Global source gas evolution

Chapter 408 Origin Beast Strikes

Chapter 408 Origin Beast Strikes
No one knows what happened to the elves, and everything on the warship is as usual. Everyone, including the elves, is looking forward to the place where the law manifests.

However, if you observe carefully, you will find that the masters of the elves who are above the third heaven of the divine realm do not seem to have high enthusiasm.

It's just that these masters didn't specifically express this indifference, and some masters even still showed enthusiasm, making it difficult to distinguish.

In the quiet room of Jin Gu of the Peng Clan.

Hai Zhi looked indifferent, looked at Jin Gu and Shi Han in the quiet room, and said with a complicated expression: "Are you really going to do this?"

"They all come here, is there room for maneuver? You have to know, if we hadn't reached the pinnacle of the Holy Realm and could detect that there is a problem with the thread of law here, those eight adults would kill us together." Shi Han Seriously.

Jin Gu pondered for a while, and said: "This time will definitely hurt the vitality of our eight clans, but in the long run, we want to compete with the super powerful clan in the only way of life, this is the best way."

"Hey, even if those eight people managed to advance to the King Realm, they wouldn't be able to participate in the final battle, right?" Haizhi sighed.

"Actually, they also know this in their hearts, but who dares to deprive the eight of them of hope?" Jingu said.

"If we obey them, we can live, otherwise we will die. As for the people on the warship, if we save them, then those eight people will definitely kill us with their own hands, and no one will come to save us then." Shi Han was incomparable Realistic.

"Forget it, it's just sacrificing a group of geniuses. It only takes a while to recover." Hai Zhi seemed to have figured it out, and said. "

The warship was driving over the mountains, when suddenly a black stick the thickness of a bucket shot up from the mountain below and hit the battlefield fiercely.

The warship made a loud noise, and the surrounding light curtains trembled slightly under the whipping of the black stick, causing energy ripples to appear on the light curtains.

"Enemy attack!" someone shouted.

Swish swish.

Three masters of the third level of the gods came out in response, and their movements were extremely skillful.

This is the No. 30 day when the warship entered this abandoned and only life path. These days, various powerful origin beasts have been attacking the warship.

These source beasts are more powerful than the source beasts of the same level on the source qi battlefield, and they are more fierce, even a little fearless.

When everyone was attacked by the origin beast at first, they were still a little surprised, but after so many days, many people have gradually calmed down.

Every time the source beast attacks, there will be people competing to attack and kill the source beast that attacked the warship.And the body of the source beast after being killed will naturally belong to the person who shot it.

The reason why so many people take the initiative to deal with the source beast is because someone discovered that the meat quality of the source beast here is actually comparable to the elixir, which can increase the physical strength and cultivation at the same time, and the effect is obvious.

Although these origin beasts are affected by the power of decay, they basically absorb the origin gas to grow. Therefore, their meat quality is not like that of the corpse insects, which is not edible at all.

And the people who ate the flesh and blood of these origin beasts also confirmed that there is only a small amount of decaying power in the flesh and blood of these origin beasts, and it only takes a little time to force them out of the body.

Therefore, as the warship continued to move forward, more and more people began to expect the origin beasts to attack, so that they could hunt and kill these origin beasts and increase their cultivation.

There are also some who rely on their strength and leave the warship directly, and search for the source beast far away from the warship, and have achieved excellent results.

After several times of hunting, these people captured a lot of origin beasts, and their physical bodies and cultivation bases have improved significantly.

Such a result has attracted many people to follow suit and participate in the hunting of Yuan Beasts. However, when people continued to be attacked to death by Yuan Beasts because they left the warship, the enthusiasm of everyone to hunt and kill Yuan Beasts began to fade.

Moreover, many people have noticed that all Yuan Beasts have a fearless personality, and they rarely escape every time they fight.

However, many people believed that these Origin Beasts were affected by the faint decaying force around them, and there was nothing to be surprised about.

During this period, Mo Han made a move once, killing a source beast, and took it to the secret room where Lin Feng was.

This scene made everyone a little nervous, because if Lin Feng and Mo Han wanted to snatch these source beasts, then they might not catch and kill even a single source beast.

In the end, to everyone's relief, Mohan seemed to be only interested in the source beast here, and just killed one and brought it back for research.

In Lin Feng's quiet room.

"This source beast is affected by the polluted thread of law." Lin Feng looked at the source beast placed on the ground by Mo Han, and said seriously.

"I feel the same way. There is a tiny amount of lawful thread in this source beast."

Mohan was extremely sensitive to the existence of the thread of law after she entered the holy realm in the place where the law of space manifested.

"This source beast is only at the second level of the divine realm, but it can absorb the thread of law, which is unimaginable." Mohan said in surprise.

"It's not that this primordial beast has absorbed the thread of law, but these polluted threads of law have eroded it." Lin Feng said calmly.

"What? How is this possible? Doesn't this mean that the thread of law has life and can actively erode other creatures?" Mo Han's face showed shock.

Lin Feng shook his head lightly, and said: "The silk of the law is not alive, but the polluting power of the silk of the law is extremely strong, and"

Lin Feng's expression was solemn, and he remembered the surprising scene he found after observing the surroundings of the warship with candle pupil technique these days.

He has seen more than once that these threads of law wandering in this world actually actively erode the bodies of some origin beasts.

The most frightening thing is that Lin Feng can feel that these threads of law seem to be "restraining" his behavior and "restraining" himself from eroding the flesh of these origin beasts.

This scene gave Lin Feng the feeling that there was a behemoth enjoying the creatures in this world, but he was afraid of scaring these creatures, so he chose to enjoy it silently and slowly.

"And what?" Mo Han asked.

Lin Feng looked at Mohan, and then told Mohan what he saw, and said: "The black hand behind the whole incident may be extremely terrifying, maybe it is an existence far beyond your and my imagination."

Mo Han frowned slightly, and then said: "It may not be as bad as you think. If the opponent is really powerful, then he can just do it directly. I guess even if there is really a mastermind behind the scenes, then he is probably restrained and unable to do his best. Deal with ants like you and me."

Lin Feng was slightly taken aback, and then smiled lightly: "You are right, the stronger the mastermind behind the scenes, the less they will pay attention to us, and if we want to know the truth, we need enough strength."

Lin Feng paused, and then said: "You stay on the warship, and I will go to retreat for a while."

"it is good."

Then, Lin Feng left the phantom clone on the battlefield, and then left the warship silently relying on the Nine Nether God Shadow.

(End of this chapter)

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