Chapter 446 Ominous Signs

He Qingyu carefully sorted out and read the "Ultra-Advanced Biological Research" project documents obtained from Zhimiao. The more she read, the colder she felt in her heart. Such a terrifying thing really existed in this world.

These documents redefined the world and opened the door to a new world for her, but the impact of the things behind the door was so great that she didn't know how to face it all.

At this moment, the top level of the guild she was in suddenly began to disintegrate, change, and finally turned into light blue data.

This is not the first time, so she didn't panic at all.

"You came."

"Yes, I have a new discovery." The light blue data was quickly reorganized, arranged, and finally turned into a floating baby face, which is just a supercomputer seedling.

"What discovery." She knew that Zhimiao was not a human being. As an artificial intelligence, its priorities were very clear. Since it came to find her, it must have encountered a big problem.

"I have been working on the analysis of various data in this world, hoping to find out some rules to solve the mystery of super advanced creatures. But today I received the statistical data of human players, because the players do not belong to this world, and the statistics did not pay attention to this before. Data. This time, the amount of data was accumulated too much, so I made statistics, and it turned out to be a very serious matter." Zhimiao Machinery's voice was still cold and rhythmic, but it could hear urgency from it.

It displayed a statistic icon in front of He Qingyu.

There are dense red dots on this chart, which are very dense. These dense red dots are arranged randomly and randomly, but macroscopically, they form an orderly pattern, similar to the pattern of the letter "N", surrounded by regular The texture looks like one. He Qingyu doesn't know how to say it, but it's definitely not a natural pattern in nature, but intentional.

"What is this?" He Qingyu asked puzzled.

"Each red dot represents a player's death, which is the result of putting all the death statistics on the game world map." Zhimiao replied with a mechanically cold voice.

Although she didn't know why, He Qingyu suddenly had a bad feeling in her heart: "Do you know what effect this has?"

"I don't know." The avatar of Zhimiao honestly shook his head.

He Qingyu looked at this somewhat hideous and mysterious pattern again, she couldn't even imagine that this was actually formed by the trajectory of the player's death!

Such a meticulous and exquisite pattern is indeed formed by counting the places where the players died. It can't be accidental!There is an invisible big hand controlling all of this, but everyone is completely unaware of it. The most terrifying thing is that so many players are all affected unconsciously.

He Qingyu even found the location of the northern canyon battle on the map. At the corner of the "n" letter, there are very dense red dots. Because there are many dead players, each corner has the most red dots, a total of four dots , where the most players died.

Could it be that unknowingly, even the decisions they make, their battles are being affected and controlled by something, but they don't know that if that is the case, it is really terrible
"Avoid database comparison, this may be some kind of ritual pattern." At this time, Zhimiao spoke again.

"What is the function of the ritual pattern?" He Qingyu asked.

"Usually used for super-scientific purposes such as curses and summons."

The ominous premonition in He Qingyu's heart became stronger. She couldn't believe such things as cursing and summoning before, but now, she was very worried, worried if it was true.

But when she looked at the pattern carefully again, she pointed to the area in the lower right corner and asked, "Where is this?"

There is the only flaw in the pattern, because the red dots there are not dense enough, indicating that there are not enough players who died here, so the whole pattern is not linked, and this is also one of the four densest points.

Only this gap is missing, and the mysterious pattern drawn by the player's death will be completed seamlessly.

"This is the area north of Rorik City." Zhimiao quickly recognized it.

"Can you call out the image there." He Qingyu asked hastily.

"No, I protect the privacy of players, and I am prohibited from being monitored." Zhimiao said: "But I can send you there."

"Okay, then send me there according to this position." He Qingyu made a final decision, she always felt uneasy whenever she looked directly at the pattern.

"Boss, this time the situation is completely beyond our expectations. The global climate is suddenly abnormal, and the temperature has begun to drop sharply at a rate of 1.44 degrees Celsius per day. But the satellite weather map shows that it is completely inconsistent. The current atmospheric conditions should not be so low at all. 70% of our army has already spoken.” A middle-aged man in a black suit reported anxiously.

"How did the public react?" The old uncle didn't ask him, but turned to look at his secretary.

"It's stable so far. Everyone thinks it's a common climate anomaly, but it's predicted that if the temperature continues to drop for another 20 days, the temperature will drop to minus 25 degrees, and it will reach absolute zero (minus 273.15 degrees Celsius) in a year." The secretary looked terrified: "That's when the real end of the world"

The old uncle couldn't be calm anymore, he walked up and down without saying a word, and many people around him didn't dare to speak out.

Everyone understands that this is not a mess, if things continue to develop in that direction, it will be the end of all mankind!When did it all start, and why, no one knows anything!
"When did you find that the temperature started to drop." The old man asked one of the researchers.

"It was only discovered a few days ago that the exact duration can no longer be traced back, because the temperature has been dropping since the beginning of winter, and we thought it was just a normal cooling." The researchers looked embarrassed.

"Do you want me to check it myself! I don't care what method you use, within two days, one day, before four o'clock tomorrow afternoon, I will see the results and more data." The old man had no doubts said sternly.

The researcher looked embarrassed, and was interrupted just as he was about to speak: "I don't want to hear any excuses, as long as the result."

After the old uncle finished speaking, he turned and left, his pace was very hurried, he had a lot of things to deal with and prepare for.

Many times, the accumulation and depression will suddenly erupt after reaching a certain peak. Once it erupts, the situation will take a sharp turn and become difficult to control in an instant.

He Qingyu was quickly teleported to the last place on the map where there were not enough dead players. When she looked up, she saw a blue mist covering the sky.

It's here!
The most ominous thing is that there are still many gathered here, wanting to enter the cyan fog. If more players die here, the pattern drawn with the death of the players will be completed, although I don’t know what effect it will have. , but I have an intuition in my heart, this is not a good thing, but the problem is that the players here will never listen to her, what should I do.
(End of this chapter)

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