The chief player of the film and television world

Chapter 410 Entering Customs and Arriving in Xianyang

Chapter 410 Entering Customs and Arriving in Xianyang

Amid the poignant and melodious sound of the hole flute, Yushu danced more and more deeply, and her joyful mood seemed to be infected by the sound, and her thoughts were lingering. When she thought of her future destiny, the difference between her and Meng Yi's identities, and the thought of I can't help but lament when I can't stay with the one I love forever!
After the sound of a flute, the dance stops, and everyone weeps alone.

"Concubine Li, why are you crying?" Meng Yi hurriedly stepped forward and asked concerned, "Did you sprain your ankle while dancing?"

Yu Shu gently wiped the tears from the corners of his eyes with his sleeve, and seeing Meng Yi so nervous, he couldn't help breaking through his tears and laughing: "It's okay, I just miss my hometown a little bit."

"So that's how it is." Meng Yi nodded, heaved a sigh of relief, but frowned again, "It's a pity that Concubine Li was supposed to have a maid to marry into the palace, but because of the robbers, she had to go to Xianyang alone. There is also the responsibility of not observing!"

"Meng Yi, this has nothing to do with you. It's a private matter between General Cui and me. Since General Cui is dead, let's cancel this matter." Yu Shu shook his head, turned to look at Zhang Jin and asked, "The song you played just now is called what?"

"A beautiful myth." Zhang Jin replied.

"A beautiful myth? It's really a beautiful piece of music. I don't know why, but I couldn't help crying when I heard this piece of music." Yu Shu murmured.

Meng Yi said from the side: "Concubine Li, it's getting late, we still have to hurry, we have to climb over this mountain before dark."

While Yushu was going to put on the coat that he had taken off earlier, Meng Yi turned his head and asked Zhang Jin, "Why haven't I heard this song in Xianyang, it doesn't look like Daqin's style."

Nonsense, if you have heard of it, you will be a ghost!

Zhang Jin thought to himself, but he replied: "General, the musician next door taught me this song. Unfortunately, before I had time to ask his name, he was arrested and sent to serve in corvée to repair the Great Wall."

I don't know how many people were killed by the corvees who built the Great Wall, even if Meng Yi wanted to find them, he probably couldn't find them.

Meng Yi didn't continue to ask questions, and after Yu Shu put on the fine clothes, he led everyone to move on.

The three of them moved forward all the way, the more west they went, the more beautiful the surrounding scenery became, and there were more green trees, flowers and plants.

A few days later, they finally arrived at the hill outside the Great Wall.

Meng Yi pointed to the Great Wall in front of him, and said proudly: "This is our national border. After crossing this mountain, we will soon be able to go to Xianyang. Concubine Li, you are safe now, and I can finally complete my mission. "

There was no smile on Yushu's face, she said to Zhang Jin: "I want to talk to Meng Yi alone."

"General Meng, Concubine Li, I'll go to the pass to show my identity first." Zhang Jin knew what was going to happen, nodded, and walked towards the pass of the Great Wall first.

After he walked away, Yushu looked at Meng Yi, with expectations and requests in his eyes: "No, I don't want to go to Xianyang. You take me away, it doesn't matter where you go, as long as you are with me, I don't want to marry To Emperor Qin."

Facing Yu Shu's eyes and words, Meng Yi could only be silent.

He is the former imperial general of the Qin State, a person trusted by the Qin Emperor, and he only has loyalty and mission in his heart!The identities of him and the woman in front of him show that it is impossible for the two of them to be together.
Moreover, if he, as a general of the Qin State, took away Qin Huang's Concubine Li and North Korea's Princess Yushu, not only his own family, but also the people of both countries would pay a heavy price for it!

The six kings Bi, the four seas are one, conquered Baiyue in the south, and attacked the Xiongnu in the north. In today's world, no one dares to challenge the majesty of Emperor Qin!

The wrath of the emperor, laying down millions of corpses, bleeding for thousands of miles!

After Zhang Jin walked away, he looked back at Meng Yi and Yu Shu on the hillside. He knew that the conversation between the two would not have the expected results. In the end, Yu Shu only lived for Meng Yi. and die!

The three reported their identities at the pass, and Meng Yi took out the General's Tiger Talisman to pass the pass smoothly. He also transferred a carriage to the nearest town for Yushu to ride in.

Zhang Jin was in charge of driving, and Meng Yi rode a horse to protect him. After a day of repairing, the three of them set foot on the road leading to Xianyang.

Chidao is the earliest "national road" in Chinese history. After Qin Shihuang unified the six countries, he ordered the construction of Chidao with Xianyang as the center and leading to all parts of the country in the second year.

Chidao is 70 steps wide in flat places, which is about [-] meters of cash.There is a tree every three feet, and the road is thickly rammed with metal cones on both sides, and the middle of the road is a part dedicated to the emperor's patrol cars.

In this era, the road is equivalent to a highway, whether it is running a horse or driving a car, it is much faster than a dirt road.

The closer he got to Xianyang, the more taciturn Yu Shu was on the carriage, and he never returned to the lively and smiling appearance when he was outside the pass.

Both Zhang Jin and Meng Yi knew it well, but they didn't have any particularly good solution.

A few days later, the three of them finally arrived in Xianyang. Hundreds of miles away, Qin Huang, who had already received the eight-hundred-mile urgent letter from the border gate of the Great Wall, sent a luxurious team to meet them.

"General Meng!"

"Concubine Li!"

Generals and soldiers headed by Nan Gongyan, officials at all levels headed by Zongzheng, court servants, and a group of people saluted one after another!
On the carriage, Yu Shu gently raised his hand to lift the curtain, looked at the soldiers and officials in front of him, and then turned his gaze to Meng Yi.

"Concubine Li, these are sent by the emperor to welcome you." Meng Yi said.

Yushu nodded, and said lightly, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Welcome Concubine Li to enter the city and enter the palace!"

Accompanied by many officials and soldiers, the three walked into Xianyang City all the way, and went straight into Xianyang Palace.

Because of Zhang Jin's meritorious service in escorting the driver along the way, under the strong recommendation of Meng Yi and Yu Shu, he was also able to enter the waiting list for a reward.This was the first time he saw this famous palace city in history with his own eyes.

The Xianyang Palace is huge in scale. Walking in it, you can feel its rigorous layout. The palace is magnificent, with towering turrets, flying corridors, five steps to the first floor, and ten steps to a pavilion. One brick and one tile incomparably reflects the powerful and prosperous national power of the Qin Dynasty. !
The words and sentences describing Efang Palace in "A Fang Palace Fu" may be a bit exaggerated when used in Xianyang Palace, but they are not much different!

Led by the inner officer, a group of people walked through the long corridors of the palace, and finally came to a majestic and majestic palace.

Most of the people including Zhang Jin and Nan Gongyan were left outside, while Meng Yi, Yu Shu and Zong Zheng followed the internal officials up the steps and entered the hall above the nine stone steps.

This wait was nearly an hour.

Zhang Jin didn't see Meng Yi and Yu Shu again, only the internal officials came to read the rewards from Emperor Qin to him, and made him a military marquis and a nobleman.And told him that Meng Yi had begged Emperor Qin to let him join him, and that from now on he would be a member of the Meng family's army.

After the internal officer left, Nan Gongyan said with a smile: "From now on, you and I will be brothers in the same robe who will live and die together!"

"General Nangong will give you more advice in the future!" Zhang Jin saluted.

Nan Gongyan is Meng Yi's lieutenant general, at least at the level of a lieutenant general, and his title is at least above the level of a concubine, four or five levels higher than himself, so he is not an ordinary person.

"It's easy to say, tonight at the old wine shop in the south of the city, whether everyone can recognize you as a brother depends on how much you can drink!" Nan Gongyan laughed boldly.

"Will General Namon come too?"

"General Meng? It's hard to say. After this incident of welcoming Concubine Li, Emperor Qin probably will keep him here to discuss some matters. I'm afraid he won't be able to make it to the banquet."

That night, at the Old Village Restaurant in the south of Xianyang City, the owner of the restaurant, Zhuang, looked at the drunken soldiers all over the place, and at Zhang Jin who was making various shapes with copper coins at the counter, and asked hesitantly: " Marquis, do you think someone is going to send General Nangong and the others back to the camp?"

Zhang Jin put a copper coin on his fingernail and twirled it to play, and said, "How do you usually deal with it?"

"Usually...they will walk back by themselves." Lao Zhuang said, thinking who would know that he met you, a weird person today, who would not get drunk no matter how drunk, and brought down the entire team of 30 to [-] people by himself.

Zhang Jin was speechless. After thinking for a while, he took out some copper coins from his pocket and put them on the table: "Just let them sleep with you all night. Is the money enough?"

Lao Zhuang was overjoyed, seeing Qian's eyes open, his eyes were deeply attracted by the pile of copper coins on the counter, his eyes were shining, he nodded quickly and said: "Enough is enough, as long as the generals don't dislike it."

Zhang Jin curled his lips and said in his heart, they were all as drunk as a dead pig, how could they feel disgusted.

After paying the bill and settling Nan Gongyan and the others, Zhang Jin turned around and left the restaurant, and walked towards the family in Xianyang City that was systematically arranged in his memory.Both his old parents have passed away. These days people generally don't live long, and now he lives alone.


Returning to reality in a dream this time made Zhang Jin suffer a little less, that is, when he opened his eyes, he found that the wooden beam and tile roof had become a combination of aluminum alloy and incandescent lamp, which made him stunned for a long time before he realized it.

"Are you awake?" Jack's voice came from the side.

"Good morning." Zhang Jin sat up from the sofa.

"It's getting late, this time I slept for another twelve hours, and it's already time for lunch." Jack said.

"What about William, why didn't you see anyone else?"

As soon as the words were finished, Zhang Jin saw William coming over with a yawn: "I'm here, hah! You all slept soundly. I stayed up all night and didn't collapse until the morning."

"It's really hard work for you, William." Zhang Jin said.

William waved his hand: "Thank you very much. Hey, what interesting thing happened to you in Qin Dynasty this time?"

"Interesting? I met Qin Shihuang himself, is it interesting?" Jack said.

William's eyes widened, and he said in surprise, "Did you really see Qin Shihuang himself?"

"Not only did I see him, I also talked with him all night in the bedroom of Xianyang Palace."

"What does Qin Shihuang look like? Is it the same as recorded in the history books?"

"I don't know." Jack shook his head.

William was stunned for a moment: "I don't know? Hey, you just said that you met Qin Shihuang himself, how could you not know his appearance!"

Jack explained: "I met Qin Shihuang through a curtain, four or five meters away. It was late at that time, and the oil lamps in the palace were not bright enough, so I couldn't see people's faces clearly. But listening to the voice, it was full of majesty. I Only then do you know what kingly arrogance is!"

"It's a pity. Ah Jin, have you ever seen Qin Shihuang?" William looked at Zhang Jin unwillingly.

Zhang Jin spread his hands and said, "Jack was a general in his previous life. He didn't even see his face. How could I, a soldier, see him? Let alone face to face, I didn't even see Qin Shihuang."

"I really don't know what to say about you!" William shook his head and sighed helplessly.

"Don't talk so much, what does Qin Shihuang look like and he can't fill his stomach, let's go, go out for lunch, I'm really hungry!" Jack put on his coat.

The three of them walked out of the houseboat to the shore.

Zhang Jinchao looked around, but he didn't see Gu Long and the others, so he probably must have messed up, or he was hiding in a corner that was not easy to be found to watch.

"Ah Jin, what are you looking for? There are no beauties. Let's go. I'll take you to the most famous restaurant nearby." Jack greeted.

The three of them crossed the street and walked towards the busiest area in Wan Chai.

After lunch, Zhang Jin returned to his hotel room. After taking a bath and changing clothes, he sat on the bed and opened his laptop, entered his mailbox, and saw the reply sent by Professor Gu, hoping to chat with him about the Qinhuang Tiangong. .

He just smiled lightly and didn't reply to the other party. He planned to hang out with the other party for a few days first, playing hard to get!

Now is not the time to talk about money with Professor Gu, wait until Mike Chen trustee's investigation is over, and I will start to collect the net after I get the investigation report on Professor Gu's assets.

At night, instead of going to Jack's houseboat, Zhang Jin called him and told him to fall asleep as usual.

However, nothing happened that night.

The next day, Zhang Jin, Jack, and William met in a tea restaurant and chatted about what happened last night while drinking morning tea.

"I didn't have a dream last night, how could this be?" Jack said.

"It may be that some kind of medium is needed to open up the relationship between your past life memory and dreams." William speculated, "The first two times were either entering the water or experiencing the cold. Using a scientific explanation, it requires the intervention of an external force to cause a qualitative change."

"Ah Jin, what do you think?" Jack looked at Zhang Jin.

Zhang Jin pondered for a moment, and said, "In this case, I agree with William's speculation. Maybe you just sleep and don't have dreams about past life memories."

"What should I do? If I can't dream of past life memories, I can't help you, so what do I need to use to stimulate myself to open up past life memories?"

"I'm not in a hurry, and you don't need to be stressed. You should eat and drink." Zhang Jin comforted.

Jack shook his head and said: "It's not just because of you, I also want to know what happened later, what will happen to that Princess Yushu, I can feel her love for me... no, it's for Meng Yi."

Zhang Jin asked: "What do you think, what will happen to their ending? Comedy or tragedy?"

"In that era, with such an identity, you don't need to guess that it is a tragedy." Jack sighed, "Yu Shu also told Meng Yi that she will only live for him from now on, alas!"

"Oh!" William also sighed, "What a miserable love."

"Oh!" A sigh came from beside him.

The three turned their heads and found that it was a tea restaurant waiter holding a menu in his hand.

"What do you follow 'ah'?"

The waiter replied impatiently: "I've been standing here for a long time, have you decided what to order?"

The three looked at each other.

"She's been standing here for a long time."


"Didn't we order food before?"


"Why don't you mention the matter of ordering food?"

"Because you said you came to order, who knows that you changed the topic to other places."

"..." Jack looked at the waiter with some embarrassment, and skillfully reported a series of morning tea meals, "Thank you!"

"No thanks." The waiter finished taking the order blankly, then turned and left.

(End of this chapter)

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