Chapter 407 454. Scroll
Wen Ling'er was overjoyed. It seemed that being with a high-ranking and powerful person was different, but she could get such benefits just by walking around the imperial garden and saying a few words.

Xiao Yuying can put his signboard on the grid with a single word, and the servants in the palace are just palace servants who can serve in bed. In the grid of the dormitory, unless someone is lucky enough to be favored by the emperor and has the first favor, he is eligible to put the brand in the grid.

Those servants who are highly respected by their natal families don’t need to worry too much. Even if they fail to gain the emperor’s favor and favor, they will naturally be promoted to noble monarchs after a while, and the plaque with their names will be placed in it openly. The grid for serving the sleeping quarters.

Gu Min went to the Banyue Pavilion to see Zhili, his unkempt face was not washed at all, but he had been painting the ink painting wholeheartedly. Gu Min saw at a glance that the person in the painting was Nangong Wan.

He knew that Zhili had been painting since he returned to Peach Blossom and Honey Valley. This huge scroll was a work he worked day and night to paint. Apart from eating some necessary food and drinking some water, he did nothing. Besides other things, all my heart is on the scroll of painting this painting.

"The subordinates see the owner of the valley, and the subordinates are here to report the situation in the valley to the owner."

Gu Min, as the chief protector, has to report the situation of Peach Blossom Honey Valley to Zhi Li once a month.

But Zhili didn't stop the movement in his hands, and continued to draw the hair. The hair has deep and light, light and heavy, far and near, and flowing hair ends. The different shapes are the most troublesome.

"Master Gu, this subordinate is here to report the situation in the valley..."

"I don't worry about you handling things. You can handle everything on your behalf. You don't have to report to me in the future."

Zhili interrupted him.

Gu Min stood there for a while, hesitated for a while: "Master Gu, why are you torturing yourself so hard.

Why can't I live a normal life like before, painting an ink painting all day long."

"go out!"

Zhili didn't want to listen to him anymore.

"Guzhu, I can't let go of the prince at all. Isn't this just using paintings to miss people? Besides, didn't Guzhu want to hand over Peach Blossom and Honey Valley to the court...

Guzhu, when did you lose your personal feelings and things in Guli? ? "

If it weren't for wanting to stay with Nangong Wan and have a status by her side, Zhili would not have surrendered to this idea. He doesn't know when the most important person in his heart and the most important things have changed. She became Nangong Wan.

"She's in a dilemma now, I don't want to force her..."

"But, why does Gu Master treat himself like this..."

"Okay, stop talking and go out."

"Yes, this subordinate will retire."

Just as Gu Min turned around and was about to leave Zhili, he felt uncomfortable and felt nauseated and retched. Gu Min rushed back and patted him on the back.

Zhili didn't eat anything at first, and he couldn't vomit anything, just nausea and retching, which subsided a lot after a while.

Gu Min was too worried: "Master Gu, do you feel any discomfort in your body??"

"There's nothing wrong with it, it's just that it's been fine for a while.

You want to be in charge of the Peach Blossom and Honey Valley, and you have to fiddle with your medicinal herbs, so go ahead and get busy."

"The subordinates have to check the pulse of Gu Zhu first, and only after confirming that there is no serious problem in the body can the subordinates rest assured."

Seeing that he was persistent, Zhili stretched out his arm.

After a while, Gu Min's complexion was not pretty, it turned blue and white for a while...

(End of this chapter)

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