Chapter 666 Not That Effective

Jing Hao shook his head, "Of course not, fox, do you like boys?" What if the fox likes boys?He likes girls so that he can protect their mother and daughter, but he forgot that even if a boy is born, it is you father and son who protect the fox. Isn't this a trade-off?

Seriously, Jing Hao, you think too much.

It doesn't matter to the fox, whoever can confirm himself will definitely give birth to a daughter or a son. There is no B-ultrasound here, even if the pulse is not so effective, right?But she really hasn't asked this question before, should she ask it?
She seems to be digressing.

"I like them all." Yes, I like them all, whether it's a daughter or a son, she likes them all, but can it be realized?Can I have children of my own?She always occupies other people's bodies, can she have children?

The fox couldn't help thinking too far.

"It's fine if you like it, it's fine if you like it." Jing Hao was thinking about how to give birth to a daughter. He didn't notice the fox's sneering look, but the corners of Aotian's mouth twitched a few times while listening to them discussing having a baby .

Does he want to avoid it, the woman is indeed made of water, even if it is a fox, what can it do?On the surface, Fox looks cold, but who knows, she also has a gentle look, also has an expectant look, and wants to have her own child.

He also hoped that the fox would have a baby, and that would be all right.

But they all forgot, that is, the fox is still young, can it have children?

I also know why so many people died of dystocia in ancient times, probably because of their young age.

That night, Jing Hao was hugged tightly by the fox, with a sweet smile on his mouth, and fell asleep quickly, but the fox did not fall asleep, and did not dare to move. As long as he moved, Jing Hao would wake up immediately , Just like this, the one who forced himself quickly fell asleep.

The Queen Mother was fine, so Yuwen Tiance visited and left the next day, and of course brought a thank you gift.

"Brother Yuwen, it's so early." The fox got up at six o'clock every day, and before eight o'clock, he saw Yuwen Tiance and Lin Chao coming, and Lin Chao was still holding a box in his hand.

"Fox, I really thanked you yesterday, this is a thank you gift."

Looking at the thank you gift, it goes without saying that it is also some precious things.

"Brother Yuwen is too far-fetched, it's just a little effort."

"If you don't accept the fox, you will really see outsiders."

Leh, there are still people who are threatened for accepting gifts, well, she will accept it and pass the gift to Jing Hao. Jing Hao glanced at the fox sadly, and quickly returned to the room with the gift in his arms.

"Does the queen mother let you enter the palace more?"

Forget it, I was thinking that I would never enter the palace again, but I didn't expect that the queen mother would let me enter the palace more.

"Brother Yuwen, we'll talk about this later, come drink tea."

The fox changed the subject and immediately got a cup of tea for Yuwen Tiance.

"What's the fox's plan?" It's impossible to stay at home every day and not do anything, right?
"I don't have any plans, just live like this." Jing Hao walked over and said, and sat next to the fox after speaking.

Yuwen Tiance didn't expect Jing Hao to come over so quickly. Seeing that he was dissatisfied with himself, it must be because he had too much contact with the fox, and he would not argue with him.

But when he knew that the fox was a woman, when he wanted to fight, he had no chance. He looked up at the sky again and sighed, why didn't he know that the fox was a woman earlier, obviously he was the one who saw the fox first, and was later taken by Jing Hao , but these are all later.

(End of this chapter)

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