Chapter 451 Battle of the Gods (The Finale)

Gu Feng weakly confessed the bad things he did in the dream world, and sure enough, when he said He Qingyu, the timid girl and Lu Chimei blushed, which showed that they were not ignorant.

"That's not a dream, that's your world, it's real, even more real than this world, just like your world, its power is connected to you." Guang Tuan said to him while talking propose.

"Now you still need a sacrifice, a virgin, or kill someone, or find someone to deprive him of his emotions."

"Ah, can I do it myself?" Gu Feng was a little embarrassed.


It is definitely impossible to kill people, and it is too cruel to deprive others of their emotions. What is the difference between being dead and having no emotions.

It seemed that there was only one last option left, Gu Feng turned his head.

"Look at me, you're not. You're not already." Lu Chimei kicked him hard.

Jing Jing blushed too hard to speak, Taishou Yilin lowered her head not knowing her expression.

He Qingyu took a quick breath, and then suddenly slapped him, "This slap is for you, a fool."

Before Gu Feng could react, He Qingyu held his hand again, "But now is not the time to talk about these things."

As she spoke, she pulled the Taishou Yilin on the side and placed it in Gu Feng's hand: "Now, you want to save the world."

Taishou Yilin's face was also completely red, red to the neck, she understood what He Qingyu meant, but her whole body was trembling: "I'm a bastard, remember, this is not me. It's not what I thought, me."

Gu Feng hesitated for a moment, and held her hand.

Before Taishou Yilin finished speaking, the blue world suddenly opened up, covering the entire world in the game.

The indescribable ceremony began.

Slowly, in the light blue world, the last low pillar rises from the ground, straight into the Lantern Festival in an instant, and rushes to the apex.

The four pillars turned silver in one moment, gray in a moment, snow white in a moment, and deep black in a moment, and then the whole world began to expand rapidly, spread infinitely, and began to change at the same time.

The immutable land begins to fluctuate, rivers, mountains, plains, basins, oceans, deserts, snow-capped mountains
It became more and more real, vaster and full of vitality, Gu Feng really felt that power, he truly felt that he controlled the whole world
At this time, on the statistical chart, the last gap closed, the summoning ceremony was completed, and the game world began to be filled with gray fog that covered everything. All players were killed instantly and were forced to return to the city to be resurrected. At the moment of resurrection, they were killed by the fog again Death, so repeated, everyone felt a sense of powerlessness as their blood was drawn away, and it hit their hearts instantly.
Most players quit the game in horror, but after the game, they became even more terrified, because the whole world was shrouded in darkness.

Many huge eyeballs began to appear in the sky, and everyone who was not looking at them would feel that they were being seen through, with chills in their hearts, fear for no reason, becoming irritable, and then insane
In He Qingyu's small room, most of the people were in despair, fixedly looking at Gu Feng who was still playing the game on the sofa, the old uncle remained motionless and guarded tightly.

The lights in the house were turned on because it was dark outside.

Many people knelt on the floor, their eyes lost their light, they muttered words, and their faces were full of despair.
At this moment, a beautiful woman with Su Hong cheeks suddenly appeared in Gu Feng's arms, Gu Feng and He Qingyu, quietly, Lu Chimei also woke up suddenly.

Everyone was shocked. Many people stood up and wanted to get closer to Gu Feng, yelling in a mess of languages, all calling for help and crying.

But when they kept pushing forward, they found that the further they crowded, the farther away they were from Gu Feng. A moment ago, they were in the living room, but before they knew it, they had already arrived in the cold outdoor. wake up from fear
They stared blankly at Gu Feng, as if they understood something, they shouted that God appeared, many people knelt down
Tai Linlin's heart beat faster, her face flushed, she recalled the previous ceremony, and the more she thought about it, the more embarrassing she became. She didn't know how she came here from home. The feeling couldn't be expressed in words or explained. She nestled in Gu Feng's bed. In his arms, he dared not face the eyes of everyone.

Gu Feng put her down, and then gave the old uncle a reassuring look. The tense old uncle couldn't hold on any longer, and sat on the sofa and passed out.

When Gu Feng walked out the door, everyone knelt down. He ignored it. When the ceremony was completed, his state of mind changed a lot.

The dark sky kept falling, and countless eyes stared at Gu Feng, but at this moment he already had the qualifications to look directly at it.

Another world quietly emerged. The light blue world stretches as far as the eye can see, unfolding under the darkness. In an instant, everyone came from the darkness to another world, a light blue, cold and warm world full of vitality.

The two worlds covered everything and covered everything, and they collided together silently. At that moment, time stopped instantly. It was not a rhetoric, but really stopped, with half of the leaves falling and flying in the air. Snowflakes, everything is solidified, only two worlds are still changing, colliding
The space is torn and squeezed in the shock, the mountain peak, and the building is crushed in the stillness but will not collapse or fall.

Innocents are torn to pieces without knowing it, oceans are sent to the sky, clouds are squeezed into the ground, and flames are frozen in water.
The impact became more and more intense, and when it felt like this fragile world was about to break apart, finally at a certain moment, cracks appeared in the black sky, and then began to collapse, all eyes closed slowly, disappeared into the sky, and death found it Without the power to defeat Gu, it retreated.

It comes for death, and more death will increase its power, but it will die here too.

two months later.

The world has entered a global turmoil, because the government's deception almost caused the end of the world, and the angry people who were deceived, fueled by some people with good intentions, launched various protests, conflicts, large and small, and became turbulent everywhere.

In the disaster two months ago, hundreds of millions of people were mentally disturbed, and tens of millions of people died of severe cold and various disasters. Fortunately, at the last moment, the true god descended, repelled the summoned demons, and saved the entire world. world.

The "miracle" was witnessed by the whole world and could no longer be concealed, so everyone believed in this fact.

In such turmoil, Gu Feng took He Qingyu, Jingjing, Lu Chimei, and Taishou Yilin back to the master's gymnasium.

In this deep mountain there is no turmoil, no chaos, they can do what they want to do quietly.

The new world of the game has not been closed, and it has become even more popular after being freed from the influence of super advanced creatures. They will often return to the game world, back to the place where it all started.

Gu Feng's power has reached an unfathomable level, precisely because of this, no one dares to take his idea.

Gu Feng also has no intention of being a righteous hero to help mankind. It is difficult to define good and evil, not to mention that this is a disaster caused by human greed, and human beings have to bear the consequences.

All he can do is stay here, preventing the defeated Death from having a chance to make a comeback.

As for the result and how long he can keep it, who knows.

Anyway, Gu Feng has already lived the happy and happy life he wanted.

(End of the book)

It's over, I don't know what to say when I write here.

First of all, I would like to apologize, this book is really a waste of everyone's reading time.Because this book was put on the shelves just in time for the graduation thesis defense period. After the defense, I was about to graduate. I was busy looking for a job, looking for a place to stay, moving, etc. I was running around, sometimes writing about me I don't even know what I'm writing, and I just scrambled to make up the number of words, and I didn't have time to check for typos.

After that, I finally stabilized and the book was halfway through, and I even deviated from the writing. Looking back, I didn’t know when I deviated, and I was really ashamed.
Then I would like to thank all the readers. No matter how bad the book is, there are always some people who support and subscribe.

Finally, I wish all readers a happy life. Life is not easy, and it is even more difficult to live happily. I hope everyone can be happy.

(End of this chapter)

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