Chapter 52 You Win (Part [-])
Not long after Masaki Keigo walked into the jungle, he saw corpses everywhere.

These corpses were still wearing the uniforms of the executive department, but the strange thing was that except for the position where the body was severed, their bodies were slightly dry.

"The body is dry, and there is a huge hole in the neck. This guy has successfully evolved the characteristics of a vampire!"

Masaki Keigo looked at a corpse and said solemnly.

"I tried to send a communication, but we didn't receive it, which means that the current electromagnetic must have been disturbed, so his electromagnetic ability has also evolved!"

"The claw marks on his chest almost cut him off in the middle. His arms must have evolved to be extremely huge."

"There are two huge cavities in the chest, this must not be from teeth, it just means that he may have evolved a huge head horn!"

"Looking up at the neck, it means that he must have heard the voice from the sky when he died, so he chose to look up into the sky, and then he was sucked to death at the same time, which means that he has evolved wings!"

"Combined with the bullets that fell on the ground, it shows that this guy's body surface is also frighteningly hard!"

Masaki Keigo looked at these shocking scenes, first his expression became more and more dignified, and then he was full of self-blame and sadness.

If it wasn't for me, this monster shouldn't have come out. The sad thing is that these comrades did not die at the hands of the enemy, but died in the troubles caused by their own people.

"If I fail to avenge you this time, then I will use my life to repent for you!"

Masaki Keigo said and walked towards the depths of the jungle again.

At this time, he suddenly stepped on something. Masaki Keigo raised his foot and saw that it was their special short blade.

And the streak of blood on the short blade is so eye-catching!

Seeing this scene, Masaki Keigo also slowly picked up the short blade, and then walked towards the depths of the jungle.

And in the depths of the jungle, waves of bloody massacres are still going on. Every minute and every second, some members of the executive department may die because of this, but they don't show any fear at all, but move towards them with death-like determination. Sanada Ryosuke killed.

Soon the team in this area was slaughtered by Ryosuke Sanada.

Just when Ryosuke Sanada was about to rush towards the smell of food coming from other areas, another smell of food came into his nose.

But before he could think too much, the attack arrived.

In the darkness hidden behind Ryosuke Sanada, a figure suddenly rushed out.

"Just die here quietly like this! Betrayer!"

The figure rushing out was Masaki Keigo, and Masaki Keigo walked along the direction of the corpse and the sound of gunshots, and along the way just met Ryosuke Sanada who was about to leave.

Although Masaki Keigo had already been mentally prepared, he was still stunned by the appearance of the monster in front of him. The monster in front of him looked exactly like the stitch monster that Masaki Keigo had experimented with.

Sanada Ryosuke has completely lost the most important thing about being a human being at this time. Now his entire brain has been eroded by animal nature, and his endless hunger has prompted him to possess unimaginable fighting power.

Faced with Masaki Keigo's sudden attack, Sanada Ryosuke also began to flap his wings, preparing to rely on the wind to widen the distance between the two, and then rely on his own advantages to slowly taste the food.

Masaki Keigo also seemed to have anticipated Sanada Ryosuke's purpose, so Masaki Keigo threw the bloody short blade towards Sanada Ryosuke's wings with his inhuman strength and speed.

Faced with Masaki Keigo's powerful blow, Sanada Ryosuke stopped flapping his wings in pain, but suddenly turned around and attacked Masaki Keigo with sharp claws.

Obviously Masaki Keigo's attack had enraged him, and he wanted to kill the food in front of him directly.

Facing Sanada Ryosuke's attack, Masaki Keigo was also well prepared, and the rope already tied around his waist directly led him to fly towards the tree, avoiding Sanada Ryosuke's attack directly.

Ryosuke Sanada, who had already been irritated, obviously couldn't accept the failure of the attack, so under such circumstances, he gave up his wings irrationally, and angrily tore the trees in front of him with his claws, Just to let Masaki Keigo fall.

Of course, Masaki Keigo will not be idle at this time. After confirming that the special short blade can cause damage to Sanada Ryosuke, Masaki Keigo knows that his hope of victory today lies on the short blade.

Soon the big tree under Keigo Masaki's feet was successfully torn apart. Keigo Masaki immediately jumped towards another big tree with the rope, and Ryosuke Sanada also rushed towards the other big tree that Keigo Masaki jumped to. go.

At this time, Masaki Keigo began to jump up and down among the many trees, Sanada Ryosuke finally gave up chasing Masaki Keigo after several times.

Instead, the energy in the body is gathered towards the horns of his head.

"not good!"

Just at the position where Masaki Keigo was just now, a shock of electricity rushed past.

What followed was attack after attack.

Facing Sanada Ryosuke's attack, Masaki Keigo just avoided while continuing to jump up and down the tree, as if he was planning something.

Finally, under Ryosuke Sanada's continuous attacks, Masaki Keigo's waist was grazed by an electric light, and bursts of blood began to flow from the tree.

"The tiebreaker is here!"

Masaki Keigo took off his clothes, draped them around his waist, and then tied them tightly to stop the wound from bleeding.

Sanada Ryosuke, who had already accumulated countless anger, saw Keigo Masaki jumping from the tree, and rushed towards Keigo Masaki with flapping wings.

He was going to use his head horns to stab Masaki Keigo hard, and then slowly enjoy Masaki Keigo's taste.

When Masaki Keigo saw this, he also fell back, and when Sanada Ryosuke flew above him, he kicked Sanada Ryosuke far away.

Immediately afterwards, he rushed to Sanada Ryosuke with the short blade, and frantically attacked Sanada Ryosuke's neck with the short blade.

"One knife, two knife, three knife..."

Every knife was drawn to the same position. Of course, Masaki Keigo also received a crazy counterattack from Sanada Ryosuke during the process.

The light of the knife collided with the fangs, reflecting Masaki Keigo's resolute gaze.

It can be said that if Keigo Masaki's body was not different from ordinary people, he would have died when the electric light hit him.

Finally, after an unknown number of attacks, Sanada Ryosuke's fangs directly pierced Masaki Keigo's body, and at the same time Masaki Keigo's short blade finally cut a gap in Sanada Ryosuke's neck.

At this time, Masaki Keigo has already felt that his own life is gradually disappearing, and the only thing he regrets is: "I will cause trouble for Kurata again!"

"There's already enough trouble, I, Masaki Keigo, can still take care of your little trouble!"

Masaki Keigo, who suddenly regained a little consciousness, suddenly and briefly broke free from Sanada Ryosuke's shackles with his strong willpower, turned his head and cut Sanada Ryosuke back.

"It's over, I won!"

It wasn't until this time that the truth of him jumping around in the forest was slowly revealed.

A bright short blade shot out from the woods like a flying knife, and finally rushed into the gap opened by Masaki Keigo on Sanada Ryosuke's neck at one point through the angle calculated by Masaki Keigo.

On the ground behind Sanada Ryosuke, the throwing knives were stuck on the ground one after another.

As for Ryosuke Sanada, there was a hole in the center of his neck, and the blood-sucking fangs around his mouth gradually weakened, and then suddenly fell in front of Masaki Keigo.

Seeing this, Masaki Keigo also limp on the ground all of a sudden, only relying on his weak consciousness to keep himself from falling asleep, waiting for the rescue of other members.

Just when Masaki Keigo thought he was victorious, it may be that he had sucked Masaki Keigo's blood and finally digested it, and Sanada Ryosuke actually began to slowly grow bigger.

"Did you still lose?"

Masaki Keigo looked at the huge body that was gradually engulfing him, and said slowly.

"No, you won!"

A beam of energy light hit Sanada Ryosuke's body directly, restoring him to his original appearance, and then another powerful attack cut off Sanada Ryosuke's head along the gap cut by Masaki Keigo into two pieces.

The person who came was Kurata who arrived in time, and the energy ray he released was naturally the reduction ray developed by the research department to restore materials.

I saw it on the way here, and after seeing it, I immediately understood some intentions. After all, this weapon was also registered with him.
"As expected of you! Masaki!"

Kurata turned his head and gave Masaki Keigo a big smile.

Seeing this smile, Masaki Keigo collapsed contentedly.

PS: ask for a monthly pass at five o'clock
(End of this chapter)

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