Chief Commander of the Star Queen

Chapter 167 What Are You Doing

Chapter 167 What Are You Doing (3)
Everyone is in front of their own body, discussing their own problems with the staff working on each body.Sely's greeting completely attracted everyone's attention.

But when they saw Ling Qian's clothes, everyone was taken aback.

After thinking about it, I probably understood that they were also wearing student uniforms, except that the drivers who were not students at the Clarantis Military Academy wore scattered clothing.

Ling Qian looked around, and then went straight to Lin Shi who was still bowing her head and didn't know what she was busy with.

"Qianqian is here? Why are you here so late?"

Lin Chen raised his head from under Athena 17, looked at Ling Qian with a smile and said lightly.

"Look!" Ling Qian glanced at him and the machine below, and then jumped down, "What's the problem?"

"What are you doing down here? Go up quickly, I'll take care of these things." Seeing that she followed her down, Lin Chen said disapprovingly.Even though he said this, he also knew that since Ling Qian had come down, it was impossible for her to go up again.Quickly said: "You ask Chu Yeting to explain the situation to you, he should be more clear about his body."

"What's the question?" Ling Qian nodded and looked at Chu Yeting above, and asked coldly.

Chu Yeting was taken aback for a moment, could it be that Ling Qian still has this ability?Will repair such a body?

"Uh, the system about the body's rotation and avoidance seems to be a little slow. I'm wondering if it's because of me, or some part of the body is malfunctioning. I want Lieutenant Lin to take a look."

"The evasion system is slow?" Ling Qian frowned slightly, and looked at every part of Lin Shi's inspection, "It's not for these reasons."

After a while, Ling Qian walked up from under the Athena body again with a blank face, stood beside Chu Yeting, and said, "Let me take a look, you come up first, I thought about it, it shouldn't be a problem with the body .”

"Could it be my problem!" Chu Yeting answered casually.

"Yes! It should be like this!" Ling Qian nodded directly without any tact, and was not worried that this would hurt others.

Hearing what Ling Qian said, Lin Shi could only come up from below.

In fact, Lin Chen vaguely guessed something long ago, but compared to Ling Qian's decisiveness, it was a little more tactful.He originally planned to talk to Chu Yeting after confirming some things.In that case, the blow to people may be less.But who knew that Ling Qian would directly tell the problem when he came, and even said that it was not a problem with the Athena body, but a problem with the pilot itself.

Lin Chen couldn't help shaking his head. He felt that their pilots still had some ability to resist blows. Otherwise, who would have the confidence to continue driving the Athena after such a blow.

Ling Qian directly entered the cockpit. Although she said so before, in order to be sure, she still needs to verify it herself.

Ling Qian herself was the center of attention, and she naturally attracted everyone's full attention as soon as she came.When Ling Qian hit Chu Yeting unceremoniously, many people laughed a little.

After getting along for such a long time, everyone is basically called friends, except for Ailian from Unit 1, Sean from Unit 3, and Sely from Unit 8, the pilots of the other seventeen Athena aircraft , are free to joke around.Even Andy, the general whose status is second only to Marshal Iger Ferratis and Commander Ling Qian, can play with everyone.Such a relaxed mode of getting along when there is no fighting is naturally good for the driver's mental state.

At this time, Ling Qian's actions made all the people who were busy in front of their respective airframes gather in front of Athena No. 17. They wanted to know that Ling Qian could really drive the driven Athena airframe!
"Athena No. 17 is locked, and the attack channel is starting to be cleared!"

"Athena No. 17 began to lower the attack channel, and the channel obstacles were cleared. Athena No. 17——Assault——"

Then, under the stunned attention of everyone, they watched that after entering the Athena body from Ling Qian's cockpit, there was no waiting time at all, and the time to attack was straightforward and direct. The whole body was like lightning. A layer of light and long bright white lines, the speed of attack is faster than that of any driver.

They used to think that the reason why the pilot of Athena No. 1, Eileen Freed, was able to pilot the Athena body so skillfully, the speed of attack, and even the ability to fight against the enemy was so powerful, it was because of the body, and his own driving has nothing to do with it.Even they think that the pilot of their captain Athena No. 4, Kebin Kui Harris, is so good at the first driving ability, and there is still a general credit to be attributed to the machine itself.

However, the ordinary Athena body that Ling Qian drove this time has a faster attack speed than the No. Everything depends on the driver himself, and the strength of the body also depends on the strength of the driver.

After a while, Athena No. 17 body slowly returned to the base.

"There is no abnormality in the airframe itself, I think you have seen it." The cockpit popped out, and after Ling Qian walked out, everything was as usual, and her face was always rosy and normal. There was nothing like the airframe they came out of every time after flying the Athena. That tired feeling.

"But in fact, it's not just Chu Yeting, even we feel the body's sluggishness. If there is no problem with the body, is it our own problem? Even if there is a problem, isn't it unbelievable that the pilot has problems together?"

Holding her chin, Bai Luoyu slightly frowned and asked the questions on everyone's mind.

"That's because of the coordinating agent injected into your body." Ling Qian took the towel handed over by Lin Shi, wiped her hands, and continued: "As long as the body and mind are truly integrated, then nothing will happen. During this period of time Practice a lot. There is only one necessary condition, that is, practice according to the practice, and your class is like the class, and your spare time is your spare time. I hope you don't forget this. As for the imperial federation Soldiers, you should do your own work according to your own work area. You will consciously participate in military training!"


Responding loudly in unison, Ling Qian was taken aback for a moment, never expecting them to answer so simply.

(End of this chapter)

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