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Chapter 272 I Understand Your Pain

Chapter 272 I Understand Your Pain

The inside of the medical hall is a consulting room specially separated according to Qin Fan's request. The sound insulation inside is very good, even if you eavesdrop at the door, you can't hear the conversation inside.

After Qin Fan brought the man in, he said, "It's just the two of us now, let's take off our clothes."

The man hesitated, but finally nodded, but looked at Qin Fan and thanked him, "Thank you."

"No, I can understand your difficulties. After all, no one wants to show their embarrassment in front of others." Qin Fan replied with a smile.

From the moment the man entered the clinic, Qin Fan noticed that the former avoided Yi Qing'er, so he brought the man in here, and also asked Yi Qing'er to guard outside.

The harm of skin disease is firstly the damage to the body, and the second is the damage to the patient from the eyes of the people around.

Judging from the man's voice, he is no more than 25 years old. He is a young man at this age, and he always saves face in front of women. In addition, he has been sick for a long time, so Qin Fan thought of him. Some, to keep his face from being seen by others.

Often sometimes, the strange eyes of the outside world can kill a person.

"Thank you." The man seemed to be somewhat taciturn, but his eyes were still sincere.

When he took off the mask and hat, a pair of faces full of erythema and dandruff appeared in Qin Fan's eyes. The man's diseased area had really spread all over his body. Under the light, his entire face was almost covered. It was covered with white skin flakes, and some black scabs during the period proved that it was scratched vigorously and bleed, and even formed long-term blood scabs.

The man seemed to have made enough mental preparations. Seeing that Qin Fan didn't speak, he immediately took off all his clothes, including his underwear. Qin Fan looked at his crotch, and even there was full of leather. crumbs.

Fortunately, Qin Fan's gaze was calm, which made the man feel warm. This man is much better than the doctors I have seen, at least he has enough respect for himself in terms of behavior.

"Psoriasis, commonly known as psoriasis, is an incurable disease. According to the current medical level, it can only treat the symptoms but not the root cause. Grab it and get bigger and bigger."

"There are indeed many medicines on the market that can delay the disease, but once the medicine is stopped, it will not be long before the outbreak will occur again, and each time it will be more serious. In the end, no medicine can be used."

"Looking at your illness, you've had it for at least ten years, right?"

Hearing Qin Fan's opinion, the man nodded: "Well, exactly ten years."

"When I first got this disease, I didn't pay much attention to it. I went to the hospital and took some ointment. After applying it and cured it, I didn't expect that the whole body would appear in a larger and larger area a month later. At that time, I couldn't move. I can only lie on the bed at home, and my family has spent a lot of money in order to treat my disease."

"Western medicine can only relieve itching. The best treatment option for psoriasis should be to choose traditional Chinese medicine." Qin Fan explained: "The cause of psoriasis is genetic, and second is irregular life. The environment is too humid and not ventilated, causing the body to be infected with germs. If you used traditional Chinese medicine and exercise to strengthen your body earlier, and slowly adjusted your own immunity, it would not be so serious."

"Of course, this is also related to my own eating disorder. For psoriasis, avoid spicy fish, avoid smoking and alcohol. Once these things are touched, they are also one of the main causes of the disease."

The man nodded, Qin Fan was right so far.

Qin Fan continued: "It's just that I didn't expect your condition to be so serious. The thickness of your skin flakes may not even reach this level in ten years. Your skin disease has already affected the blood. It won't be long before it will affect the functions of body organs."

As he said that, Qin Fan stretched out his hand to touch the skin flakes. The man subconsciously avoided it, but Qin Fan comforted him, "It's okay. As a doctor, I naturally know that this disease is not contagious."

When touched by his fingers, the man's body trembled slightly. This is because skin flakes would be very itchy when touched, let alone his level. He subconsciously grabbed it with his hands, but was stopped by Qin Fan: " The flakes will bleed as soon as they are scratched, you can't scratch them with your hands, you must bear it."

The man had no choice but to give up and said: "This disease broke out completely three years ago. Until now, it has been the most painful time for me. I can't leave home, I can't find a job, and I can't even think about a girlfriend. I can only do it all day long." I took medicine and locked myself in the house, and I have no face to meet people, and I don’t have any friends. I have been searching for various treatment methods, I have tried both Chinese and Western medicine, and even folk remedies.”

"But after a period of time, it will break out again, and it will get heavier and heavier. Later, I saw someone recommending 'secukinumab' in an online forum, but this drug is imported and the price is too expensive. The cheap one costs more than 2 yuan a month. I don’t even have a job, so how can I afford it? In order to treat my illness, I sold my house and car. I took this medicine, and the situation has improved. A lot, but only after a year because I couldn't afford it anymore, I had to go off the medicine, and that's where I am now."

Qin Fan knows that Sukinumab is a drug that is being developed in China, and the current way to obtain it is to import it from abroad, mainly in the United States. The demand is far from one.

Indeed, this is an unaffordable price for an ordinary family.

"It stands to reason that if you insist on exercising and sweating, you won't be in such a mess."

"By the time I know it, it will be too late. My body has been completely eroded by drugs in the past ten years, and those messy treatments have ruined my body." The man is very negative. Thinking about it, this disease is the same for anyone. , The whole person is completely isolated by the surroundings.

"I can understand your pain, but you must know that no matter how you treat this disease, maintaining an optimistic attitude is the first condition, and the second is to live a regular life and stay up late. I see that you have dark circles under your eyes for a long time. Have a good night's sleep."

"Yeah." The man nodded: "At night, the itching of the skin is the strongest, and I can't sleep at all. I'm almost driven crazy."

"I think you are not about to be tortured crazy, but about to be tortured to death?" Qin Fan said suddenly, and the man froze for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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