Distinguished Agent: The Black Belly Prince and Concubine

Chapter 817 You Shouldn't Let Him Take You Away

Chapter 817 You Shouldn't Let Him Take You Away

Aotian is confused, why does the fox keep emphasizing that she has no amnesia?But how could he see the fox as if he had lost his memory.

A lot of confusion puzzled him. It seemed that he wanted to find a place to calm down and think about it.

Now that the fox has settled down here, let her live here.

Aotian was not looking at the fox, and disappeared in the next moment.

The fox opened his eyes in an instant, and glanced at the direction Aotian left, with an expressionless expression on his face again.

Who is Jing Hao?

Absolutely brake the door.

Feng Ming looked at the door master who was still unconscious on the bed, his brows were tightly frowned, and his eyes just stared at the person on the bed.

He also knew that the sect master was furious, but he still couldn't accept the news that the fox had passed away, and he couldn't accept the news that the fox had passed away. It must be because of the thunder and lightning.

Just want to find the murderer, find a place to vent, but there is no place to vent.

Jing Hao opened his eyes and looked at the white curtain.

"Master, wake up."

Jing Hao turned over and sat up, that movement was too quick.

"Where's the fox? Where's the fox?"

Facing the sect master, that urgent look left him nowhere to escape.

Feng Ming avoided that look, but Jing Hao seemed to know it.

"Tell me, tell me, where is the fox now? Where is it?" Regardless of whether the fox is really dead or something is wrong, he wants to see the fox, and his heart is so urgent to see the fox.

"Fengming, I order you, tell me, tell me." Jing Hao's heart ached, and it was because of this that he told himself that he couldn't get down, that he couldn't fall down, that she didn't know where the fox was at the moment, and didn't know where it was yet. know where?He wants to see the fox, he wants to see the fox, he wants to see the fox.

Fox, where are you, where are you, where did that man take you.

It's my fault, it's my fault, I shouldn't let him take you away, I shouldn't let him take you away.

I should try my best to keep you, keep you, fox, you should blame me very much now, you must blame me, I know, I know.

Feng Ming didn't finish his sentence, but he could also feel the sadness on the sect master's body.


After a while, Jing Hao stared at the recliner not far away with a pair of reddened black eyes, "Send someone to investigate the fox's location, whether it's alive or dead, I want it."

Whatever the fox is?What if you are struck by lightning?He won't let go either.

Fox you wait, you wait.

The fox was awakened, as if she heard a deep and hoarse voice calling her, waking her up from her sleep?What the hell is going on here?

That voice seemed to have been branded deep in her heart.

I looked around for a few times, and what I saw was everything in the room, and there were no other strangers. It seemed that I was thinking too much, it must be like this, otherwise, how could I feel someone?And still hear the sound?

As soon as I went out and glanced at the sky outside, I woke up this time, and it was getting dark.

Turning around and going to the kitchen, living alone in such a large yard is really a bit desolate, but at this time it can't be confirmed that this is her yard, so she can't make decisions without authorization.

The palace is late at night.

"Your Majesty, should you rest early?" the father-in-law next to him reminded.

It's so late, the emperor is still busy.

Yuwen Tiance raised his head, looked at the flickering candles in the imperial study, and realized that it was already very late.

"What time is it now?"

"It's a quarter of the hour."

Yuwen Tiance didn't expect that he would be busy until now when he came back from the palace.

(End of this chapter)

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