casual players behind, and they are standing in the direction of the sun, covered by the glare of the sun, it is impossible to see where the arrows are shot from from a distance.
"They have helpers! Let's rush up and kill these five first! Then we will find the archers," a knight in the front row shouted.

Before he finished speaking, two feathered arrows fell from the sky one by one, and the knight fell down.

The players behind immediately felt that it made sense. Being dragged down was not an option. Although the road was narrow, knowing that they rushed over together, they would be able to find the person who shot the cold arrow.

"Brothers, kill it!"

As soon as someone shouted, a group of "sea of ​​clouds" players in the front row lined up two by two, turned into a single row, and rushed towards the five casual players.

At this moment, there was a dense sound of piercing through the air, everyone raised their heads slightly, and in the dazzling sun, several black spots gradually enlarged
"Crack! Crack! Crack!."

Arrows kept hitting the crowd, and the forwards of the crowd who were still charging suddenly fell down one after another like leeks that had been cut down!
The players in the rear stopped in horror and retreated desperately!

Someone in the crowd yelled: "Seven-Star Burst! It's Seven-Star Burst! Advanced ranger skills, at least level [-]! Rewind."

Immediately, the team in front stopped in their tracks, and the players in the back didn't have time to stop. They collided with each other. Amidst the noise, several players in the middle were squeezed down the narrow mountain road and fell to the deep ground below. In the ditch, it seemed impossible to survive.

It took a long time for the team to stabilize. Between the "sea of ​​clouds" and the five players, more than a dozen corpses had piled up, almost forming a hill.

"Don't be impulsive, the other party is a high-level ranger!" Someone among the players in the sea of ​​clouds said.

A soldier in front of him gritted his teeth, but he didn't believe in evil, and moved cautiously. Just when he was approaching the five unattended players, he suddenly stopped, and one of them fell back on the ground, the feather arrow in his chest was still shaking.

The players in Sea of ​​Clouds were really frightened now, they had already lost more than a dozen people before seeing the enemy!
The commanding player in the middle of the team shouted: "Hold on! Hold on! Don't be impulsive, hunter ranger quickly find out the opponent's position!"

After a while, only the ranger in the team said: "I found it, it's just ahead, more than 100 meters away!"

"Then suppress it quickly! Hunter, Ranger, suppress it quickly!" Yun Hai's commander shouted.

"No, the 100-meter hit rate is only about [-]%"

The commander cursed: "Then how did the opponent shoot us!"

No one answered because I don't know how to answer
At a distance of more than [-] meters, people seem to be only the size of a coin. If a hit is made at this distance, it is simply a .
The team suddenly fell into a terrible silence. Between them and the five players, there were dense corpses piled up. Those corpses seemed to warn everyone that there was a boundary.
Those who cross the border, die!
All passers-by players who had just been intimidated, bullied and blocked behind were stunned!

For the first time, they experienced the horror of a true master ranger player.

Thousands of miles away, take the head of the enemy, only hear his voice, but not see the person, but the enemy begins to be defeated.

With the scorching sun, the feathered arrows falling from the sky seem to be the incarnation of death, punishing rape and eradicating evil at the most critical moment.
Justice comes!

The next moment, the feathered arrow landed in the middle of the crowd of players in the sea of ​​clouds, but the arrow was empty.

The four players in front looked at the arrows stuck behind their feet, and before they had time to rejoice, the first player fell down amidst the sharp sound of piercing through the air, followed by the second and third.
The feathered arrow crossed a high-throwing arc, and the shield of the last knight was smashed by one arrow, and the second arrow had already killed him.

Then another arrow landed behind the crowd, and the three Yunhai players in front were once again isolated.

The first mage seemed to have realized something, and before she could speak, the feathered arrow had already passed through her throat.

A player from behind shouted in horror: "The opponent is drawing a line! Back up quickly! Everyone in front of the arrow will be killed!"

After the voice fell, the second wizard player in front of the feather arrow inserted into the ground had been nailed to the ground by an arrow.

The last player who was still standing in front of Feather Arrow desperately squeezed back, and the players behind were also frightened and retreated one after another.
The team was in chaos, and players were pushed off the cliff from time to time.

The narrow mountain road can only pass two people side by side at a time, and can only pass one by one when charging quickly, and the opponent's archery skills are simply superb, to the point that they can't understand, a distance of more than 100 meters, rushing one by one is completely dead !

There is only one way and that is to run backwards!

All the players in Sea of ​​Clouds were frightened by this ranger player who had never shown up, and they squeezed back desperately. They were parallel on the narrow mountain road, which made it difficult for them to turn around quickly, and the team was in chaos.

At this moment, with an ear-piercing sound of piercing through the air, the next arrow landed in the crowd again.

The last six or seven players were isolated!

The quarantined players were frightened half to death, desperately pushing forward, and another player in the middle was pushed down the cliff with a scream.
The passers-by and players in the back were extremely relieved, these bastards must be blocking the way of top experts!
Who is really bypassed by heaven!

At the same time, respect and admiration arose spontaneously in my heart. The team of more than 100 people was defeated without showing their faces!

What kind of terrifying existence is a master ranger!
(End of this chapter)

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