Chapter 505 The Arrival of [-]

In the entire October of [-], the popularity of Xianjian TV series and Zhang Jin's speech at the press conference were like a meteorite falling into the ocean in the entire Chinese film and television circle, setting off a huge wave!
In this era when TV dramas still focus on actors' acting skills and plots as their main selling points, the Xianjian TV series was born out of nowhere. With young handsome men and beautiful women who are close to the characters, majestic atmosphere, and beautiful animation special effects, it has completed a harvest of popularity and eyeballs!
In all fairness, most of the protagonists of Xianjian have immature acting skills and simple plots, but it happens that such a seemingly mediocre combination has achieved results beyond everyone's imagination!
Faced with such a hot ratings result, people in the circle have conducted various analyzes and dissections on this drama.

The seniors in the Chinese film and television industry have seen that not only fashion dramas can make idol dramas, but costume dramas can also make idol dramas.

Compared with fashion idol dramas that tend to spoil the society's money-worshiping atmosphere, costume idol dramas do not have this concern, and the age group of the target audience is wider than fashion idol dramas, so they are more likely to be welcomed by the market.

Of course, in the strict sense, Xianjian TV series are not idol dramas, because the core of the plot story is not the model and scope of idol dramas, and a large number of martial arts scenes and advanced special effects shots are not available in idol dramas.

However, if it is divided by the appearance of the leading actors, then the TV series of Xianjian must be a proper idol drama!
The national day finale of Xianjian TV series has been hotly discussed. Many satellite TVs have come to discuss with the distribution company their intention to purchase the film, and they have quoted a high price. Everyone wants to grab the second round of premiere or Exclusive Broadcasting Rights.

After all, the ratings are here, and so is the popularity. Those viewers who haven't had time to watch it for the first time, or have not watched it from the beginning to the end because of various things, or want to relive it again. It is a huge viewing group, and the ratings provided will definitely be more or less.

After some negotiations, with Zhang Jin's signature and consent, the company signed a second round of broadcast rights agreements with the five satellite TVs with higher ratings and the largest number of viewers.

The five TV stations are Mango TV, Tomato TV, Lychee TV, Blueberry TV and Taishan TV.

Since it is broadcast by five satellite TVs together, the price is naturally not high, but it is more profitable than the first broadcast right.

Zhang Jin doesn't care about this either. The five satellite TVs want the Immortal Sword TV series to increase the ratings, but he needs the satellite TVs to promote and create momentum for the Immortal Sword IP.Even if the other party does not take the initiative to come to discuss the broadcasting rights, he will let the company take the initiative to give the broadcasting rights.

After finishing the production and broadcasting of the Xianjian TV series and launching the first IP of Xianjian IP, Zhang Jin's energy also turned to another major event in his life-his wedding with Qiuya!

When watching the Olympic Games in Athens before, Qiuya said that if you want to get married, you must first arrange a romantic marriage proposal.

So Zhang Jin made a romantic and romantic marriage proposal one night when the clouds were turning and raining. The high-intensity exercise made the half-asleep and half-awake Qiu Ya finally have no choice but to refuse, but also shyly and angrily agreed.

The result was that although the proposal was successful, for the next week Zhang Jin had to stare at Qiu Ya several times a day, and he could only sleep on the sofa in the living room, and he was not even allowed to enter the bedroom.

In this regard, Zhang Jin has an indifferent attitude, let the other party have a good rest, and don't wear out the body.

After a successful marriage proposal, the next step is naturally to prepare for the wedding.

First choose a date, and after discussing with the father-in-law and mother-in-law, we selected February 25 next year as the happy day.

In the words of the master, it is the Gengchen day of the Wuyin month in the Yiyou year. It is an auspicious day for getting married, moving into a house, obtaining a certificate, traveling, raising beams, traveling, seeking an heir, and breaking ground.

Because it was just after the Spring Festival in February, and the weather in Xihong City in early spring was still cold at the end of winter, Zhang Jin discussed with Qiu Ya, and the two decided to hold the wedding in Bali, Indonesia.

The climate is warm, the scenery is beautiful, it is suitable for wedding and honeymoon, and most importantly, it is fashionable and private enough.

Although Zhang Jin and Qiu Ya are not big celebrities in China, they are also well-known in their respective fields.

Not to mention Qiu Ya, a young Steinway artist, just as the boss of Zhang Jin's collective, she has a lot of influence in Xihong's municipal and business circles.Moreover, the two also have star-level classmates and friends such as Xia Luo, Ma Dongmei, and Wang Duoyu, and these people have also brought a lot of media attention.

Both Zhang Jin and Qiu Ya are the kind of people who distinguish between public and private. Life is life, and career is career. They need spotlights in their careers, but not in their lives. Therefore, they still attach great importance to the privacy of their weddings.

They plan to invite some friends, classmates, and relatives for this wedding, which is simple but not simple.

Time flies, and the last two months of [-] passed quickly.

Listening to the singing of Charlotte from the New Year's Eve party on TV, [-] came as scheduled.

In the Spring Festival Gala in [-], Xia Luo declined the invitation and did not continue to sing on stage, but stayed at home to accompany her mother during the New Year.

Without Xia Luo, a super-popular domestic singer, the program group of the Spring Festival Gala took a different approach and recruited last year's hottest and most popular TV series creators Xianjian Trio.

Three good-looking young actors Hu Ge, Liu Yifei, and An Yixuan brought two fairy sword songs to everyone on stage.

Zhang Jin at the dinner table almost spit out the food in his mouth laughing after seeing the showy operation of the Spring Festival Gala program group.

If you want to talk about playing tricks, you still have to watch the Spring Festival Gala program group. After the Xiaoyao Linger group sang "Rain in June", Lin Yueru and solo "Always Quiet", this damn is messing up!
It is said that the Spring Festival Gala is basically lip-syncing in order to ensure that the show does not go wrong.

So when Zhang Jin stared at An Yixuan singing "Always Quiet", I always felt that under the cover of the microphone, she couldn't help laughing several times.

But I have to say that although the Spring Festival Gala is suspected of doing something wrong, this wave of operations still aroused heated discussions among young audiences. The amount of discussion on this show on the Internet quickly rose to the top. They were all squeezed down.

The reason why the trio of Xianjian in the Spring Festival Gala received so much attention was mainly because during the winter vacation, five satellite TVs broadcast the TV series of Xianjian at the same time. Except for one satellite TV which chose to broadcast at noon, the other four were competing for ratings with each other in prime time slots.

Immortals fight, little devils suffer.

Satellite TV originally had strong variety shows, but with the attraction of more popular dramas, many local channels and satellite TVs that did not get the right to broadcast the second round of the Xianjian TV series suffered a huge impact in ratings.

Even CCTV's ratings during the prime time period can only be relegated to third place, crushed by Mango TV and Tomato TV.

The entire period from late January to mid-February is a carnival for fans of the Fairy Sword. Not only is the discussion on the TV series of the Fairy Sword unabated, but it also drives the popularity of stand-alone games. Both genuine sales and pirated downloads have ushered in a short-term peak. .

In such an atmosphere, Tomato Channel reported that the development team of Shangruan revealed that the preparatory work for the fourth part of Paladin has been completed and will soon enter the official development stage.

Combined with the previous interview with a domestic game magazine, Paladin IV will use foreign engines and receive sufficient capital injection. This generation of games will be very different from the previous three generations, and will show players a brand new world of Paladin.

The report came in a timely manner, and the topic was quickly pushed to the top of the hot discussion list by players. Before the official development of Paladin IV, there were already enough expectations, which made the development team feel both motivated and stressed.

80.00% of the sufficient development funds obtained by Fairy Sword IV came from Zhang Jin's company investment, and he also let the company take this opportunity to win various copyrights.

As the largest investor of the Fairy Sword IV project, Zhang Jin has the right to put forward his own requirements for game development and production. Just when the main creator of the project team was worried that his proposal would destroy all previous preparations, at the development meeting held years ago, his The speech made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

Only then did the main creators understand that this is not a layman leading an expert, but a game lover who has put forward super high requirements for the quality of the game.

Zhang Jin did not intervene in the core content of RPG games such as plot and character design, but put forward rich and specific suggestions on the gameplay of the game and the construction of the game world.

For example, a completely open super-large map, richer side plots and fully interactive NPCs, killing NPCs will affect certain tasks.

Enrich the turn-based strategies in the battles of various mobs and big bosses, allowing players to have more optional combinations for battles.

Originally he planned to directly change from turn-based to instant action, but it is estimated that the technology and staff reserves are not enough. In order to stabilize the reputation of Paladin IV and ensure the development progress, he had to give up in the end.

After all, you can’t become a fat man with one bite. Experience and technology need to be accumulated. At worst, I will release a version of the real-time action role-playing fairy sword IV in the future. On the basis of the original version, I will strengthen the main and branch plots, improve the graphics, and enhance the openness of the game world. Make a domestic fairy tale stand-alone masterpiece comparable to "The Witcher III".

Of course, the turn-based system also has the benefits of the turn-based system, which is more casual and more attractive to female players and handicapped parties.

In addition to general direction suggestions, there are also many small technical requirements, such as character movements, expressions, clothing dynamics are stiff, skill special effects are average, maze modeling is ugly, mobs and boss types are single, and so on. Pay attention to perfection.

After listening to Zhang Jin's long-winded suggestion, everyone in the project team was a little confused!

The Laughing Dog scratched his hair, smiled wryly and said, "I figured it out, this one was always prepared. I was a little dazed after hearing so many suggestions, and felt that I was not a producer, but he was more like a producer. "

The foreman drank most of the mineral water, and his eyes lit up: "I think these suggestions of Mr. Zhang are very interesting. Many ideas coincide with mine. They are not only in line with the current game development, but also have the development trend of future games. I think we can modify and refine according to his suggestion, and we will definitely be able to make a better game than the previous plan!"

"If you follow Mr. Zhang's suggestion, except for the main plot, you will almost completely overthrow the entire pre-planning and preparation, and make a new game. Moreover, the open world needs a lot of side plots to support it. It is estimated that at least more writing will be required. Dozens of millions of words of copywriting." A certain tree next to me exchanged glances with Old K and Stomach Demon.

Call me old K and laughed: "It's nothing to copywriting, I think the worst thing is cool J, if you really want to do this kind of open world that can kill NPCs at will and affect the plot of the mission, their programmers will suffer the most !"

Cool J glanced at him, and said lightly: "The program team has already decided to expand. As long as we recruit enough people and experts, we will not be too tired."

"Hey, your programming team has expanded its enrollment, why doesn't our copywriting team expand its enrollment? It's not fair!" A certain tree couldn't help but said.

Stomach Demon also protested: "If you say that, our art group also needs to expand its enrollment, and we need both creativity and background. How can we have so much time and hands? I'm not Monkey King!"

The foreman and the laughing dog both had uncontrollable smiles on their faces when they heard the team's discussion.

Although everyone is crying and complaining on the surface, in fact, everyone's enthusiasm for the development of the Chinese Paladin IV project is unquestionable. Now that there are sufficient funds, who is not holding back to make better stand-alone games?
This development meeting lasted for two days. Zhang Jin and the main creators had an in-depth discussion on the details of the proposal, and agreed on the project development plan of Xianjian IV.

Therefore, a new Xianjian IV project based on the original plot to create an open world of Xianjian was formally established.

In addition to the ancestral turn-based system, the new version of Paladin IV will be completely different from the previous generations of games, so the difficulty of development has also doubled, and the development team has also begun to recruit troops to expand its strength.

From preliminary preparations, team building, to developing the main body of the game, releasing the demo version for testing, and finally releasing the official version, it is conservatively estimated that it will start in two to three years.

Zhang Jin told them not to rush to work, and they must perfect the game before releasing it, so as not to cause players to expect more and be more disappointed, which will eventually cause negative effects.Just like a cyber BUG2077, the loss outweighs the gain.

Zhang Jin knows that only by maintaining word of mouth can he continue to make money on this IP.Even if it is to cut leeks, they are all willingly sent by players and fans to cut them. One side has fun playing, and the other side makes money happily, the best of both worlds!

This can only be described in one word - win-win!
After the Spring Festival, Zhang Jin and Qiu Ya's wedding has also entered the countdown stage of preparations. After spending a lot of money to find a well-known domestic wedding planning company, they don't need to worry too much about everything. They just need to live normally and wait until the wedding day .

February NO.20, five days before the wedding.

Under the arrangement of the wedding company, Zhang Jin and Qiu Ya first flew to Bali and started to take photos.

In Bali in February, the temperature is suitable and the scenery is beautiful. There are many new people who come here to hold weddings and honeymoons.

During the photo shoot, Zhang Jin met several couples from Korea and Japan.

The two spent three days taking photos, and after the photos were taken, they informed their relatives and friends to come to Bali to attend the wedding. Naturally, they paid all the travel expenses, board and lodging, which was not bad anyway.

Parents of both parties were the first to arrive, followed by old classmates, relatives of both parties, business friends and subordinates, all gathered together.

On February 25th, the wedding officially begins!
(End of this chapter)

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